Afterwards, under the strong request of Tina, the little girl who is "look at you", Tongzi and Tina exchanged mobile phone numbers, and agreed to meet again in the future if there is a chance.




Remark ①: This is the BGM of Final Fantasy, called Victory Fanfare, but it’s been too long, and I can’t remember whether it was after I finished fighting the monsters or after the mission was completed.

Chapter 216 Invading the Headquarters of Wuxiang Club


After parting with Tongzi, Tina ran quickly on the street holding the bag of packed food that Tongzi gave her.

Pedestrians on the sidewalk gave way to the hurried loli, and looked at the cute loli with suspicious eyes.

Unfortunately, even though she was running as fast as she could, when she arrived at the airport, she just saw a plane take off.

Her face suddenly became ugly.

And at this moment, her cell phone rang.

Trembling, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and when she saw the name of the caller displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, her face lost the last bit of blood.

After answering the call, she put the phone to her ear and said timidly.

"Master... Master?"

The voice that came from the other end of the phone was very cold and without any emotion.

"Tina, you should have boarded the plane by now and are on your way back, right?"

Tina bit her lip.

"Yes...sorry, master, I missed my flight..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard the cold voice on the phone just now, and it became violent in an instant.

"Tina, are you going to die in Rhode Island and don't plan to come back?"

"Yes, yes, sorry, master."

In the mobile phone, the man's indifferent voice and the sound of fingers tapping on the table came together.

"Tina, who is your master, tell me."

"It's you, master... no, Professor Ayn Rand."

"Then what are you?"

"Your tool."

"Blessed by whom have you been able to live until now?"

"It's all thanks to you, Professor Ayn Rand."

A man's indifferent hum sounded from the phone.

"Since you still know, that's good, remember, you are my property, everything you have is bestowed by me, you are still alive and breathing fresh air, all thanks to me, to be a human being You have to be grateful, don’t do anything against me, let’s forget about this time, but don’t make an example next time, understand?”

"Yes, master, I understand."


On the other side, after being separated from Tina, Tongzi arrived at the outer area of ​​Rhodes Island according to the original plan.

Like the Tokyo area, the outer area of ​​Rhodes Island is also in ruins.

The scorching sun shot down from the top of the head, and every breath of hot air felt as if it would set the lungs on fire.

The car that was burnt to nothing but wreckage was left there alone, and the collapsed buildings were covered with cracks, and green came out of the cracks.

Not to mention human figures, not even a mouse in the field of vision.

First put some abandoned buildings in the outer area into the king's treasure house—the king's treasure house has a lot of space, and it's not a problem to just install some abandoned buildings.

Then she walked towards the huge stone monument standing not far from the outer area.

The closer to the unexplored area, the rarer and deserted the buildings, until finally, Tongzi arrived in front of the No. [-] giant stone tablet.

The area around Stele [-] is almost a wasteland, except for a green phone booth.

Tongzi walked towards the green phone booth.

This kind of phone booth was still alive when she was in elementary school. Although mobile phones were born at that time, not everyone could afford a mobile phone, and some people still used this kind of phone booth.

Tongzi remembers that she bought a ten-yuan phone card at the convenience store, but it was a pity that she didn't use it much because she didn't make many calls at all, until the phone booths were all demolished. Useless.

Just like most other telephone booths, there are also telephones and handsets in this green telephone booth, but the handset is not placed on the telephone, but falls in mid-air, if it is not pulled by the wire connected to the telephone, I'm afraid it would have fallen to the ground by now.

According to Ziyuan Xianyi's confession, this phone booth is one of the backup entrances and exits of the Wuxiang Club headquarters.

On the surface it looks like a telephone booth, but in fact it is an elevator that leads directly to the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club.

But Tongzi didn't intend to use this backup entrance when she came here, but...

She stretched out her hand and summoned the abandoned building fragments from the king's treasury. She didn't need all of them, but only a part of them. Enclosing the phone booth was enough.

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