It's not impossible to destroy this phone booth, but doing so will cause the monitoring personnel of the Wuxiang Club headquarters to find something abnormal.

Tongzi doesn't want them to find anything unusual yet.

There are a total of thirteen backup entrances and exits in the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club, and the corresponding positions are near the huge stone tablet with a specific number.


As for the main entrance of the Wuxiang Club headquarters, no one would have imagined that it would be an abandoned subway platform.

Tongzi swiped the identification card found on Ziyuan Xianyi's body on the card reader on the platform.

Only the sound of Didi sounded, and the credit card machine, which was clearly not powered, suddenly lit up.

A few minutes later, there was a sound in the passage, and a train came into Tongzi's field of vision from the other end of the passage, and stopped steadily in front of the platform.

The train was not long, with only one carriage. After the train stopped, Tongzi put the identification card on the card reader next to the train door, swiped it, and the train door opened.

She walked in and found that it was no different from a normal train car.

At the front of the driver's seat, there is a control console for controlling the train, with many instruments and dashboards on it.

There are also instructions on the side, as if for fear that the driver will not understand, the operation method is extremely simplified.

It is so simplified that the driver only needs to press the start button, and the rest can let the train run by itself.

Tongzi started the train according to the instructions above.

She could feel the train start to move.

The surroundings of the train are fully enclosed, there are no windows, and Tongzi can only hear the sound of the wheels on the rails. She can't see the outside situation, but she can guess that it should be traveling in a more underground direction.

After the train had been running for several minutes, it could be felt that the speed of the train began to slow down significantly. Tongzi guessed that the destination should be approaching.

However, Tongzi felt something was wrong at this moment.

When the train stopped and the doors opened, she knew why she felt something was wrong.

What came into view was a large number of guards with submachine guns and assault rifles. These guards were all wearing helmets and bulletproof vests. They formed a semicircle in two rows, with more than thirty guns pointed at Tongzi in total.

"Don't move, our guns are loaded with bullets, even if you are red-eyed, you can't dodge at such a close distance."

The one who spoke was the tallest man in the crowd. He stared at Tongzi for a while, then glanced behind her, and then returned to her again.

"Who are you, and why do you hold the 'Five Wings' identification card?"

"Before answering your question, can you answer me a question first," Tongzi didn't show the slightest expression of nervousness, fear, or panic despite being pointed at by more than [-] guns, "How did you find me?"

Tongzi thought that she was careful enough, and she also used the identification card obtained from Ziyuan Xianyi, so there should be no problems.

And these guards seemed to know in advance that she would come, and they were here early to wait for her.

What Tongzi didn't know was that the actual situation was indeed like this.

Perhaps the Wuxiang Association also knew that what they were going to do required concealment and caution, so they arranged a large number of guards at the main entrance and exit.

Whenever someone uses the identification card on the outside platform, the user's data will be uploaded to the guard room, and these guards will wait at the main entrance and exit.

The guards guarding here will of course know everyone who holds an identification card, let alone a big figure like Zigaki Xianichi who represents the top of the Wuxiang Society.

Therefore, when Tongzi's figure appeared behind the train door, these guards almost instinctively raised their guns.

"I'm under no obligation to answer any of your questions."

The captain of the guard sounded stern.

"I advise you not to resist, but to surrender obediently, maybe you can still have a life... disappeared, disappeared?"

The captain of the guard hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly found Tongzi's figure disappearing in front of him. He turned his head to look left and right in surprise, but saw a stream of blood spurting from the heart of his subordinate.

Bright red blood splashed onto the surrounding floors and walls, and heavy falls sounded one after another.

The captain of the guard subconsciously looked down at his chest, and was shocked to find that the bulletproof vest on his chest was also covered with blood. Only then did he feel the severe pain.

The strength in his body receded like the tide, he was just stunned for a second, and when he came back to his senses, he found himself falling on the ground, and in his near-death pupils, it was reflected that he had withdrawn his sword and left. The back of the girl in black.

"Good night."

Before the captain of the guard's consciousness was about to be swallowed by darkness, he seemed to hear Kiriko say this to him.


The place where the train stops is also a place similar to a platform, and these guards are on the platform to greet Tongzi.

After putting those guards into eternal sleep effortlessly, Tongzi walked down the platform for more than ten meters, and a triple protective door blocked her.

The so-called triple protective door is a total of three super-alloy doors with extremely strong hardness. If you want to open the triple protective door, any identification card will lose its effect.

Only after the captain of the guard said "everything is normal" to the monitoring personnel staying in the guard room with a communicator, the monitoring personnel would manually open the triple protective door from the inside.

That's right, this triple protective door, like other alternate entrances and exits, can only be used from the inside, not from the outside.

As for external forcible destruction...

As far as Ziyuan Xianyi himself said, this triple protective door cannot even be blown through by a 460mm Yamato cannon.


Tongzi didn't even draw his sword, and directly smashed a human-shaped hole in the three protective doors.

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