
After breaking into the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club, Kiriko releases the remaining building fragments from the king's treasure house.

Because the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club is very large and intricate, she was worried that some fish that slipped through the net would bypass her and escape through the main entrance and exit, so she released the remaining building debris and blocked her main entrance and exit, so that no one would be able to escape. Ran away.

Next, is the beginning of the killing.

The staff in the headquarters of the Wuxiang Association, whether they are scientific researchers or guards, Tongzi has no intention of letting them go.

Needless to say, the researchers, their research on the Black Swan Project will destroy all human beings.Once they are allowed to truly breed gastritis that are not afraid of chrysalis, it will be the end of mankind.

Although the guards were not involved in the research, they did not stop or report it, but chose to ignore it, and called it "acting on orders."

Maybe they have various reasons, such as they are short of money, need this job and so on.

But no matter what, a person should have a bottom line, and some money cannot be earned!

The guards were no match for Tongzi at all, they couldn't even see Tongzi's figure clearly, they had already died under her sword.

The floor plan of the entire Wuxiang Club headquarters is in Tongzi's mind. This is a more intuitive map provided by Ziyuan Xianyi and processed by the grandson of the sage.

Tongzi followed the route given by the sage's grandson, consciously combing from the outside to the inside, like a comb, slowly combing, ensuring that no one survived where it passed.

However, the guarding power of the Wuxiang Club Headquarters cannot be limited to such a small amount. Before that, they had carried out a new world creation plan for many years (Note ①)—that is, transforming ordinary people into mechanized soldiers, just like Hummingbird Kurumi Lijia and Swordtail Fish · Shishi Shishi and the dark stalker · Miji Yuhe.

While thinking this way, she pushed open the door leading to the next area, and just as she pushed the door open, a dazzling glare suddenly flashed in front of her eyes.

Suddenly she couldn't see anything, only the whiteness in front of her eyes.

Takahashi Miko, whose limbs were tightly attached to the ceiling like a licker, jumped from the ceiling to Kiriko standing at the door the moment she threw the flash bomb.

Her body is mechanized, with suction devices on her limbs, which allow her to crawl like a licker while still being silent like Spider-Man.

Moreover, she has no eyesight. Her eyes were cut out alive by the doctor who performed the operation, and replaced with a variety of sensing devices including heat energy, so this also makes her completely immune to darkness and flash bombs.

Takahashi Miko is holding a three-edged thorn (sensitive word) knife made of trigon upside down in both hands. This is her usual weapon. She likes the three-edged thorn (sensitive word) knife more than a saber.And now, she is stabbing the three-edged thorn (sensitive word) knife in her hand towards Tongzi's chest, just like the intruders she used to deal with.


Two triangular thorns (sensitive words) stabbed Tongzi's chest, but unlike the expected muffled sound of piercing into the flesh, what came out was the sound of steel colliding, just like the two triangular thorns (sensitive words) ) The knife is not stabbed on the human body at all, but on the Shenzhou tablet.

Takahashi Miko's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it all, and what made her even more unbelievable was that the black long sword in Tongzi's hand drew an arc and cut her in half.




Remark ①: The New World Creation Project was originally the next link of the New Human Creation Project. Its purpose was to replace more than half of the human body, and eventually everything except the brain, with machines.Later, Wuxiang will restart this plan and use it as a plan to conquer the world.

Chapter 217 A Good Alone, Suddenly Crazy


This is the main monitoring room of the Wuxiang Club headquarters.

The main monitoring room is not big, and there are not many people in the main monitoring room, and one of the men is staring anxiously at the monitoring screen.

The surveillance screen windows on the giant display screens hanging on the wall turned into snowflakes one by one.

Turning into snowflakes means that the surveillance camera has been broken.

In the middle of the many monitoring screens is the electronic map of the headquarters and the life signal diagrams of all the staff.

The electronic map of the headquarters was originally supposed to be a normal blue, but now it turned into a dazzling red, which meant that it was invaded.

And next to the electronic map of the headquarters is the life signal map of all the staff in the headquarters. It should have been blue, but now a small half of them have turned red with lost lives.

"This guy... who the hell is he? Why, why can't he stop her?"

Kilian, who was only focused on venting his anger at the giant monitor, didn't notice someone coming in behind him.

Suddenly a voice came from behind Kilian.

"Killian, what are you yelling at?"

Kilian froze and turned slowly.

"Master Shi... Master Stern, I'm very sorry, the enemy has invaded this headquarters... The enemy has only invaded for less than a few minutes, and the damage rate of the headquarters has reached a quarter."


Stern raised his head in surprise, and then looked at the giant display screen.

"How many enemies are there? Is it a policeman with a high IP rank? Was it hired by the Rhode Island government?"

Kilian replied one by one.

"There is only one enemy. It is a policeman with an IP ranking of 2333. His name is Tongzi and he belongs to the Tokyo area."

"Tokyo area? Isn't that in Japan?"

"Yes, and one more thing, this policeman entered by tram from the main entrance, and the identification card he used belonged to Master Zi Yuanxian."

Stern's eyes narrowed into a slit, flashing a dangerous light.

"Is that guy Ziyuan Xianyi exposed? She is really useless, but this woman is only 2333, but she can cause such serious damage to our Wuxiang Society. She is really underestimated."

"Yes... I'm sorry, Lord Stern."

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