"I don't want to hear a verbal apology, but use practical actions to make amends. After an hour... No, after half an hour, I want the woman's body to be fed to gastritis."

Speaking of which, Stern looked at the giant display screen again. On one of the monitoring screens, Tongzi was fighting with several guards. In just a second, Tongzi disappeared from the monitoring screen, and then he could only hear a series of tragic screams, and the blood that swirls.

"Since it's from the Tokyo area, the other party should be wearing the latest exoskeleton power armor developed by Sima Heavy Industries. Ordinary miscellaneous fish guards are no match. Let 'Gini Taimei' deal with that woman immediately."

Satisfied with his arrangement, Stern no longer paid attention to the monitoring screen, but walked towards the main monitoring room.

Since sending out the Gini is too beautiful, it is only a matter of time before the invaders are wiped out.

Stan thought so.

However, when he was about to reach the door of the main monitoring room, Kilian's words made him stop at the door.

"Gao... Takahashi Miko was killed just now."

Stern could hardly believe his ears.


He turned around and looked at Ji Lian, but Ji Lian lowered his head guiltily, not daring to meet his gaze.

"However, please rest assured, Mr. Stern, if Nitai and I join forces, we will definitely solve the intruder."


There are more than a thousand armed guards in the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club. These armed guards are not the bodyguards of ordinary rich people, but are recruited according to the standards of special forces.

Among them were nearly twenty mechanized soldiers who had undergone transformation.

But Jini Taimei is not the name of a certain person, but the name of three mechanized soldiers with the strongest strength who stayed at the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club.

Kilian, Nitai, Takahashi Miko.

Each of these three people has the terrifying strength equivalent to the top [-] police officers in IP ranking.

You must know that the police are a combination, initiators and promoters, and most of the rankings of civilian police are actually mainly based on initiators, not promoters.

But none of these three had a starter, and they entered the top [-] purely by their own ability.

This is terrifying.

"Listen well, Nitai, you must use all your skills and make a quick decision, otherwise if you make Mr. Stern unhappy, you will know the consequences."

Kilian's voice reached Nitai's ears through the communicator.

"I see, Kilian, you're really rambunctious. Don't worry, I, Mrs. Ni, will take care of the ten intruders. Speaking of which, isn't that woman Takahashi Miko very bragging? How could it be killed by the intruder so easily?"

Nitai grinned.

"Let you all have a good experience, the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club... No, the strongest mechanized soldier in the entire Wuxiang Club is my uncle."

The New World Creation Project is a plan to transform people into mechanized soldiers.And under this plan, each transformed person has different abilities.

For example, Hummingbird Kurumi Lijia's ability is an improved version of Seinfeld, which can manipulate the tire-shaped weapon "Necropolis Strider";

The ability of the swordtail fish Kayue Fifteen uses an improved version of the "Mario Jet" developed by Arthur Shank. Nanomaterials are embedded in the skin, which can refract light at will and have the ability to repair itself Ability to restrain the spine;

The ability of the dark stalker Siji Yuhe is an improved version of the "Two-one Black Brain Stone Prosthetic Eye", and a "ultra-vibration device" that amplifies the power of striking techniques and can destroy internal organs;

Takahashi Miko's ability is to crawl on the wall like a licker, and has a variety of sensing devices. Darkness and flash bombs are ineffective for it;

And the ability of Grandpa Ni is to enter the dream of the enemy.

This is an ability that doesn't sound like it should appear in the sci-fi world, it should only be in the magical world.

And so it is.

There was a time when Wuxiang would try to create a batch of mechanized soldiers with mind control capabilities, and Nitai was the product of that period, and he didn't know whether the experiment was a success or a failure.

Nitai does not have the ability to control the mind, but he can enter the dream of the enemy.

He can create illusions in the enemy's dream, so that he can be trapped alive, or torture the enemy.

This ability sounds powerful, but in fact it also has relatively large limitations.

When he wants to use this ability, he must be within ten meters of the enemy, and both sides must keep looking at each other for more than a second, without any obstacles in between.

For example, if you wear goggles or a face shield, this ability will be disabled.

In short, if Nitai's ability is not known in advance, it will be very useful, and it can even easily kill enemies stronger than him.But if he knew his ability in advance, then the effect of this ability would be very limited.

But the intruder obviously couldn't know.

Before making Nitai wait too long, there was a sound of light footsteps from the other side of the passage.

Nitai didn't find a place to hide, and he didn't need to hide.

He heard from Kilian that the intruder was a good swordsman, but he could guarantee that the other party would be killed by himself before he could swing his sword.

A beautiful, lovely girl appeared from the other side of the passage and walked into his field of vision.

Was it such a young girl?

Although I heard Kilian talk about it, I was still a little surprised when I saw it with my own eyes.

It's a pity that such a young and beautiful girl is about to die at his own hands.

Nitai sighed in his heart, but without the slightest hesitation, he activated his ability directly.

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