He tried to unify Japan and reunite the five independent countries that had been divided and recognized by the United Nations into one.

But Qi Wu Xuanzong's ambition is not only to dominate the whole of Japan, he also wants to dominate the whole world.

On many occasions, he publicly declared that Japan should become a superpower to rule the world, and claimed that he is Japan, and his will is Japan's will. Only under his leadership can Japan gain the status of leading the world in the new era.

And such a war madman will inevitably need a large number of capable talents, and they are talents who are good at fighting.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for this person to reject himself.

Perhaps because he had thought about the way out, Kilian's face looked a little better, and he was not so nervous.

Chapter 218 Wow, awesome


After running for a few minutes, Kilian came to an elevator door, which was a backup entrance to the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club. Just as he expected, he escaped here safely.

As long as you open this alternate entrance and exit, you can escape to the outside.

As long as he entered the urban area, he didn't believe that the killer could chase him outside.

Kilian took a few breaths, took out his identification card, and swiped it on the card machine.

The credit card machine beeped, the elevator door opened, and Kilian ran in, frantically pressing the "close" button on the control panel, muttering "quick, quick, quick".

It wasn't until the elevator doors closed that he leaned his back against the wall and let out a long breath.

He pressed the "Up" button and could feel the elevator moving upwards.

Under normal circumstances, as a combatant, Kilian should have escorted the leader to leave together, instead of escaping alone as he is doing now.

But what time is it now, how can there be someone who cares about the leader or not, if he can't save his life, what's the point?


The elevator door opened, but instead of the blue sky and white clouds outside, what Kilian saw was darkness.

A darkness where you can't see your fingers.

His first thought was that the elevator hadn't arrived outside yet, but then he realized that his idea was wrong.

Because if the elevator does not reach the outside, the elevator door will not open.

But what is the situation now?

Is it night outside?

This is not right, if it is night, it cannot be so dark.

It's almost like being in a cave where you can't see your fingers.

Kilian took out the night vision goggles and put them on, only then did he realize why it was so dark.

Because the vicinity of the elevator used as a backup entrance and exit was surrounded by a large amount of piled up earth, rock and debris, he remembered that the location of each backup entrance and exit was carefully selected, and it was deliberately chosen in a place where there were no buildings nearby.

This is to prevent the buildings in the outlying area from being in disrepair, if they collapse, they will not be crushed on the elevator.

But what is the situation now?Where did these rubble come from?

If it were an ordinary researcher, or a guard, or Nitai or Takahashi Miko, there would definitely be nothing they could do about these rubbles, but Kilian was different.

What he received was the same transformation as the Sijiyou River, and it was also a super-vibration device. If he used the super-vibration device, he would definitely be able to clear a passage among the rubble.

Thinking so, Kilian put his hands on the rubble in front of him.

"Ultra-vibration device, activate!"

An ultra-vibration device capable of shattering the internal organs of a human body was passed from Kilian's palm, and a piece of earth, rock and rubble in front of him was broken out without a sound.

A smile appeared on Kilian's face, but before he could be happy for too long, the earth, stone and rubble that had been piled up around and above his head suddenly collapsed with a few bangs, submerging Kilian in it.


Before going to meet the big boss of the Wuxiang Club, Tongzi first went to the backup entrance of the Wuxiang Club headquarters.

Just as she expected, many escaped fish wanted to escape through the alternate entrances and exits, but because she had piled up a lot of building debris near the alternate entrances and exits, those slipped through the net had to return. In the headquarters, try to find other exits.

Of course, there were also those who tried to use their hands to plan a passage among the rubble.

The fish who slipped through the net and returned to the headquarters were bumped into by Tongzi. There was nothing to say, and Tongzi sent them directly to another world.

Of course, there are only one-way tickets, not round-trip tickets.

What's funny is that Tongzi found that one of the backup entrances and exits collapsed, as if the guy who escaped here tried to use the same ability as Miji Yuhe to shake the rubble in front of him.

What he didn't expect was that these rubble piled together were not stable, if one of them was destroyed, the one piled on top would fall down, and the vibration might even cause a collapse.

Then it became what it is now.

After dealing with the fish that slipped through the net, Tongzi walked towards the place that hadn't been cleaned up at the end.

So far, she doesn't know how many people she killed, but judging from the route she traveled, it should be almost the same.

Scientific researchers, guards, mechanized soldiers... Anyway, as long as they come across them, they will all be killed.

Some people wanted to escape from the alternate entrance, but because of the gravel and debris blocking the elevator, they could not escape. They turned back and hit Tongzi and died in the end;

Some people hid, and after being discovered by Tongzi, they tried to earn sympathy through tears, but unfortunately they still failed to save their lives...

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