There are corpses everywhere, and blood everywhere.

But what Tongzi didn't expect was that not everyone chose to escape.

The last place that has not been cleaned is a very empty and bright hall. Warm incandescent lamps fall from the ceiling above, illuminating every corner of the room.

The hall is completely designed in pure white, and all the facilities are pure white.

And on the seat in the center of the hall, sat a person.

An ordinary person with an ordinary appearance, who can't see anything special at all, belongs to the type that can't be distinguished when thrown into the sea of ​​people.

"First of all, please allow me to congratulate you. Since the establishment of the Wuxiang Club, apart from the internal members of the Wuxiang Club, no outsider has been able to come here."

Tongzi looked at the bald man sitting on the chair, and asked the grandson of the sage in his heart.

Sure enough, there was such a person in the information provided by Ziyuan Xianyi.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Mist Stern, and I am..."

The bald head opened his arms and shouted loudly, but before he could finish speaking, Tongzi spoke first.

"It's the founder of the Wuxiang Club, and also the actual controller of the Wuxiang Club, right?"

Stern's face immediately looked as if he had been KYed.

"It's up to me to answer here, you don't rush to answer."

"Doesn't it show that you are powerful, you are a villain, a villain, you are awesome."

Stern's complexion was as ugly as if he had eaten shit, but after all, he was a big shot, so it was easy to adjust his mentality, and he calmed down quickly.

"From your point of view, maybe you don't understand what I'm doing."

"How about you tell me and listen."

Stern's eyes suddenly turned pity.

"Short-sighted guy. First of all, let me tell you briefly. Our Wuxiang Association is an organization that transcends parties and nations. The highest goal is to control all countries in the world and grasp the hegemony of the world."

After hearing Stern's words, Tongzi showed a pretended shock expression.

"Wow, awesome!"

Stern pretended not to hear the sarcasm in Tongzi's tone, and continued talking.

"Human beings are extremely stupid, blind, arrogant, and pathetic creatures. The biggest threat in this world is gastritis, but human beings are still keen on intrigue."

"Well, I'm sorry... are you talking about Wuxiang Club?"

" are so brave, how dare you compare the Wuxiang Club that I worked so hard to establish with those stupid ordinary people."

"But from my point of view, you still have things that Wuxiang can do, and there is no difference between you and the stupid, blind, arrogant and pathetic human beings you talk about."

"Of course there is a difference! From the long history of mankind, I have learned one thing." Stern stretched out a hand and then formed a fist, "Most people are stupid and blind. Only under the leadership of a leader can epics be written, and this has always been the case throughout history, and now, I and the Wuxiang Club are exactly the leaders they need."

"Then what is the purpose of the Black Swan Project? The study of gastritis that is resistant to chrysanthemums seems to be inconsistent with your so-called grand plan."

Stern took a deep look at Tongzi.

"I didn't expect that you even knew about the Black Swan Project. What did you do to Ziyuan Xianyi? As far as I know, Ziyuan Xianyi shouldn't be such a weak waste."

Tongzi waved her hand and said nonchalantly.

"Well, don't worry about those details."

"Since you know the Black Swan Project, I don't need to explain too much. In short, the Black Swan Project is also an important part of the plan to realize the ultimate goal of the Wuxiang Club."

"I don't know."

"It's actually easy to understand," Stern grinned. "As long as the Black Swan Project succeeds, the Wuxiang Society will be able to control an army that is stronger than mechanized soldiers. At that time, all countries in the world will have to obey our Wuxiang The order of the society. Let the gastratus resistant to chrysalis wipe out the countries that are unwilling to obey the leadership of our Wuxiang society, and the rest will naturally be the countries that are willing to obey the leadership of our Wuxiang society. After that, people will Stepping into a new era, a new era created by the Wuxiang Club."

"Anything like 'New Era' is fine. Compared to this, I have a little problem."


"Haven't you ever thought about what to do if that thing fails? Or to be more precise - if you really develop gastritis that are resistant to chrysalis, but those gastrulations don't listen to you How to do?"

"Impossible!" Stern denied it without even thinking about it, "Our Wuxiang Society has a top-notch scientific team, and its technological power is decades ahead of the world. My chief scientist told me that as long as Using Teresudraxi essence, let the cultivated gastritis enter a hypnotic state, train them into a conditioned reflex state, and then they can be trained into a usable army, according to the experimental data..."

"Experimental data can also be wrong. Taking theoretical physics as an example, not every theoretical conjecture has been confirmed. Some of them may have just not been confirmed, but it cannot be denied that some theoretical conjectures are wrong. "

"How can you be sure that the black swan plan will never go wrong? You must know that the black swan plan that you Wuxiang will carry out is like putting a bomb on fire. Although you think the bomb will not explode, the actual situation It could explode at any moment."

Stan took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, human beings are all stupid, blind, and arrogant. I have already explained to you the grand plan and great cause of our Wuxiang Club in such detail, but what about you, what else do you want besides questioning? There are too many people like you, that's why for thousands of years, the history of mankind has been repeating and repeating, and it has never been able to move forward."

Tongzi waved her hand: "It's not that I'm humble, I can't bear this responsibility, you should find someone else."

The air suddenly became quiet, but this time it was not quiet for too long, and Stern suddenly continued.

"Come join me."

"What did you say?"

"Although I don't know how you got Ziyuan Xianyi's identification card, but it doesn't matter, you just rely on your own strength to push my Wuxiang Club to this point, then your IP ranking is at least single digits. As long as you join, ruling the world will no longer be an obstacle."

"Ah, ah? Just now I seem to have heard someone say that I am a pot, and I heard it in this room. Who is it, why can't I remember?"

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