"You can learn from what you don't understand. I believe that as long as you join the Wuxiang Association, you will be able to understand that our cause is just! Only under the leadership of our Wuxiang Association, human beings will have a future and tomorrow!"

Tongzi frowned, lost in thought.


"How? Think about it carefully."

"I have a small question." Tongzi made the famous scene gesture of Master Sebastian, "Why should I join forces with you? Or, if you let me join you, what benefits can you give me? "

Stern stretched out his hand towards Tongzi: "Isn't it enough to rule the world?"

"No, no, no matter how you look at it, I have contributed more in the process of ruling the world, right? Whether it is rebuilding the Wuxiang Club or ruling the world, my help is indispensable, right? If this is the case, why should I follow You team up? Wouldn't it be better to kick you away?"


"You see, even you have nothing to say, don't you?"

Stern was going to make a last-ditch argument.

"I admit that what you said has some truth, but if you rely on yourself alone, it is absolutely impossible to operate such a huge organization as the Wuxiang Society, and the other five wings will not listen to you."

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

"It seems that you are determined to fight against me. If this is the case, there is no way."

Stern shook his head and sighed, looking as if he felt sorry for Tongzi, then he took out a remote control and pressed it.

In the ceiling above the room, two dark gaps suddenly opened, and the next moment, two things that looked like airdrop pods fell down, hitting the ground heavily, splashing a burst of gravel.

The two airdrop pods were three meters high and nearly one meter wide. After the airdrop pods fell to the ground, the front of the airdrop pods suddenly opened, and two tall figures more than two meters high walked out.




I believe some book friends can see that the name Mister Stern is just a joke.

Mist is pronounced the same as "sir" in English.In Japan, besides "teacher", "sir" can be called "sir" by entrepreneurs, professors, doctors, writers, cartoonists, artists and other respected people in all walks of life.

And Shiden has the same pronunciation as Kanzaki Shiden (the Japanese pronunciation of Kanzaki Shiden is Kanzaki Shiden, and the Japanese pronunciation of Zidian is shiden, which sounds the same as Shiden).

In my opinion, so many loli with names and surnames were written to death (as for the unnamed loli... it was just the third Kanto battle in the third and fourth volumes of the original work, and the unnamed loli died even more Mr. Kanzaki, who has more than one) naturally deserves to be the big boss of the Wuxiang Club.

Chapter 219 After all, I'm not a devil


These two tall figures were almost three meters tall, wearing long windbreakers whose hem was longer than the knees, and a round cap on their heads. They looked like priests in Bloodborne.

When they just came out of the airdrop pod, the two big guys still stood there stupidly, but soon, they noticed Tongzi standing in front of them.

When the attention of the two big men was drawn away, Stern ran to the emergency escape passage on the side of the hall. While passing through the passage, he pressed the button on the wall, and the heavy explosion-proof steel door fell down. , blocking the noisy sound behind him.

"Since you are so stubborn, then let the trump card of our Wuxiang Club, the tyrant, teach you how to behave."

After releasing the tyrant, Stern didn't dare to stay longer, and fled straight to the depths of the passage.

Because this explosion-proof steel door can only block it for a while at most, not for a long time.

The reason why Stern didn't use the tyrant early when Tongzi invaded this headquarters was because the tyrant was still in the experimental stage.

The Tyrant is a product of an important branch of the New World Creation Project.

The New World Creation Project was originally intended to transform humans into machines except for the brain, but some researchers believe that since this project is called the "New World Creation Project" rather than the "Mechanized Transformation Project", why? We must be obsessed with mechanized transformation, why can't we use virus transformation?

These researchers have an idea, instead of using the mainstream mechanized surgical transformation, they boldly use the transformation using the mutated gastroentero virus.

Thus, the tyrant came into being.

The tyrant transformed by the virus has the power to smash the main battle tank into the LAN with one punch, and (sensitive words) the strong defense that can carry RPG head-on without getting hurt, and the maximum speed can reach 700k in the state of full running Speed ​​in meters per hour...

More importantly, because the tyrant is transformed from a gastropathy virus, the tyrant will not become a gastropathy due to being injected with too much gastropathy virus.

Judging from the panel data alone, the Tyrant is stronger than the strongest mechanized soldier of the Wuxiang Society.

But tyrants have an extremely fatal shortcoming, that is, they are out of control.

At this time, the entire passage was shaking, and dust fell from all around.

Stern looked behind him in shock, of course he could only see the closed blast door.

The shock was transmitted to such a long distance...

He knew that this meant that he had handed over his hands.

But the loud noise stopped soon, and quickly quieted down, and there was no sound at all.

Stern was surprised. He originally thought that the girl could last a little longer.

Didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly.

But thinking about it, it's not impossible. The girl probably thought that the tyrant was weak, so she didn't use her full strength at first, and when she realized something was wrong, it was too late.

It's a pity, no matter in terms of appearance or strength.

Before he persuaded the girl to join the Wuxiang Club, he didn't mean to fool around.

He will really give the other party the treatment of five wings, not the verbal five big five.

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