But the rules of this world are like this. With the ability of some people, they should be treated better, but they end up with a tragic fate.

This world has never lacked capable people, capable people and useless people are actually the same before the torrent of fate.

Only those who make the right choice at the right time, at the right place, can gain the favor of fate.

Like that girl.

If cultivated well, the other party can even witness the arrival of a new era with her as her successor, but stupidity, arrogance, and blindness have blinded the other party's eyes, and let her be buried in this world together with other equally ignorant people. The old era becomes the cornerstone of the new era.

It's a pity, it's a pity, anyway, in the thousands of years of human development history, there are many such buried talents.

Although it was certain that the girl had probably been killed, Stern did not intend to go back.

The reason has been mentioned before. Although the tyrant is very strong, his flaw is that he is out of control.

Stern couldn't make them obey his orders, which is why Stern also ran away.

It's a pity, but there's no other way. Now we have to give up this headquarters.

As for what happened next, we will wait until we escape to the ground.

Although the powerful enemy was eliminated, Stern still felt a toothache. The loss this time was not insignificant. Those precious research data, precious experimental equipment, and the stronghold that had been operating for several years were destroyed like this. at once.

After he was safe, the first thing Stern would do was to take revenge.

But first, the object of revenge needs to be found.

The Wuxiang Society is an extremely mysterious organization. Many people don't even know the name of the Wuxiang Society, let alone find out the headquarters of the Wuxiang Society.

This shows that there is an inner ghost.

But Stern first ruled out Zigaki Xianichi.

Because he knows Ziyuan very well, if anyone is said to be loyal to Wuxiang, Ziyuan Xianyi is definitely one of them.

He knew that among the five wings, President Qiwu Xuanzong of the Osaka area and Tsukihiko Juzoji, the deputy prime minister of the Hokkaido area, both coveted his status, but as far as he knew, these two people should not have such strength. Strong subordinates are right.

Even if there was, they probably wouldn't just send her a killer, because doing so would be tantamount to sending her to death.

In addition to Qiwu Xuanzong and Shizuoji Yueyan, Shi Deng still has a few places in his heart, but these must be confirmed after it is safe.

After turning the corner ahead, the spare elevator appeared in his field of vision, perhaps due to lack of exercise, but such a short distance had already made Stern out of breath, so he rushed to the control panel next to the spare elevator On the fingerprint register, press your thumb down firmly.

There was only a "beep", the backup elevator was activated, and the elevator door opened slowly.

As the elevator doors opened, he glanced behind him—the direction he had fled from: silence, complete silence.

This made him feel a little more at ease, which meant that the two tyrants didn't chase after the girl after they killed the girl.

However, when he turned his head back and saw the scene in the elevator clearly, his heart stopped suddenly as if it had been hit hard.

The girl who should have been killed happened to be standing in the elevator, and even greeted him with a smile.

"Hi Duomo!"

Almost without thinking, Stern fled in the direction he came from.

Although he knew that there were two uncontrollable monsters in the direction when he came, but at this time Stern's mind was no longer entangled in this matter.

Even at this time, Stern's mind was still spinning fast:

Why is that girl here?

Could it be another killer waiting here?If the information about the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club was leaked without his knowledge, then it would not be unreasonable to arrange another killer to ambush here.

But if it was another killer, how could he look exactly like the girl before?

But soon, Stern didn't need to worry about this anymore, because he didn't run too far, and he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Stern froze, and then tried desperately to break free, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

It seemed that what was pressed on his hand was not the slender arm of a girl, but the iron arm of the Winter Soldier.

"Our conversation is not over yet. What are you doing so fast? I won't eat you."

It was just a simple sentence that made Stern stunned.

"You...you were not killed by the tyrant? How could it be?"

"Everything is possible."


Stern still had something to say, but Tongzi didn't give him any chance to quibble, and directly stabbed a dose of Veritaserum into his neck.

He froze for a moment, and after a few seconds, the look of panic, fear, and fear disappeared from his face, replaced by a blank look.


The information obtained from Stern with Veritaserum is not much.

Most of the information that Stern confessed overlaps with what Ziyuan Xianyi confessed. It is more about Wuxiang Society's various research and experiments on gastritis, as well as Wuxiang Society's future plans, etc...

These things don't matter to Tongzi.

But what interests Tongzi is that Stern confessed that he can send messages to all branches of the Wuxiang Club all over the world through the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club.

Tongzi did just that, and she sent messages to all the branches, asking members of all the branches to come to the headquarters in batches.

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