The reason why it is divided into batches is to help Tongzi master their quantity and ensure that no one is missed.

If we talk about Danzo and Gen, at least there is a reason for washing the ground like "they are for Konoha", then the Wuxiang Club is completely black, and there is no room for washing.

After the information was sent out, Tongzi asked Stern to change the highest control authority of the headquarters to herself.

Then she cleaned up all the bloodstains and corpses in the headquarters, inside and out.

Then she just waited here at the headquarters, waiting for the branch members of the Wuxiang Club who received the message to come to their door.

As for Stern...

Of course, Tongzi has not forgotten the big boss behind the scenes.

Tongzi didn't kill him directly, but gave him a chance to live.

In the West, if a conflict arises between two high society people, their laws allow them to fight a duel:

One party throws gloves at the other party, which is equivalent to issuing a challenge to a duel. If the other party wants to keep its dignity in the upper class, it must fight. Make an appointment at the time and place, and invite the referee. Shoot at the opponent with a gun at the same time, or rush to kill with a sword.

Until one side loses combat effectiveness, the duel is regarded as the will of the gods.Regardless of which party was killed or injured, the family members are not allowed to hold the other party accountable.

This is also a way of being considered fair for the trial of criminals.It is generally believed that if the criminal wins, he can show his innocence, or his sins are forgiven by God, and if he dies, it proves that he deserved his crime, and everyone is angry.

Tongzi also gave Stern such an opportunity.

Kiriko promises him life if he wins the duel.

Of course, Mr. Stern's opponent is not Tongzi.

Our lovely Ms. Tong is an existence that even a god-level weirdo can tear apart by hand. Let the poor, weak and helpless Mr. Stern go to a duel with Tong Zi, which is undoubtedly a dead end.

After all, Tongzi is not a devil.

Therefore, the opponent she picked for Stern was nothing more than a Gastrea.

As the behind-the-scenes boss who conspired to subvert the countries of the world and lead mankind into the next era, the enemy in front of him was nothing more than a stage one gastritis.

Let the big boss behind the scenes deal with the mobs in Novice Village, Tongzi really can't think of any reason why Mr. Stern can't win.

What's more, Tongzi also equipped Stern with a weapon.

An exquisite silver dinner fork that looks like it was made by a great... great master.

Just holding this silver fork, you will feel full of force pouring out of P's eyes.

But the subsequent development of the plot is far beyond Tongzi's expectations.

Tongzi never expected that Stern didn't even resist, but just kept begging Tongzi to let him out, begging Tongzi to let him out.

Then poor Mr. Stern was torn to pieces alive by gastrulation.

How did that happen?What about the agreed behind-the-scenes boss, why was it killed by the mobs in Novice Village?

Isn't this as ridiculous as "even beat the salary king, but was killed by three dogs at the entrance of the village"?


For the next month, Tongzi stayed at the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club, waiting for the branch members who received the information to take the bait.

The Wuxiang Association is a highly hierarchical and deeply rooted organization. After receiving information from the headquarters, those branch members came to the headquarters without the slightest hesitation.

...and then was completely killed by Tongzi.

Every time a group of people are killed, Tongzi will compare it with the list of members of the Wuxiang Club in the computer of the headquarters to confirm their identities.

In the end, it took a month for Tongzi to kill almost all the members of the Wuxiang Club branch who came to the headquarters...

Except for two people.

These two people are Qiwu Xuanzong, the president of the Osaka area, and Tsukihiko Juzoji, the deputy prime minister of the Hokkaido area.

These two people, like Ziyuan Xianyi, belong to the five wings of the top cadre of the Wuxiang Society.

Tongzi deliberately checked the records of sending messages. Judging from the time, these two people should have arrived long ago.

Just in case, Tongzi waited for another week.

As a result, the two still did not show up.

Now Tongzi can be sure that the two people, Qiwu Xuanzong and Shizuoji Yueyan, are definitely not delayed by something, but because of some reason, they will not come.

Could it be that they learned about the situation at the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club through some channel?

Tongzi is unknown.

But it doesn't matter, if they don't come, it doesn't mean Tongzi can't go.

Chapter 220 Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company


Throw all the computers and equipment in the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club, the New World Creation Project, and the Black Swan Project into the King's Treasure, to ensure that there are no living creatures in the headquarters—even after killing the gastroenterology used in experiments, she left the headquarters.

When Tongzi came out, it was daytime outside, and the sun shone down, which made her feel temporarily uncomfortable.

I spent almost a month and a half underground. Although there is [-]-hour electricity to provide lighting, if I stay in that kind of place, I don’t even know the day and night rotation if I don’t check the time.

Tongzi is not an expert in this field, but she also knows that staying in that kind of place for a long time will inevitably affect both the body and mind.

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