The purpose of coming here has been achieved, and it is almost time to leave...

Tongzi, who was thinking this way, suddenly noticed that there were several eyes looking at her, and when she turned her head to look, the owners of those eyes quickly hid.

After a while, a loli popped its head timidly, but when it found that Tongzi was still looking in their direction, it quickly shrank back.

The cursed son...

Tongzi sighed.

Before, she was only concerned about the Wuxiang Club, which made her forget for a moment that there were also cursed children in this place.

Although they hid quickly, Tongzi could still clearly see what they were wearing...

Tongzi said nothing.

There was still some food in the King's Treasure. She took out all the food, put it on the ground, and then walked towards the airport.

Hearing the timid voice behind her, she didn't look back, nor did she turn back.

But she had a bold idea in mind.


A few days later, a group of special guests came to Rhodes Island.

"Is this a foreign country?"

The few people who walked out of the airport looked around curiously.

None of these people, including the Katagiri brothers and sisters who are Japanese-Americans, have ever been abroad.

"Miss Tong really threw us a difficult task." Satomi Rentaro wailed, "What do you want us to buy all the cursed sons of Rhodes Island? Thinking about it, it's impossible. .”

Tiantongmu asked even more strangely: "Satomi, why do you think it's impossible?"

"Miss Mugeng, isn't this obvious? Apart from the giant stone monument, the soldiers absorbed from the cursed sons are the most effective weapons against gastroenteritis. Since they are sharp weapons, how could they agree to hand them over to others?"

Katagiri Yushu stretched out his gloved finger, shook it and retorted: "No, boy, I think it's not impossible (note ①)."

Tendogi turned his head to look at Katagiri Yushu: "Oh, Katagiri, what do you think?"

"Miss Mu asked a good question. First, before I answer, have you ever thought about why the cursed son is in such a position today?"

Everyone was thinking, even Yushu Katagiri's younger sister, who was also his partner and initiator Yuki Katagiri, fell into thinking.

"I think it should be because of hatred," Tendoki raised his hand, "The gastritis war is only a few years away, even if time can dilute everything, but in a few years, everyone wants to let go Hatred is still impossible."

"Bingo, that's definitely a reason, any more?"

Satomi Rentaro said: "There should be something wrong with the cursed son's own behavior..."

"Hey, what do you mean!" Satomi Rentaro hadn't finished speaking when Katagiri Yugetsu interrupted him furiously and glared at him viciously.

Katagiri Yushu stopped his sister: "Gongyue, you calm down first. Satomi boy, you continue to talk."

Satomi Rentaro took a deep breath, he looked at Katagiri Yuzuki, "If what I said just now offended you, I apologize to you."

Katagiri Gongyue snorted, turned her face away, and stopped looking at him.

"There is a saying in this world that all men are created equal, but it is a lie." Satomi Rentaro continued, "If an ordinary person commits a crime, everyone will only think that person is a criminal; but If a cursed son commits a crime, everyone will think that all the cursed sons are criminals..."

"Although it is a bit impolite to say this, I have often seen or heard news of the cursed son stealing before. Of course, I know that this must be done out of compulsion, but no matter how you say it, doing such behavior will make It is not unreasonable for people to look down on the cursed son."

As soon as Satomi Rentaro's voice fell, he felt a strong wind blowing towards his face, and then he saw a shoe sole right in front of his face.


Katagiri Yuki desperately hugged Katagiri Yumi, while Katagiri Yuki stared at Satomi Rentaro through gritted teeth.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kick this bastard to death!"

In fact, Yumi Katagiri knows that Satomi Rentaro is telling the truth, there are indeed cursed sons who really can't survive, or are cursed because they have to steal from supermarkets/convenience stores in order to take care of their young sisters. The reason why the son's reputation is not good, of course, there is also this reason...

But she didn't care whether what Satomi Rentaro said was true or not, she just wanted to kick that miserable bastard to death.

Natsuzawa Akimaro, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Satome, what you said is indeed very reasonable, but I don't know if you have heard such a sentence - if you look out of a dirty window, even the beautiful mountains will feel dirty."

Satomi Rentaro and Katagiri brothers and sisters stopped and looked at Nizawa Akimaro.

"Think about it, Satomi, why can't the cursed son survive? Why does the cursed son have to steal in order to take care of his younger sister? In the final analysis, it's hard for a child to take care of a younger child. Is it the fault of the plundered generations, how is this any different than Victorian Britain where child labor was employed?"

The crowd fell silent.

"That..." A glutinous voice sounded timidly, and everyone looked over. The owner of the voice—that is, Busch Cui shy away shyly behind Nizawa Akimaro, revealing only the hat she was wearing on her head. Putting on a witch hat, "Shouldn't we be paying attention to the mission that my sis entrusted to us? Why is it suddenly talking about the cursed son?"

"Oh, for God's sake, it's my fault. Okay, let's get down to business. The reason why I asked everyone before, why the cursed son became the current status, the answer is actually Mr. Nizawa just answered... …yes, by the inaction (sensitive word) of the plundered generations.”

"Looking at all countries in the world (excluding China), the status of the cursed child is generally very low, and the backward areas such as the Middle East and Africa are even worse. According to records, the youngest woman in the world is only five years old."

"What? Five years old?"

Satomi Rentaro jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and the others also had incredible expressions on their faces.

"That's why I said that it was the inaction (sensitive word) of the plundered generation that led to the oppressed and discriminated status of the cursed children today. In fact, people know very well in their hearts that it is the initiator who protects them..."

"Leaving aside, the most powerful Gastreas that were wiped out a few years ago - Taurus and Virgo, were wiped out by the initiators who ranked first and second in IP..."

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