"Not to mention the Gastrea that fled into the giant stone monument, these were all eliminated by the police—to be precise, by the initiator..."

"But even if they are clear in their hearts, so what, most people's thoughts are actually just the gastrulation killing each other, and some people even think that it is the cursed son living in the outlying area who gave the gastrulation outside brought in..."

"The things I said above are the thoughts of ordinary people. It stands to reason that the managers of the country look at problems differently from ordinary people. Even if the managers are human, they also have hatred, but they should at least be able to distinguish which is more important. The most important thing is..."

"However, the actual situation is not like this. This can be seen from the fact that the cursed children all over the world (excluding Shenzhou) are discriminated against and oppressed, so..."

"Since they don't want to see the cursed son, it's not impossible for Miss Tong to tell us to buy all the cursed sons... What's more, Miss Tong also told me some things before coming here. , Gongyue..."

Katagiri Yushu said something to Katagiri Gongyue, who took out a few business cards from his clothes.

Everyone gathered together, these business cards belonged to them, and everyone had one.

"We are not contacting the President of Rhode Island as ordinary people, but as employees of the Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company."


Inside the Rhode Island Presidential Palace.

"Rhode Island Pharmaceuticals?"

About forty years old, considered too young for his position as a leader, the President of Rhodes Island looked at the business card in his hand, and then at the crowd sitting on the sofa in front of him, led by Yushu Katagiri.

"Then why have I never heard of this company's name?"

Piantong Yushu didn't even think about it, just opened his mouth.

"That's because our pharmaceutical factory was established only recently. President Qi Wu in the Osaka area, did you know that he also has a stake in our pharmaceutical factory?"

Of course, the president of Rhodes Island has heard of the Osaka area. It is difficult for people to ignore people who are always clamoring for war and conquest.

"Then what is the purpose of you coming to me? If you just want to sell medicine, then you can just go through the formal process honestly?" The President of Rhode Island snorted and threw the business card in his hand on the table , "Let me tell you first, I will not accept bribes."

Tiantongmu smiled flatteringly.

"Well, don't say it so harshly, Your Excellency, we have heard before coming here that your Excellency is as clean and honest as a ****."

As a foreign devil, the President of Rhodes Island certainly doesn't know who the **** is, but he can hear that Tendoki is flattering himself, and he can make a cute girl with a big figure flatter him, as long as If you are a man, you will find it very useful.

The President of Rhode Island straightened his back subconsciously: "Even if you say so, I will not do anything that violates morality and conscience."

Natsuzawa Akimaro, who has been silent all this time, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose - he is actually not near-sighted, but only wears glasses to pretend to be more like the kind of person who works in the laboratory all day.

"Of course we won't let you do things that violate morality and conscience. We just want to discuss cooperation with you, mainly about the cursed son."

"Red eyes?"

"Yes, I told you before that we belong to a pharmaceutical company. Although you are not in the medical industry, you must also know that the development of medical technology is inseparable from people."

The President of Rhodes Island remained expressionless.

"Go on."

"The development of each new drug is not that simple. It does not mean that it is put on the market and sold after the research. Research is a very complicated process. Simply put, after it is done, it needs to be carried out on animals first. For experiments, when the experimenters confirm that the research on animals has achieved the intended research effect, they still cannot be put on the market, but a new batch of experimental subjects is needed to continue the research."

"A new experimental body?"

"That's people."


The President of Rhode Island stood up abruptly, and even brought down the chair he was sitting on because he was so excited.

His face was flushed and his body was shaking.

"You want to conduct drug experiments on my citizens in my country? As the president, I must not allow such things to happen! Guard!"

The door of the meeting room was opened, and several guards in black suits rushed in, surrounded Akimaro Nizawa and his party, and the leading guard looked at the President of Rhodes Island.

"Your Excellency the President!"

The President of Rhode Island waved his hand, like driving away flies: "Drive them out, and they will not be allowed to step into our country again."

"wait wait wait……"

Tiantongmu was even more shocked. If he was driven away here, it would mean that the task Tongzi entrusted to them had failed.

Then when we go back...

Tiantongmu didn't even dare to imagine the consequences.

I don't know why, but the girl who competed with Shenzhou Tablet always seems to have a little opinion of herself. If she can't complete the task, other people may be fine, but she will definitely end up bad.

However, the President of Rhodes Island didn't even look at her. He just raised his chin at the guards who came in. The latter understood and came forward to take these people away forcibly.

"Please don't be impatient, Your Excellency, of course we will not conduct such drug experiments on your citizens, but what about... red eyes? Are red eyes considered citizens in your country?"

The guards stood between the President of Rhodes Island and Akimaro Nizawa and the others. One guard even pushed Akima Natsuzawa: "Stop talking, let's go!"

"Wait!" President Rhode Island stared at Akimaro Nizawa, "What did you just say, say it again?"




Remark ①: In the original novel, Yushu Katagiri speaks in this way mixed with English.

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