Kiriko didn't speak, just stared at Satomi Rentaro.

Satomi Rentaro felt uncomfortable being stared at.

"What... what's wrong?"

"Satomi, is this country your homeland?"


"Are there any relatives of yours in this country?"

"No, my parents died in the gastrulation war nine years ago. At most, only the Tendo family who took me in can be regarded as my relatives."

"If that's the case, then why do you worry about the fate of this country?"

Satomi Rentaro stood up excitedly.

"that is because……"

But he forgot that he was in the car for a moment, and his head hit the roof of the car with a bang, which made Tiantongmu, who was driving in the front cab, look back even more.

Seeing Rentaro Satomi sitting down again and rubbing his head, Kiriko spread her hands.

"Do you know why I send people all over the world to recruit the cursed son, but I don't send people to China?"

Kiriko continued without waiting for Satomi Rentaro to answer.

"That's because, apart from China, no country treats the cursed son as a human being."

The cursed son of this world is somewhat similar to the ghouls of the previous world.

Squeezed out, oppressed, full of injustice...

But there are also differences.

The ghouls in the last world wanted to eat people before artificial food was invented.

Even moderate ghouls have to pick up corpses and eat them to maintain their lives.

Not to mention the killer ghouls, they attack humans everywhere, no different from criminals.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that ghouls are feared by people.

But the Cursed Son is different!

Those children are the same as normal humans. They don't eat people, and they are forced to become initiators at a young age to fight gastritis.

They obviously accept the protection of these children, but they don't realize it. Not to mention flowers and applause, they are unwilling to give even the most basic due treatment.

If there is a theory of reincarnation, then such human beings may not be human at all in their previous lives, but reincarnated from animals or animals.

In this world, there are indeed some people who are not worthy of your bloodshed.

Chapter 222 Adventurer, please come to Sand House


After that, there was no words all the way, and they arrived at the branch of Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company.

Then, under the guidance of Natsuzawa Akimaro, Tongzi saw the loli from this country they brought.

In terms of number, it is less than that in the Tokyo area, but thousands of loli are crowded in one office building, which is still quite crowded.

In order to prevent leaks, Natsuzawa Akimaro and the others did not invite anyone, and the food was ordered takeaway.

But these children have lived in the outskirts for such a long time, and they don't need anyone to take care of them. They know how to take care of themselves.

At night, each of these children is given a sleeping pill to ensure that they can sleep soundly at night.

Then Tongzi asked Nizawa Akimaro and the others to go to the airport first and leave by private plane, while she waited for a while, and after the medicine took effect, she put all the building and the lolis in the building into the king's treasure house.

The space inside the King's Treasure House is simply a black hole, it's just a mere building.

The reason why those children are given sleeping pills is that they don't want to leave a psychological shadow on them.

In the name of the Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company conducting drug experiments, a local branch was opened, and then the cursed children were attracted to come over in a fair manner. This was the purpose.

Some people may ask, can't you just go to the outer area and take Loli away?

In fact, it really can't.

Because it will take a while to gather all the lolis in the outer area.

During this period, it will definitely be detected by the local steamed rot. Once detected, it is difficult to explain what it is doing.

After all the lolis are gathered, they will pack up the loli and the house and take them away.

Tongzi asked Nizawa Akimaro and the others to board a private jet and leave because their mission had been completed.

Tongzi herself doesn't need to take the plane, because she is going to another country next to Rhodes Island.

As I said before, it's not just Rhodes Island, Tongzi has sent out all the people from her Qunxing Civilian Security Company, and opened branches in North America, Europe, and Russia in the name of building a company.

Next, she will travel around the world (excluding Shenzhou) to bring these loli back to the Tokyo area.

In the process of transporting the loli, there was also a small episode.

Previously in the computer of the Wuxiang Club headquarters, Tongzi also learned that there was a guy named Professor Ayn Rand, a scientist who provided technology to the Wuxiang Club, and this person was also conducting cruel human body modification experiments.

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