This man's body modification experiment was specifically aimed at the cursed son.

As we all know, the cursed son has a certain degree of repulsion towards the chrysanthemum because of the gastrulation virus in his body.

For example, if the cursed son leaves the wall surrounded by huge stone monuments and goes to an unexplored area, he will feel more comfortable than inside the wall.

This is because of the virus.

But this man, Ayn Rand, was so insane that he used the cursed son to transform him.

He transplanted the oyster into the body of the cursed son, and transformed the cursed son into a mechanized soldier.

A total of five such experiments have been successful so far, but the number of failures is unclear. If you think about it with your brain, you know that it must be countless.

Tongzi also didn't know why there were so many lunatics in this world: before, there was the Wuxiang Society who planned to create a gastrula resistant to chrysalis, and later, there was Ayn Rand, who transformed the cursed son into a mechanized soldier.

Can't these people honestly use their clever minds to benefit mankind?

Do you have to die?

So when Tongzi was passing by, she stopped by Ayn Rand's laboratory, killed Ayn Rand, and rescued the five cursed sons who had been transformed into mechanized soldiers, including Tina, and others. The cursed son of the lab.


In the following period of time, Tongzi and Qunxing Civil Security Company were busy transporting the cursed sons from all over the world (excluding Shenzhou) to the Tokyo area.

The employees of Qunxing Civil Security Company went to countries all over the world (excluding China), and in the name of Kai Rhodes Island Pharmaceutical Company, gathered all the loli from those countries, and then Tongzi put the loli into the building together. King's treasure house brought back.

Because the Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company itself does not exist, and the employees of Qunxing Civil Security Company who completed the mission all left on private jets labeled "Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company".

So even if it is found that they have been deceived, those countries will not be able to trace their whereabouts.

More importantly, they couldn't figure out how Tongzi took so many lolis away.

On this side, Tongzi brought almost all the loli from all over the world to the Tokyo area, but there are only twenty-eight districts, which is not enough to accommodate so many loli.

So Tongzi set her sights on the unexplored area adjacent to the twenty-eighth district.

The so-called unexplored area refers to the area outside the monolith.

Nine years have passed since the end of the gastritis war. Nine years are not enough to erase the traces of human civilization, but nature has gradually dissipated, swallowed, and covered the remaining civilization of human beings.

Lush and lush trees spring up like bamboo shoots after rain. I don’t know if the gastroenteritis virus has also improved the ecological environment. The unexplored area is almost a green ocean. Enterozoa swagger.

In the next week, Tongzi carried two swords and left from the twenty-eighth district. Starting from the huge stone monument in the direction of the twenty-eighth district (sensitive word), she moved clockwise and moved the gastroenteria encountered on the road. Kill them all.

The reason why she didn't use the more convenient Afanggong starship secondary gun was because a large number of cursed children were about to live in this area. She didn't want to destroy the environment, so she just used the most primitive and simple and crude method to hack all the way through.

All gastritis were cut down, and all the trees encountered on the road were also cut down, and then a circular city wall was built at the place where the road passed. .

As an organization that intends to rule the world behind the scenes, it naturally hoarded a large amount of oysterium.Those guys who have already gone to another world don't need these chrysanthemums, so Tongzi is naturally cheaper.

Use the skill "Position Formation" - this skill was obtained a long time ago, but there are too many skills, so it was ignored, and it was not discovered by Tongzi until recently - using this skill, Tongzi can easily build a circle The area inside the city wall is about half the size of Tokyo, enough to accommodate the lolis that Tongzi transported from all over the world (excluding China).

Because it is a city wall made of 錵, instead of enclosing the country with giant stone tablets like the mainstream of the world, if people in the city want to travel, they need to use the city gate.

So after building a circle of city walls, Tongzi rebuilt four city gates on the east, west, north and south sides of the city wall. Of course, the city gates are not the ancient ones that required manpower to pull, but are driven by electricity.

To be on the safe side, outside the four city gates, a small city wall was built to enclose each of them (that is, the urn city).

In the next three days, Tongzi did not go outside, but patrolled inside the built city wall to ensure that there would be no gastritis that she had missed in the city.

After confirming that all the gastritis in the city had turned into gastritis sauce, Tongzi began to build houses.

Building a house is easier than a city wall. The only trouble is laying the wiring. Fortunately, there are grandsons of sages...

The blueprint was made by the grandson of the sage, and then Tongzi drew the ladle according to the gourd. In just a few days, the building complex was built.

Of course, only the building has been built, and there are still a lot of follow-up processing, such as tables, chairs and benches, which also need to be imported from the Tokyo area.

But these Tongzi don't plan to do it themselves, but leave it to Sima Heavy Industry.

This little thing is easy to do.

Just after she finished talking about these things with Sima Weizhi, she suddenly received a strange call...


after one day.

Kansai International Airport in the Osaka area.

Tongzi, who walked out of the airport, noticed a black car and a man in a black suit parked outside the airport.

The man in the black suit ran over as soon as he saw Kiriko.

"Is it Miss Tong? Please come with me."

Tongzi followed the black suit into the car.

The car headed towards the central urban area of ​​the Osaka area.

Sitting in the car, Tongzi looked out the window through the glass.

Bustling streets, colorful high-rise buildings, busy crowds.

It doesn't look much different from the Tokyo area.

"Is this the first time Ms. Tong has come to the Osaka area?"

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