"No, I've been to Osaka once before."

That was a matter of the previous life. Tongzi's job before time travel was a hedgehog cat writer, and she once teamed up with several fat house writers to visit Osaka.

She doesn't remember anything else, the only impression left on her is that it hurts money too much.

Prices in Japan are not generally expensive.

About an hour and a half later, the car stopped slowly.

The black suit came to help Tongzi open the door, and put his hand on Tongzi's head to prevent her from touching her head.

Tongzi got off the car, and in front of her was a hotel with dozens of floors.

Since the end of the Gastrea War nine years ago, humans have been forced to huddle in cities surrounded by megaliths. Because the available land area has been greatly reduced, buildings have to be built higher and higher.

"Please come with me."

Tongzi followed the black suit into the hotel, and went straight into the hotel's VIP elevator.

Looking at the constantly beating numbers on the elevator dial, Tongzi recalled the call she received a day ago.


"Is it President Tong of Qunxing Private Security Company?" An old voice came from the phone.

Tongzi thought for a while, but couldn't remember who it was: "Who are you?"

"I am Qi Wu Xuanzong."

"The one that rules the Osaka area?"


"What does President Qi Wu want to do with me?"

"Some things are inconvenient to discuss in detail on the phone. I hope you can come to the Osaka area. Of course, you don't have to worry about expenses. I will pay for the round-trip travel expenses."


In fact, Tongzi doesn't like Qi Wu Xuanzong's tone of voice very much, because it reminds her of the irritability of being dominated by "adventurers, please come to the Sand House".

If it was her original temper, she would regard this call as a harassing call, let alone obediently follow the other party's request.

But she thought again, Qiwu Xuanzong and Shizuoji Yueyan were the last fish that slipped through the net of the Wuxiang Society, and they were the targets she had to eliminate.

Anyway, I will go to the Osaka area in the end, so it doesn't matter what Qi Wu Xuanzong has to say.

That's why she came to the Osaka area.


"Miss Tong, Miss Tong?"

A voice from the side brought her back from her memories to reality.

Tongzi blinked, only to realize that they had arrived.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now."

Outside the elevator is an extremely luxuriously decorated room, with red carpets, crystal chandeliers, scrolls made by masters, Ming Dynasty official kilns from China...the decorations in the room all reveal an elegant and luxurious atmosphere .

And beside the sofa in the center of the room, surrounded by several men in black suits, they surrounded the man sitting on the sofa like stars holding the moon.

After hearing the sound of the elevator door opening, the man (sensitive word) stood up and turned to face Kiriko.

"It's our first time meeting, Miss Tong."

This man was wearing a kimono, his face was old, but not decadent, giving people the feeling of a lion in his prime, his eyes were sharp, and he stared at Tongzi without hesitation.

With just one glance, Tongzi recognized the man's identity.

The photos of the heads of state are not a secret and can be easily found on the Internet.

This man is the guy who called me before, the president of the Osaka area, Qi Wu Xuanzong.

Unlike the Tokyo area, which has experienced four rulers (Note ①), Qiwu Xuanzong has ruled the Osaka area since the end of the gastrulation war.

Under his rule, the Osaka area not only became an independent country recognized by the United Nations, but also restored the Osaka area to its pre-war level nine years later.

But Tongzi heard that the citizens of the Osaka area organized seventeen assassinations against Qi Wu Xuanzong.

This is because Qi Wu Xuanzong set the tax in the Osaka area very high, and there are many categories. The most frightening thing is that in the Osaka area, if you are single, you have to pay a single tax, and it is not light.

Tongzi left the elevator and walked towards Qi Wu Xuanzong, but halfway through, the black suits surrounding Qi Wu Xuanzong all moved.

They stopped Tong Zi and Qi Wu Xuanzong.

Tongzi smiled, didn't speak, walked to the sofa opposite Qi Wu Xuanzong and sat down.

Those black suits backed away and stood behind Qi Wu Xuanzong again.

"How does it feel to come to the Osaka area for the first time, is it much better than the Tokyo area?" Qi Wu Xuanzong asked.

"Almost, I don't have much feeling, but if I have to say it, the Tokyo area is better," Tongzi shrugged, "Who made the head of state in the Tokyo area such a cute and cute girl?"



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