
Remark ①: The Tokyo area was successively ruled by the former Japanese prime minister and three holy emperors, so it is said to be four rulers.

Chapter 223 Can You Still Represent Japan?


The original meaning of Tongzi's words didn't mean anything deliberately, but it didn't sound like that to some people.

The expressions of the men in black suits standing behind Qi Wu Xuanzong changed, and they subconsciously planned to come up and teach Tongzi a lesson.

"You bastard……"

But Qi Wu Xuanzong stretched out his hand to signal them to be calm.

"I didn't know you actually liked that type. I thought you would like men. Shouldn't normal girls like handsome guys? Like the Korean wave?"

"No, I don't like it, and I don't like Hallyu even more."

"Well, it doesn't matter if you like the type of Shengtianzi, I have a lot of talents in the Osaka area, and I will find you similar ones."

Kiriko waved her hand as if she wanted to change the subject.

"Well...President Qi Wu, the polite words are almost enough, it's time to talk about the business."

Qi Wu Xuanzong changed from lying on the sofa to sitting up, staring at Tongzi sharply.

"It just so happens that I'm going to end this boring topic... Then I'll just say it straight, Ms. Tong, you and your Qunxing Civil Security Company, come and join me in the Osaka area."

The soundproofing effect of the luxurious presidential suite is very good. It stands to reason that on such a high floor, you should hear the sound of the night wind blowing, but Tongzi, who was in the room, heard nothing.

"I was distracted just now, sorry, President Qi Wu, what did you just say?" Tongzi plucked her ears gracefully.

Qi Wu Xuanzong repeated: "I just said that you and everyone in your company should join me... To be precise, everyone in this country should join me, and only I can represent Japan, my will is Japan's will..."

"The gastritis war is a disaster, but it is also a reshuffle. Whoever can recover from this catastrophe the fastest will become a superpower and become the world's hegemon in the new era."

After Qiwu Xuanzong finished speaking, Tongzi said lightly.

"But you may have forgotten that I'm just the president of a police company, and the task of the police is essentially to expel gastritis."

"No, your vision is still too short-sighted, just like the vast majority of people in this era. Miss Tong, do you think that the police can only expel gastritis? No, that's not the case, the initiator among the police They are the best agents and assassins who can infiltrate cities, sabotage facilities and assassinate important people."

"The initiators are just children, they are not suitable to be agents and assassins."

Qi Wu Xuanzong curled his lips in disdain, and then said arrogantly.

"Everyone is a part. In order for Japan to become a superpower, each part needs to play its role. I don't care if the initiators are children. As long as they can fight, then I will not treat them as children. ..."

"I'm different from others. I won't regard the initiators as gastrulations. There are no better soldiers than them. Rejecting and discriminating against them is simply the act of a fool..."

"I know that your company is now the largest and only civilian police company in the Tokyo area. I will find you a suitable seat in the Osaka area. It is not impossible for you to manage a regional country in the future."

Tongzi shook her head.

"I won't join you because I'm not Japanese."

"But you are standing on the land of Japan, anyone standing on this land should join me... I know what you are hesitating, I will give you one night, but you must give me an answer tomorrow .”

After saying this, Qi Wu Xuanzong waved his hand towards Tongzi, making a gesture of "seeing off the guest".

So Tongzi stood up and walked towards the elevator.

After she entered the elevator, Qi Wu Xuanzong's voice sounded again.

"Wait until tomorrow, I hope your reply will not disappoint me."

The voice fell, and the elevator door slowly closed.


Kiriko left the hotel and boarded the car again.

The driver was still the same black suit that had shown her the way and sent her over.

The black suit sitting on the driver's seat glanced at the silent girl in black in the interior mirror, and said suddenly.

"Miss Tong, I think you can carefully consider the conditions given to you by President Qi Wu."

Kiriko, who couldn't tell what she was thinking at first, suddenly had a bright smile on her face after hearing what the black suit said.

"Why, do you admire your great president?"

"Of course. After all, it is no longer a peaceful age. In a peaceful age, it doesn't matter who is the ruler, as long as you don't make mistakes. But in a war age, you need a leader with a strong wrist and courage." .”

The black suit paused, and continued: "The so-called holy emperor in the Tokyo area is not suitable to be the head of state at all. He is just a prostitute (sensitive word) recommended by Tendo Kikunojo. Only President Qi Wu is the spokesperson of Japan. "

"After hearing what you said, I have decided."

"Really?" The black suit said in surprise, but when he just turned his head and wanted to say a few more words to Tongzi, he saw a syringe stabbing him.

The black suit was startled subconsciously, and wanted to escape, but the space in the car was narrow, and he was wearing a seat belt, so there was nowhere to hide, so he was hit directly on the neck, and before he could do anything else, the medicine effect It will take effect.

His head drooped, and his hands on the steering wheel also dropped, but before that, Tongzi, who was sitting in the back row, got in and held the steering wheel firmly.

Tongzi drove the car and slowly stopped at the parking line on the side of the road.

She was just about to ask something about the black suit that had been injected with veritaserum, when she suddenly heard someone knocking on the car window.

Tongzi was startled, and saw a young man in a yellow-green uniform standing outside the car window on the other side of the black suit.

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