The glass of the car is specially made, that is, the inside can see the outside, but the outside cannot see the inside.

Tongzi opened the car door on her side, went out and asked, "What's the matter?"

The young man looked at Tongzi getting out of the car and was surprised by Tongzi's beauty. He was stunned for a while, and then he was a little embarrassed: "Hi, there is a fee here."

"how much is it?"

"Every half hour is 300 yen, less than half an hour is counted as half an hour."

Tongzi took out three 100-yen coins, walked around the front of the car, and put them in the young man's hand: "It won't stop for half an hour, I'll leave soon."

The young man took the coins, took out the machine and scanned the license plate, and then the number on the parking line on the ground, then tore off the ticket that was slowly spit out from the machine, and handed it over respectfully with both hands.

"Here's your ticket."

"Thank you."

Tongzi thanked her, returned to the car and closed the door.

In the car, the black suit injected with veritaserum was fully effective, and he just sat on the seat obediently, until someone came over and Tongzi opened the door to go out, he was also indifferent.

"Tell me, the address of President Qi Wu..."

Under the effect of Veritaserum, the black suit knows everything without saying anything, and Tongzi quickly gets the information she wants.

After that, Tongzi didn't kill the black suit, but tied his hands and feet, and sealed his mouth with scotch tape.

If this is a beautiful girl, this is a pretty good picture.

Don't get me wrong, Tongzi is just evaluating from an ornamental point of view.

In fact, when Tongzi came to see Qi Wu Xuanzong, it was not entirely because he wanted to kill Qi Wu Xuanzong...

If Qiwu Xuanzong could impress Tongzi in the previous meeting, Tongzi could let him go.

But it's a pity that the arguments that Xuanzong of Qi Wu preached were exactly what Tongzi didn't want to hear.

As a politician, it is impossible to be without ambition. It is impossible for a person without ambition to become a politician. Tongzi knows this, but Qi Wu Xuanzong's ambition is too big. Anyone with a normal brain knows that Qi Wu Xuanzong If you insist on going your own way to the end, you will end up being smashed to pieces.

This world is not suitable for ambitious people to do whatever they want. At present, experts in Europe and the United States have estimated that even if all the salamanders buried deep in the ground are mined, it will not be enough to wipe out all the gastrula on the earth.

It's okay to fight in the nest at ordinary times, after all, no matter how much you fight, the final winner is still a human being anyway.

But now it is obvious that it is impossible to expel all Gastrea, and fight in the nest?

what is this……

So after the conversation with Qi Wu Xuanzong ended, Tongzi had already decided that Qi Wu Xuanzong had no value in living.

As for why he didn't get rid of him in the hotel just now, it was purely because he didn't want to get into trouble.

After all, even if it was her, she would not be ruthless enough to silence all the followers of Xuanzong Qiwu and everyone in the hotel.


Not long after Tongzi left the hotel, Qi Wu Xuanzong also left the hotel that was specially used for informal talks with foreign guests.

It was evening when he returned to the presidential palace in the bulletproof car dedicated to the president.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell down, coating the Presidential Palace and the nearby streets with a layer of orange.

"Your Excellency the President."

The driver got out of the car to help Qi Wu Xuanzong open the car door, and the guards also came over and blocked the car door in a semicircle centered on the car.

After the guards formed a human wall, Qi Wu Xuanzong got out of the car.

Although he looks like a very strong person on the outside, Qi Wu Xuanzong is actually a very life-saving person.

He has escaped seventeen assassinations by the citizens' organizations in the Osaka area, which does not mean that he is not afraid of death.

"That woman..."

Qi Wu Xuanzong unconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the hotel.

He was dissatisfied with Tongzi for not immediately swearing allegiance to him. In his eyes, anyone who was not on his side was his enemy.

Why do some people always fail to understand?Obviously, as long as he joins him, he can bestow glory and wealth on them, allowing them to enjoy the glory of stepping into a new era with him.

Hope that woman can be a little self-aware.

Qi Wu Xuanzong's face turned cold.

If she is unwilling, then he will have no choice but to kill her and replace her with a puppet that is easier to control.

In order to unify Japan, it is currently the largest in the Tokyo area... no, it should be said that it is the largest police company in the world, and Qi Wu Xuanzong must hold it in his hands.

And in order to achieve this goal, no matter how many people are killed and how much blood is shed, he will not hesitate.

Just when Qi Wu Xuanzong was thinking like this, a ray of light suddenly lit up in the distant night sky, and that ray of light passed through the gap in the human wall in the blink of an eye and arrived in front of him.

Qi Wu Xuanzong was slightly taken aback, and then there was a sharp pain in his chest, and under the force of the impact, he bumped into the stretched car behind him.

Only then did Xuanzong of Qi Wu see clearly that it was a golden halberd that pierced his chest where his heart was.

The guards in black suits standing nearby were all stunned.

Because they were originally positioned to protect Qi Wu Xuanzong in the middle, theoretically it was impossible to be sniped, but the golden halberd passed through the gap between them, and the speed was even faster than a bullet.

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