With just a glimpse, the target of protection has been shot.

"Your Excellency President Qi Wu!"

"Quick, call an ambulance!"

"Bastard, who did it! Come out to me!"

Tongzi, who was more than a thousand meters away and couldn't see clearly with the naked eye, ignored the mournful and indignant cries of the black suits, and just watched Qi Wu Xuanzong gradually lose his breath.

Qi Wu Xuanzong, who is over [-] years old this year, cannot compare with a young man's body. In addition, the projected treasure is aimed at his heart. In theory, it is impossible to survive.

But because of the example of the old couple in the last world, Tongzi did not leave, but stayed on the tall building, quietly waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

She saw Qi Wu Xuanzong being carried into the ambulance with her own eyes, and then she shuttled between the tall buildings and followed the ambulance all the way to the best hospital in the Osaka area.

Originally, Tongzi planned to enter the hospital disguised as a family member of the patient to investigate the situation, but she didn't need to do that...

Because Qi Wu Xuanzong was already dead when he got off the ambulance.

After confirming the death of Xuanzong of Qiwu, Tongzi did not leave by plane, but passed the huge stone monument from the outer area, and then entered the unexplored area.

In this way, from the Osaka area, directly through the unexplored area, to the Hokkaido area.

All gastratus encountered on the road were chopped into powder.

She did not forget that Tsukihiko Juzoji, the deputy prime minister of the Hokkaido region, is also the top cadre of the Five Sho Association.

She would not go directly to cut Shizuoji Yueyan, but like Qiwu Xuanzong, she would give him a chance.

If this Tsukihiko Juzoji is a pacifist, then this time there is no need for white knives in and red knives out.

After entering the Hokkaido area, Tongzi randomly found a passerby on the street and asked for the address of Tsukihiko Juzoji.

It's a pity that the addresses of the officials are all confidential. Tongzi asked several passers-by in a row and they didn't know, but only knew that the rich and important officials lived in the central city.

So Tongzi took a taxi and headed to the central city.

Chapter 224 Da Ga, Kuo Tuo Wow Road!


Tongzi originally wanted to catch another person in the central city to ask Tsukihiko Juzoji where he lived, but luckily, she just got out of the car when she saw Tsukihiko Juzoji come out of the prime minister's residence in the central city.

So Tongzi took out the bicycle from the king's treasure house, and followed his special car all the way a little further away, and followed him to a single-family villa.

Until the evening, Tsukihiko Juzoji was not seen coming out again.

So Tongzi took advantage of the night to sneak into the villa.

She directly stunned a group of patrolling guards, leaving one person behind on purpose, and then forced him to find out the location of the surveillance room and Tsukihiko Juzoji's bedroom.

After getting the information she wanted, Tongzi knocked him out, and threw him and his companions into the flower garden in the villa yard.

Then he avoided the surveillance cameras all the way and went to the surveillance room.

The staff on duty in the monitoring room sensed an abnormality and drew their guns subconsciously. Unfortunately, although they were vigilant enough, it was not enough for Tongzi. It only took a few seconds for Tongzi to make them the same as the previous patrolling guards. They all fainted.

Tongzi unplugged the power of the monitoring equipment and destroyed the storage hard drive inside, so that no one would get clues from the monitoring equipment afterwards.

After finishing all these, Kiriko touched Tsukihiko Juzoji's bedroom.

As a politician, Tsukihiko Juzoji is of course very old. Although he is slightly younger than Qi Wu Xuanzong, he is already in his sixties.

But to Tongzi's surprise, this old guy is really good at playing, and even hired two male high school students to be his left and right guards.

When Tongzi sneaked in, one of the male high school students just wanted to go to the bathroom, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Tongzi walking in.

He blinked his eyes, then his face changed, he opened his mouth, and he was about to scream in the next second...

But at this moment, the shadow in front of him disappeared from his field of vision after a flash, and then he was knocked on the back of his neck. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

Tongzi hugged the fallen male high school student and put the latter on the bed. Just in case, she also slapped another sleeping male high school student on the back of the neck, knocking her from a sleeping state into a coma state.

The grandson of the sage: "...What kind of fairy operation is this???"

Kiriko ignored the grandson of the sage, and then picked up Tsukihiko Juzoji, who was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly and knowing nothing, and threw it to the ground.

Tsukihiko Juzoji has a big belly that a man who is used to a luxurious life should have, and his hair is as thin as it should be at this age. The moonlight penetrates the glass and shines on the top of Tsukihiko Juzoji's bald head, reflecting Bright as a light bulb.

When he was thrown to the ground, Tsukihiko Juzoji let out a scream and woke up in pain.

But the moment he woke up, Tongzi gave him a shot of Veritaserum on his neck.

Tsukihiko Juzoji's eyes suddenly became blank.

The two of them were in Tsukihiko Juzoji's bedroom, and there was no need to change places. Anyway, the two male high school students had already been knocked out by her.

Under the effect of Veritaserum, Tongzi asked a question, and Juzuoji Yueyan answered.

Juzoji Tsukihiko is indeed five wings, and his plan is to gradually erode the management of the Hokkaido region, and then wait until the power is almost in control, then poison the breakfast of the current Prime Minister Kiryu, and replace him as the prime minister of the Hokkaido region .

Since it is the former top cadre of the Wuxiang Club with five wings and has not yet settled down, there is nothing to say.

In order to avoid causing trouble to the two male high school students lying on the bed, Tongzi did not kill him directly in the bedroom, but brought Tsukihiko Juzoji to the bathroom to kill him.

And she also locked the door from the inside of the bathroom, so that the two male high school students would not open the door of the bathroom without knowing it and be frightened, leaving a lifetime of shadows.

As for Tongzi, who was also locked in the bathroom, she wanted to leave, but it was actually easy.

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