She used the "decomposition" skill to decompose the bathroom wall into building materials, and then used the "manufacturing" skill on the building materials after she went out to turn them into walls again.

After leaving Tsukihiko's villa in Juzoji Temple, Tongzi ran towards the unexplored area non-stop, but just when she was about to run into the outer area, a shrill siren sounded.

Although this is the first time I heard it, I can guess that it must be other people in the villa who discovered that Tsukihiko Juzoji was killed.

But this has nothing to do with Tongzi, she rushed into the unexplored area with the help of the night, and disappeared into the vast night.


The news of the assassination of the President Qiwu Xuanzong of the Osaka area and the deputy prime minister of the Hokkaido area, Juzoji Tsukihiko, quickly spread like wildfire and spread throughout the Japanese archipelago.

After all, both the President and the Deputy Prime Minister were assassinated, and there was no need to keep the news secret. The news spread quickly.

No one knows who did it, or what the killer's purpose was.

For a while, the other three countries—Tokyo, Hakata, and Sendai—are all in panic.


After traveling all night, when the morning sun replaced the night, Tongzi's figure appeared outside the Tokyo area, in a city specially built for the cursed son.

Now the city has been completely built into a suitable place to live. The lolis that Tongzi brought back from all over the world (excluding China) have already moved in here.

It is impossible for a city without a name, so after returning, the first thing Tongzi did was to give the city a name.

After repeated thinking, Tongzi finally decided to name it "Ashina Castle".

Although geographically speaking, this "Ashina Castle" is different from the Weiming Castle in Sekiro, which has a dangerous terrain, is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and has a reputation for being difficult to attack, but the "Aishina Castle" in this world will not be affected. The threat (sensitive word) of the inner government army.

However, after the construction of Weiming City, although the Inner Army was not welcomed, it also attracted the attention of the Tokyo regional officials.

After all, a city was built outside the Tokyo area, and other countries are nothing more than that. It is impossible for the Tokyo area not to know.


In an office of the Holy House.

Tendo Kikunojo and a series of the most powerful people in the Tokyo area gathered in this office to discuss matters related to the recently established Ashina Castle outside the Tokyo area.

"Has the intelligence been confirmed? Qunxing Police Company really built a city outside the Tokyo area?"

Tendo Kikunojo looked at the report in his hand and dared not believe it.


A young man replied, taking out several photos at the same time, all of which were pictures taken by drones from above.

All the people here took a photo, looked at the Weiming Castle taken from different angles in the photo, and exclaimed one after another.

"Is this color, this material..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, it must be Chi."

"But Qunxing Police Company, isn't it a private company? Where did you get so many 錵?"

"Even in the Tokyo area, it's just a huge stone monument built at a certain distance. These guys actually built the city wall of Chi."

The young man who took out the photo pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Compared to this, I am actually more concerned about how Qunxing Police Company built a city outside the giant stone monument."

The man's words caught the eyes of others, and even Tendo Kikunojo's.

"It's actually easy to understand." Seeing that everyone looked over, the man shrugged, "Beyond the giant stone monument is an unexplored area. If you want to build a city, you first need to use the gastritis on the land that will be used as a new city." , Annihilate them all... That's why I wonder how they did it."

On Tendo Kikunojo's calm and prestige face, there was a look of shock.

His young subordinate was right.

Since the end of the Gastrea War, no country in the whole world has taken back land from Gastrea.

This is not just a question of what can be done, but a deeper and more complex reason:

The first point is that the situation in the unexplored area is unknown. Even if the drone is used to shoot, there are many terrain conditions that the drone cannot detect;

The second point is to send troops into unexplored areas and regain lost ground, which requires great courage for those in power.

Because only nine years have passed since the gastrulation war, no one can forget the fear of gastrulation so quickly. Soldiers suffering from "post-war psychological syndrome" abound. Sending troops into unexplored areas, let alone the army will refuse to carry out , Even the people will object.

Forced dispatch is afraid that they will be kicked out by the furious citizens.

Forming the Cursed Sons into a legion is a good idea, but it is a pity that after experiencing the gastritis war, most of the people who survived were determined to oppose the Cursed Sons. exception.

He can tolerate the existence of private civilian security companies, but he will not sign any document that improves the treatment and status of the cursed son.

Because his wife died in the gastritis war, Tendo Kikunojo's hatred of gastritis is so deep that it affects the cursed son.

Sheng Tianzi originally drafted a "New Gastrea Law", which was mainly aimed at reconciling the cursed son and the plundered generation.

However, at the behest of Tendo Kikunojo, all the people in the Holy House and the cabinet opposed it, and the Holy Emperor had no choice but to shelve this bill for the time being.

"Master Assistant Officer?"

Tendo Kikunojo came back to his senses, and looked at his subordinates with concern.

"Sorry, I was just distracted."

"No, no, the assistant officer must be thinking too much about the future of the Tokyo area. Assistant officer, you should pay more attention to rest. The current Tokyo area cannot live without you."

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