Thousands of wears and thousands of flattery, this flattery made Tiantong Kikunojo feel very useful, after flattering, he finally got back to business.

A subordinate asked: "Master Assistant Officer, should we do something about this newly built Weiming City?"

Others also looked over, obviously this is the question they wanted to ask.

" need to do anything."

Contrary to the reaction of his subordinates, Tendo Kikunojo's answer turned out to be like this.

Although blinded by hatred, he was not a fool like Minister Ernest after all.

Ashina City was snatched from Gastrea, not a piece of land in the Tokyo area, so the Qunxing Police Company did nothing wrong.

Only a guy with a good brain will go for trouble.

Now that Tendo Kikunojo has said so, the subordinates have nothing to say.

However, some people also suggested that it is possible to find someone to contact Qunxing Police Company.

Since the Qunxing Police Company has the ability to expel Gastrea, the other party should also be able to help the Tokyo area expand some territory. Of course, the Tokyo area will not treat them badly and can pay them a certain amount.

This suggestion was well received by other people present, and even Tendo Kikunojo thought it was good.


Holy House reception room.

"So, call me over early in the morning, what's the matter?"

Tongzi was sitting on the sofa in the reception room, with her right leg in black pantyhose resting on the knee of her left leg, in a sitting posture of a big guy.

In contrast, the staff of the Holy House sat very obediently.

"Yes... that's right, I heard recently that you built a city outside the Tokyo area, right?"

"Oh, who did you hear that from?"

Tongzi's tone couldn't hear emotions, the staff looked up cautiously, and Tongzi's face also couldn't see any expression that could reflect his heart.

The clerk lowered his head again, bemoaning his bad luck in his heart.

He is only a middle-level cadre in this holy residence.

The reason why I would talk to Tongzi here is purely bad luck, the unlucky one who was pushed out.

"This...isn't very important, the main thing is...we hope to entrust Qunxing Civilian Police Company to expel Gastrea in unexplored areas to help open up some land in the Tokyo area."

The response was still calm.


Seeing that Tongzi still responded indifferently, the clerk was not sure, but he still insisted on speaking.

"Please rest assured, the remuneration is negotiable."

But unexpectedly, Tongzi waved her hand.

"Sorry, please allow me to decline."

The staff was taken aback.

"If it's a reward, this can be discussed..."

"No, not a reward."

"what is that?"

Tongzi thought for a moment.

"Hmm, if I have to say the reason, it's because I don't want to do that."

"In no mood?"

"Yes, and speaking of it, why does my company help expand land in the Tokyo area?"

"Of course it's..."

The staff thought to themselves, isn't this your job?

The job of the police is to expel gastritis. Since Qunxing Police Company can also expel gastritis from unexplored areas, why not accept the commission?

Isn't work supposed to be done?

The staff was thinking about it, but saw Tongzi standing up suddenly.

"Is that all there is to say? If there is nothing else to say, then excuse me and take my leave."

The staff turned pale with shock: "Please...please wait..."

"Anything else?" Tongzi turned her head.

"That... please think again..."

"No need."

This time Tongzi ignored the shouts from the staff behind her, opened the door and walked out.

She was walking inside the sanctuary and heading outside.

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