Baowaki Zhuoren took a step back subconsciously, and the others also turned their heads to look over after hearing the voice, also showing astonished expressions, and retreating one after another.

"Don't make such an expression, people who don't know will think you saw an idol from Saga."

Tongzi moved her neck and said.

"You... How is it possible? I clearly saw it with my own eyes... Even if you wear the most advanced body armor, it is impossible to prevent so many bullets."

Howaki Takuto's eyes widened in disbelief.

It's just a bullet, how could it be impossible to stop it.

Because I feel so boring, I don't even bother to hide.

Plus her personal bad taste...

She kind of wanted to see what kind of expression Howaki Zhuoren and the gang who planned to kill her would have when they found out that she was not dead.

That's right, it's the expression now.

A little bit of fear, a little bit of fear, a little bit of disbelief...

Eyes are the window to the soul, and the face can directly reflect the bridge of the heart. Excellent agents can control their facial expressions, but these few in front of them are obviously not.

It is impossible for someone to survive being shot so many times, not even Chimu. Even ordinary bullets, as long as the heart and head are shot continuously, they will be on the verge of death. How could they be as alive as the woman in front of them? ?

Where did the situation arise?

No matter how intelligent a person is, they will go crazy when encountering things beyond common sense, because the smarter the person, the more convinced that his plan will not go wrong, and the more he can calculate within common sense...

So when they encounter things beyond common sense and find that they cannot be estimated by common sense, they will fall into despair.

Just like in the Cthulhu running group, those who are most likely to fall into madness are often staunch atheists.

"Baga Molo! Sinai! Sinai!"

Kinosaki Oko couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes.

The bullets all hit the empty space, and Tongzi disappeared from his eyes, and then appeared behind him, easily twisting his neck.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh monster!"

"Run away!"

The other team members couldn't take it anymore and ran away screaming.

However, none of them could run very far, and they were all killed by Tongzi.

In the end, the only one alive was Baowei Zhuoren who stood there stupidly and didn't move.




Remark ①: The fourth volume of the original work, the original text is written in this way.In the original book, Howaki Takuto ended up only going to a mental hospital, and Kinosaki Dahu and others only lost their jobs in the guard team, and they were sent to the police force during the third Kanto battle. A big stumbling block.

Chapter 228 Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolute disloyalty


Hearing the screams, begging for mercy, and the sound of being mercilessly killed by his subordinates, Baowaki Zhuoren felt that his blood was frozen and his hands and feet couldn't be controlled at all.

Mingming had a voice in his heart urging him to leave quickly.

But he couldn't control his body, as if at this moment, his body didn't belong to him at all.

Then the sound fell silent.

Baoyan Zhuoren was taken aback for a moment, and his body shook involuntarily.

After the sound of footsteps, the girl in black came into his field of vision from behind.

Her body was stained with blood, even her face, and the blood dripped down like drops of water along the ends of her hair.

But it doesn't make people feel horrified, but has an alternative beauty.

It's just like……

blood flower.

"Don't...don't don't don't...don't kill me..."

At this time, the uncontrolled body suddenly regained control, and Howaki Zhuoren knelt down with a plop.

And it's a standard soil seat.

"I have money and a lot of assets. I can give you all my money... Also, I know that you like women and the Holy Son of Heaven. I will not rob you. From now on, I promise I will never Take another look at the Holy Son of Heaven..."

Baowei Zhuo begged incoherently and broke down in tears.

At this time, if a Japanese who is ignorant and likes to persuade people to be kind is here, he will definitely scold Tongzi for being heartless. There will be no such situation.

But if someone is here and persuades Tongzi to be kind, Tongzi will reply like this:

"That's right, what you said is right, so you say yes."

Then Tongzi drew out the black long sword, and pierced Howaki Takuto's chest with one sword.

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