Howaki Takuto's body shook, and after Tongzi pulled out the sword, he also fell to the ground following inertia, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

Obviously, he didn't expect to die here.

His ambition has not yet unfolded, how could he die here...

With such unwillingness, Howaki Takuto's consciousness was finally swallowed by darkness.

Sima Weizhi opened his mouth wide and froze on the spot

Putting away the black long sword, Tongzi turned around and faced Sima Weizhi.

"Unwoven, I..."

Before she could finish her words, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards her.


This courtyard is the most common round-shaped courtyard among Japanese-style castle towers. There is a small pond in the courtyard, and a bamboo tube is placed on the side. Some spring water falls on the bamboo tube, and when the water stored in the bamboo tube is almost the same, It will be turned upside down, and the water will enter the small pool made of stones.

When the bamboo tube is pouring water, it collides with the stone lightly, adding a touch of elegance to the quiet courtyard.

The so-called Japanese-style architectural design emphasizes the overall ecology. They use their keen senses to explore the deep essence of the space, and then convert it into the elements of the architectural space, using tatami mats, bamboo, stone, paper, wood, etc. The constituent elements form the unique Japanese aesthetics of "space, space, and silence".

In the Japanese room, Sima Miori was sitting at the top, Rentaro Satomi and Kisara Tendo were sitting at the bottom, and Tamaki Katagiri and Akimaro Nizawa were sitting opposite them.

Not long after sitting down, Tiantongmu couldn't hold back his temper and said: "Hey, Wei Zhi, what did you call us over for?"

"Obviously I didn't call this cow spirit, who called her here?" Sima Weizhi didn't even look at Tiantong Mugeng, but looked at the man sitting next to Tiantong Mugeng.

Satomi Rentaro felt a burning gaze on his face, he quickly lowered his head, not to meet that gaze.

Seeing that Sima Weizhi ignored him, Tiantongmu said angrily, "Weizhi, you haven't answered my question yet."

Sima Weizhi unfolded a folding fan, covered his face with the fan, and a voice came out leisurely from under the fan: "Do you know why I didn't plan to call you over, Mu Geng, that's because all the nutrition for your brain is supplied to your chest (sensitive words) ) department went up."

"What did you say?"

Tendoki stood up from the tatami even more angrily.

"Miss Mugeng, sit down first and listen carefully to what Miss Weizhi has to say."

Satomi Rentaro gently pulled Tendo Kisara's hand beside him.

Although the other people sitting in the Japanese room did not speak, the expressions on their faces clearly meant that they thought the same as Satomi Rentaro.

Looking around, seeing that no one agrees with him, Tiantong Mu Geng sat down again as a last resort.

Except for Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara, most of the backbones of the star private security companies such as Katagiri Yuki and Nizawa Akimaro are here.

After a while, Natsuzawa Akimaro asked: "Miss Miori, I'm also curious, what is the purpose of you calling us here?"

To everyone except Tiantong Mugeng, Sima Weizhi looked like a courteous young lady.

It's only different when facing Tendo Kigeng.

Sima Weizhi put away the folding fan, and said in a brisk tone: "Please wait a moment, Mr. Nazawa, before I can answer your question, I need something. But don't worry, it won't take too long."

Natsuzawa Akimo was full of doubts, and everyone else was the same, but since Sima Weizhi said so, then wait.

Sima Weizhi clapped his hands, walked in with several people outside, brought tea and snacks, put them in front of everyone, and then backed away.

"Please taste the craftsmanship of my Sima family."

A circle of people looked at each other, Katagiri Yushu was the first to pick up a piece of snack and put it in his mouth.

"wow awesome."

"Mr. Katagiri has won the prize."

So the people in the room ate snacks and drank tea, and no one spoke for a while.

After a while, Tiantongmu lost his composure even more, and was about to jump up and question loudly...

At this moment, footsteps sounded, and a person walked in from outside.

The person who came had a heavy voice, obviously not the maid who brought the snacks and tea just now.

"Miss Weizhi, I have done what you asked me to do."

My dean was walking into the Japanese room carrying a blood-stained suitcase, which was covered in blood.

But the color of this blood is not red, but purple.

When looking at this suitcase, everyone except Sima Weizhi fell into deep thought.

The blood of both humans and the Damned is red, and only the blood of the Gastrea is purple.

Could it be that……

Everyone in the room thought of a possibility:

Was this suitcase taken out of the body of a gastrula?

"My Mr. Tang, thank you for your hard work."

The purple blood on the suitcase gave off a pungent smell, which made the faces of the people in the Japanese room change slightly, but only Sima Weizhi still smiled like a flower.

My head teacher is putting the suitcase in front of Sima Weizhi.

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