Sima Weizhi put on a pair of gloves and opened the suitcase. After seeing the contents of the suitcase, she had a clear expression on her face, and then closed the suitcase.

"My Mr. Tang, I have a question."

Before Sima Weizhi could say what he said next, my headmaster said it first.

"I didn't open the box and I don't know what's inside."

Sima Weizhi seemed to easily believe that my teacher was right.

"Is that so, then I can rest assured...Since my Mr. Tang is here, why not sit down with him too."

My head teacher was noncommittal, walked to the middle of Katagiri Yuki and Nizawa Akimaro, and sat down cross-legged.

Tiantongmu was even more dissatisfied.

"Hey, what kind of riddles are you playing?"

Sima Weizhi smiled slightly.

"Is Mu Geng impatient? Don't worry. Before I tell everyone, I hope everyone can swear to the things you believe in, and you will never tell what you saw or heard today."

Tiantongmu curled his lips even more.

"Is it necessary to make it so godlike?"

Sima Weizhi acted as if he hadn't heard Tiantong Mugeng's words, "If you are someone who cannot be guaranteed, please leave here immediately, I can pretend that nothing happened."

The voice fell, and no one moved.

Even Tiantong Mugeng, who was most dissatisfied with Sima Weizhi, didn't get up and leave except for muttering a few words.

Sima Weizhi nodded: "Okay, since you all choose to stay, I hope you can do what you say..."

"Wait a minute, Miss Miori."

Sima Weizhi looked at the man who raised his hand to speak.

"Mr. Tang, do you have anything to say?"

"I can promise that I won't tell anything about the meeting later, but the premise is that this matter will not be harmful to my lord—Miss Tong."

My hall master was born in a famous samurai family. Since the Meiji Restoration, the samurai class has declined, and even in modern times, no one considers himself a samurai.

But my hall master is different, he has always demanded himself with the creed of a samurai.

And the samurai's creed is that loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely disloyal.

My headmaster originally ran a small police company in the Tokyo area. Although my headmaster's IP ranking is not low, the company's management is not absolutely linked to personal strength.

Strong personal strength doesn't necessarily mean success.

The most typical example is Shengtianzi, the nominal controller of the Tokyo area, and Tendo Kikunojo, the actual controller. Neither of them is a policeman, let alone an IP ranking.

The police company that my hall master was running was already on the verge of bankruptcy. It was Tongzi who gave him a way out.

Tongzi not only bought his company, but also entrusted him with important tasks.

The grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by the spring. This is the warrior creed of my teacher.

"Don't worry, Mr. Tang, what we're talking about today will not harm Miss Tong. In fact, what I'm going to say today is equivalent to what Miss Tong told me."

Hearing what Sima Weizhi said, the people sitting below showed shock and curiosity.

My head teacher nodded. "In that case, I have no objection."

Sima Weizhi clapped his hands.

"Okay, since everyone promises to keep their mouths shut, let's not delay, let's start now. At the Huan'an Festival, Ms. Tong once said to me this sentence-'Weizhi, such a beautiful scenery, those lovely Don't you think it's a pity that your children don't see it?'"

"This sentence can be understood on the surface. It can be understood that Ms. Tong was regretting that she did not bring the cursed children out with her. But then I thought about it for a long time and felt that I couldn't understand it so superficially. I think this sentence of Ms. Tong , with a deeper meaning."

When he said this, Sima Weizhi's eyes slowly swept over everyone present.

Katagiri Yuki, my hall leader, Nizawa Akimaro, and even Satomi Rentaro all showed expressions of thought.

Only Tendo Kisara, who was sitting next to Satomi Rentaro, was still completely confused about the situation.

Sima Weizhi smiled.

"Change the status of the cursed son—this is what Ms. Tong really meant when she said that."

"Well, this may indeed be Miss Tong's wish."

As Katagiri and others who have personally been to North America, it is clear that Katagiri treats the cursed son differently from other people.

She truly accepted the cursed child without any prejudice.

So this may indeed be what Miss Tong really wanted to express.

"Since this is Miss Tong's wish, what should we do?"

My head teacher is talking.

Since this is related to the lord whom I have pledged allegiance to, my hall master has been very active.

In this thought-provoking silence, Tendoki said suddenly.

"Wait, Wei Zhi, could it be that you think too much?"

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