"Why, Mu Geng, do you have anything else to say?"

"Let's not mention why on the day of the Huanan Festival, Ms. Tong went out with you, not with me. But, no matter how you think about it, it's just a pure feeling... What's wrong, Why are you looking at me like that idiot?"

Others looked at Tendo Kigeng with eyes like idiots.

Sima Weizhi clapped his hands and did not refute Tiantong Mugeng, but continued: "Now that we know Miss Tong's wish, the next step is what we as subordinates should do. What is the status of the cursed son?" Miserable, I won't go into details here, in my opinion, to change the current status of the cursed son is nothing more than three strategies..."

Having said that, Sima Weizhi raised a few fingers.

"The best strategy is to form a joint army with the initiator and promoter of Qunxing Civil Security Company, and Sima Heavy Industry's civilian police department. Before everyone reacts, they will directly kill the Holy House in the first district, forcing the Holy Son of Heaven to step down from the (sensitive word) position, give up the position of (sensitive word) head of state to Ms. Tong, and then amend the Constitution (sensitive word) law to promote a series of laws and regulations such as the Cursed Son Protection Law promulgated, physically effecting the change in the status of the cursed son;”

"This approach is not good, I think it is too radical."

Not only Natsuzawa Akimaro, but Katagiri Yuki and Satomi Rentaro also shook their heads, while my head teacher, Masahiro, remained silent.

As for Tiantong Mugeng, she was still in self-doubt, wondering if she was really wrong.

"The middle strategy-try to create a powerful enemy. The strength of this enemy must exceed the Self-Defense Forces, and it can bring great oppression to the Tokyo area."

Natsuzawa Akima touched his chin and said.

"Well, this proposal is quite good compared to the previous one. In the final analysis, the reason why the citizens of the Tokyo area do not like to see the cursed son so much is that apart from historical issues, there is another very important reason, that is, the citizens firmly believe that the Self-Defense Forces can protect them. Once the citizens find out that the Self-Defense Forces can no longer protect them, they will have to turn to the Damned Son."

Chapter 229 Unwoven: Let's make a big news


Satomi Rentaro scratched his head.

"It is true to say so, but it is very difficult to operate."

"The worst strategy - the cursed son will work hard for the Tokyo area wholeheartedly, and will work hard until the citizens are influenced and take the initiative to let go of their prejudice and discrimination against the cursed son."

My head teacher shook his head.

"This proposal is safe and secure, but it is more difficult to implement."

Katagiri Yushu also said.

"Yes, if it is so easy to influence, then there is no need to be so troublesome."

Natsuzawa Akimaro said.

"In this comparison, only the middle strategy is the best."

"But how do you do it?"

Sima Weizhi smiled slightly, and then opened the silver-white suitcase that my headmaster was bringing over just now, turned it [-] degrees, and showed the things inside to everyone.

Judging from the conversation between Sima Weizhi and my Tang Changzheng, and the purple blood all over the suitcase, everyone subconsciously made everyone think that it would be such a great thing.

But when they really saw the contents of the suitcase, everyone was stunned.

Because the thing contained in the silver-white box stained with purple blood was just a broken children's bicycle.

Moreover, the children's bicycles in the box were rusty and obviously abandoned for an unknown period of time.

"Miss Weizhi, this... what is this?"

"My Mr. Tang, you brought the things. Could it be that the things inside have been swapped?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at me, the head teacher.

My head teacher also showed a confused expression: "Impossible, I have been tracking the gastritis that entered the Tokyo area according to what Miss Weizhi told me. After killing it and taking out the box in its body, I directly took the Sima Heavy Industry's special vehicle came over, and I didn't meet anyone on the way, so it's impossible to be dropped by others."

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Tang, I trust you, because the contents of this box should be this children's bicycle."

Everyone was puzzled and looked at Sima Weizhi in confusion.

Sima Weizhi smiled: "Let me explain, this is an important medium for the fifth stage of summoning."


In the early morning, the entrance of the holy residence seemed very deserted.

A taxi pulls up outside the Holy House.

Sanctuary guards stared at the taxi.

It wasn't until the people got off the taxi that the guards breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the person who came was none other than the president of the largest private security company in the Tokyo area, as well as the president's personal guard and secretary.

"Miss Tong, hello, Mr. Sheng Tianzi has been waiting for a long time."

A staff member walked out of the holy residence and guided Tongzi and Honglu Huodhui towards the interior of the holy residence.

The reason why she appeared here is very simple, because the Son of Heaven called her earlier, and the Son of Heaven said on the phone that he had something urgent to call for him.

Although it was said last time that it was an urgent matter, and it was hoped that Qunxing Police Company would help expand the territory in the Tokyo area, Tongzi refused, but since it was the call from the Son of Heaven, Tongzi still made this trip.

As the head of state of a country, the Holy Son of Heaven would naturally not joke casually like ordinary people. Since she said there was something urgent, it must be very urgent.

So after receiving the call, Tongzi took a taxi and headed to the Holy House.

When I first came to this world, Tongzi had some misunderstandings with the guards and staff of the Holy House, but fortunately, this is a world where money can change things. Bigger, and after publicly declaring a cooperative relationship with Sima Heavy Industry, all misunderstandings were also clarified.

What a congratulations, Coca-Cola.

The staff respectfully brought Tongzi to the meeting room, knocked on the door to indicate that she had arrived, and then left with red dew and fire.

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