Gastrea will weaken the activity of gastrula and make gastrula lose the ability to regenerate. Even if gastrula is placed in a room full of gastrella, gastrula will gradually weaken and die.

Since humans discovered the special effect of chimney on gastrulation nine years ago, countries around the world have listed chimpanzee as a very important strategic resource.


This is a huge protective wall made of dozens of pieces of chrysanthemum, and it is the guardian who protects countries from gastrulation.It can be said that there is no country in the world that can protect its own country without relying on the monolith.

The proportion of making megalithic monuments is very strictly controlled, among which the proportion of oysterium is the largest, accounting for more than 90%, and the proportion of other metals is less than 10%.

And from the fragments of the No. 70 giant stone tablet that Tongzi deducted, the analysis result obtained by the grandson of the sage is that the proportion of the oysterium in this huge stone tablet is less than 90%, which is far lower than the requirements of a normal huge stone tablet. [-]% of.

The 70% content of Chi, still Chi, can still emit a magnetic field that disgusts Gastrea, but the quality is definitely not as good as 90%.

In the past nine years, sporadic gastrulations have continued to enter the Tokyo area, but it is impossible to know how many of them entered from the No. [-] stone monument.

Although there have been no major incidents in the past nine years, defective products are still defective products. Maybe it is because of luck that there will be no accidents for the time being, but there is no one who does not get wet when walking by the river.


"Miss Tong, is it over so soon?"

Seeing Tongzi walking back, although Sheng Tianzi was still a little angry, she still couldn't help asking.

"It's done." Tongzi nodded with a very serious expression, "Master Sheng Tianzi, I have a question to ask you."

Tongzi's expression suddenly became very serious, which made Sheng Tianzi feel a little worried: "Wh...what's the matter?"

"How much do you know about this giant stone monument No. [-]?"

In fact, what Tongzi wanted to ask directly was, do you know about the adulteration of this giant stone tablet No. [-]?

But then Tongzi thought again, the giant stone monuments in the Tokyo area should have been built during the gastrulation war nine years ago, and after the gastrulation war ended, Zama, the last prime minister of Japan at that time, continued to rule The five surviving regions of the Japanese archipelago.

However, except for the Tokyo area, the other areas quickly broke away from Zama's control and were recognized by the United Nations as independent countries.

Only the Tokyo area accepted the leadership of Zama after the war, until Prime Minister Zama's neck was broken by the cursed son two years ago, and he died after being sent to the hospital.

Since then, the first generation of holy emperors has integrated Tokyo Metropolis and neighboring counties, and established the system of forty-three districts in the Tokyo area today.

The current Shengtianzi took over a year ago, so it is unlikely that she knew about the adulteration of the No. [-] megalithic monument.

If she knew, with her personality, even if the person in charge at that time was not held accountable, she would definitely rebuild a new megalithic monument to replace No. [-] megalithic monument.

"Miss Tongzi, why are you asking this?"

Sheng Tianzi's reaction was just as Tongzi expected, he was very puzzled.

"It's nothing, if you don't know, I hope you can help me investigate, files or something, Shengju should keep it."

"Okay... I, I see." Sheng Tianzi nodded.

"One more thing..." Tongzi raised a finger, "Who is in charge of the inspection on the No. [-] monument, I want to meet with them."

She added: "It's nothing, I just want to ask something."

"The professional team from Sima Heavy Industry came to carry out the inspection."

"Sima Heavy Industry?"

Tongzi froze for a moment.

Sheng Tianzi looked at Tongzi with concern: "Miss Tong?"


Tongzi waved her hand, signaling that she was okay.

"Are you okay? You look like you have something on your mind."

"It's nothing, I've been in Gan Tomorrow's Ark recently, so I'm a little sleep deprived."

"Then shall we go back?"


Tongzi and Shengtianzi got into the Lincoln sedan.

"Miss Tong, let's take you back first."

"It's okay, go to Shengju, and then I'll take a taxi."

That's what he said, but Sheng Tianzi insisted on sending Tongzi to Weiming City first, and then the Lincoln sedan took Sheng Tianzi to the holy residence.

Standing at the gate of Weiming Castle, Tongzi didn't go in, but called Satomi Rentaro to drive out the car and take herself to the Sima's mansion.

On the way to Sima's mansion, Tongzi sat on the back seat of the car, looking worried.

"Miss Tong, what's the matter with you?"

Rentaro Satomi in the driver's seat looked back at Kiriko curiously.

"Drive your car well."

Since it wasn't the girl who was asking the question, but Satomi Rentaro, Kiriko gagged him angrily.

On the way to the mansion of the Sima family, Tongzi kept thinking about what the Holy Son of Heaven had said to her, and the test results of the grandson of the sage:

Sheng Tianzi said that the white spots on the No. [-] stone tablet may be caused by gastrulation in stage [-] or [-], and it has the effect of eroding the stone tablet...

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