But the grandson of the sage said that the white spots are not erosive fluid and are harmless to the giant stone monument...

Sheng Tianzi said that the white spots were detected by the professional team of Sima Heavy Industry...

But it is obviously a harmless substance, why did the testing team of Sima Heavy Industry say it was a corrosive liquid?

Also, obviously every megalithic monument has sentry posts, why do white spots appear out of thin air?

Regardless of whether it was a gastritis or man-made, it is logically impossible to escape the attention of the sentry.

Tongzi felt very confused, and there were many mysteries, but no matter what, since the white spots were detected by Sima Heavy Industry's inspection team, it was always right to go to Sima Weizhi.

The Sima family's mansion arrived soon, and the guards at the gate of the mansion knew Tongzi, so they didn't stop him.

Tongzi didn't let Satomi Rentaro accompany her in, she asked Satomi Rentaro to wait for her outside, and followed the guards to see Sima Weizhi alone.

"Miss Tong, why are you free today?"

"I have something that I want to talk to you about," Tongzi looked around and added, "Privately."

Sima Weizhi understood Tongzi's meaning, nodded, then waved to the guard and the maid standing beside him, "You all go down."

Both the guard and the maid left obediently.

Chapter 231 The Doctor Says I'm a Lazy Cancer Terminal


After everyone had left, Tongzi asked, "Your people went to the No. [-] Stone Monument to check some time ago, didn't they?"

"Master Sheng Tianzi told you?"

Tongzi nodded.

"But I don't understand why those white spots are harmless, but your people tell the Holy Son that they are erosion fluid?"

A look of surprise appeared on Sima Weizhi's face.

"You... how do you know? It's obvious that the directors of several other large laboratories in the Tokyo area have passed me through."

"What, you even bribed them?"

Sima Weizhi knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he quickly covered his face with his hands and remained silent.

If it was normal, Tongzi would still have time to admire Sima Weizhi's embarrassment, the girl's blushing and shy appearance is really cute, and it is easy to please the dead house.

But now I don't feel that way.

"What's going on, can you tell me?"

"Since you already know, there is no need for me to hide it."

Sima Weizhi explained the matter in detail:

First of all, there is no problem with the detection of the grandson of the sage. Those white spots are indeed harmless substances. They are made by the team of Sima Heavy Industry. , spreading material.

Of course, the officer of the Self-Defense Forces stationed near the No. [-] monument is a descendant of Sima Weizhi's father. .

The officers transferred the soldiers on duty, and then the technicians of Sima Heavy Industries operated the drone to spray the white spots on the huge stone monument, and the location was chosen to be in a place that is not easy to find, and then the white spots will slowly expand.

By the time the white spots had grown, the officer would have rotated with the next group of soldiers on duty, so no one would suspect the officer.

Afterwards, when the soldiers on the post discovered the abnormal condition of the monolith, the inspection team of Sima Heavy Industry, which had been prepared for a long time, set off immediately to perform inspections on the No. [-] monolith. The erosive fluid will eventually corrode the entire giant stone tablet and tell the Holy Son of Heaven.

Since Sima Heavy Industry's testing team is the most advanced team in Japan, and the directors of several other large laboratories in the Tokyo area also have a deep relationship with Sima Heavy Industry. Advance and retreat, also make exactly the same reply to the emperor.

The next thing was that the Son of Heaven came to find Tongzi...

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's your wish."

"My wish?"

Tongzi was stunned for a moment, not expecting how the topic would involve herself.

She thought for a while, isn't her wish just to be healthy, to have enough food and clothing, and to have a small amount of money to buy games, krypton gold, and draw a wife?

"Yes, you told me this yourself at the Huan'an Festival."

Sima Weizhi repeated what Tongzi said at that time, "Your wish is to change the status of the cursed son, and all the things I have done are to fulfill your wish."

Some time ago, she learned through the inside line that Tendo Kikunojo had sent a subordinate to secretly go to the unexplored area, as if to obtain an extremely important thing.

Out of curiosity, Sima Weizhi asked the insider to secretly put the tracker on the subordinate's clothes, and then she entrusted my hall master to wait near the huge stone monument.

As a result, although Tendo Kikunojo's subordinate successfully obtained the item, he was attacked by a gastritis, and the erosion rate exceeded [-]%, and he eventually turned into a gastritis.

My hall head is killing it, took out the thing and brought it back to Sima Weizhi.

That thing is the medium that summons Scorpio.

Of course, Sima Weizhi will not really want to summon Scorpio. Her purpose is to pass the white spots on the monolith first, create panic, and then spread the news that "someone is going to summon Scorpio".

The Tokyo area is bound to get pretty chaotic.

Wait until the panic is brewing to the point where they will use Sima Heavy Industry's VR training room to simulate a false image of a Scorpio. Finally, Tongzi will lead a few trustworthy people into the unexplored area, create a large-scale explosion, and finally declare to the outside world. , Scorpio was solved by Qunxing Police Company.

After going through such a big circle with great effort, the final result is that the Tokyo area will be the third country to eliminate the fifth stage, and the ability to "eliminate Scorpio" all depends on the cursed son, so that the holy emperor can be fueled by public opinion. , taking advantage of the trend to introduce a bill to improve the status of the cursed son.

Tongzi listened patiently until Sima Weizhi finished speaking.

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