She didn't expect that there would be such a big deviation after just expressing an exclamation at the Huan'an Festival.

But she didn't reprimand Sima Weizhi.

Because if you think about it carefully, Sima Weizhi's plan is indeed the lowest sacrifice plan except for coup d'etat and bloodshed.

And besides changing the status of the cursed son, there are other benefits.

Think about it, those people who have a certain status in the Tokyo area, if they know that the Tokyo area is about to usher in a mass extinction, what will they do?

Will they stay and live and die with the Tokyo area?


The richer people are, the more they cherish their lives. They still have a lot of wealth that they haven't spent, and a lot of rotten life that they haven't enjoyed, so how could they be willing to die.

So they will definitely try their best to leave the Tokyo area.

Even if these rich people can take away part of their assets, there are still a lot of real estate that cannot be taken away, and the remaining ones can naturally be used to do something good.

However, Scorpio doesn't need to fake a show for real, it can be really summoned, and there is no need to pretend.

Because Tongzi has the strength to kill Scorpio.


Tongzi is a person who is used to doing whatever comes to her mind.

She doesn't like to pile things up until tomorrow or later, because she has a bad memory and always forgets.

Therefore, in order not to forget things, it is the best choice to do things in advance.

After the Sima family returned to Weiming City, Tongzi immediately started to form a civilian police force.

It's just that Tongzi doesn't intend to be the commander of this unit.

After some careful consideration, she finally decided that my church head should be the head of the civilian police force.

My church head is a policeman with an IP ranking of less than [-] in the Tokyo area. Apart from my church, Tongzi really can't think of any other suitable candidates.

So after thinking clearly, Tongzi called my head teacher over.

After being told that the No. [-] stone monument "may collapse" and "someone is going to summon the Scorpio", and that I will be the commander of the police force, my hall leader raised a point that was ignored by Tongzi.

That's what the Self-Defense Forces think of civilian police forces.

"Opinion? What else can you think?"

Tongzi was stunned for a moment after hearing the question my head teacher was raising, feeling a little strange.

"Master Tongzi, you haven't had much dealings with official forces such as the Self-Defense Forces and the police, so you may not know much about them."

My head teacher was thinking about it for a while, and seemed to be organizing vocabulary.

"The Self-Defense Forces and the police, organizations with official backgrounds, don't treat our civilian police very well."

After listening to my teacher's words, Tongzi nodded in understanding.

"I know what you said."

When she first came to the Tokyo area, she was entrusted by Sheng Tianzi to investigate the situation at a boarding school. The policemen who had sealed off the school did not give her a good look.

"However, this is a major matter related to the survival of the Tokyo region. No matter how much the Self-Defense Forces don't like the police interfering in their affairs, at least they should not be ambiguous?"

"If that's the case, that's fine."

My hall master was touching his shiny bald head with some anxiety, and then he put his hand down, because he felt that such behavior was inappropriate in front of the lord whom he swore allegiance to.

"The Self-Defense Forces once had a glorious record in the Second Kanto Battle of defeating Gastrea head-on. For the third Kanto Battle (referring to this possible battle against Scorpio), the Self-Defense Forces must also be determined to win it. Maybe they don't have it at all. I don’t care about joining forces with the police, but will regard our good intentions as a fight for credit.”


Tongzi could not help but be dumbfounded.

*** These Japanese people eat too much raw food, are their brains full of parasites?

If Sima Weizhi's plan is successful and Scorpio is successfully summoned, then the third Kanto battle can be regarded as a game of betting on the fortunes of the Tokyo region. area, even cats and dogs will not be able to survive.

At this critical moment, do you still have the mind to do this?

But if you think about it carefully, what my head teacher is saying is just speculation, but it is not alarmist.

After all, there are lessons learned from the past.

The battle between the old Japanese army and navy during World War II was so wonderful that no country can match it.

Originally, the army and the navy were two different services, arguing endlessly over military expenditures, establishments, and many other issues. This is normal, but once they enter a war, they should support and help each other.

On the other hand, the army and navy in the old Japan period...

Also help each other?

If you don't drag your legs behind your back and stab a knife, you should burn the incense.

But Tongzi still asked my hall master to set up the civilian police first, and then try to contact the Self-Defense Forces. If the Self-Defense Forces agree to cooperate, that would be fine.

If the Self-Defense Forces do not agree to cooperate, then the civilian police force will be withdrawn at that time, and there is no need to care about the life and death of the Self-Defense Forces.


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