It was the anger of shame and companionship.

However, that man, as well as Mu Geng's mother, died after all.

The reason for his death was because the man who was his father did not have his own intelligence.

I don't know if it was because he was bewitched by Mu Geng's mother, he had an inexplicable sense of justice, and wanted to expose the dirty things that the Tiantong family had done since their fortune.

If these things are exposed, those news media will definitely not let go of this great opportunity.

Although the Tendo family is a well-known family in the Tokyo area, once those scandals are exposed, they will inevitably be pushed to the forefront.

Even Nixon was forced to resign as President of the United States because of the scandal.

Even if my grandfather didn't need to resign from the position of assistant officer like Nixon did, the image and reputation of the Tiantong family that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for hundreds of years is bound to suffer a devastating blow.

So that man, and Mu Geng's mother died.

Even Tendo Kisara and Satomi Rentaro, who were still very young at the time, were injured.

But these are the man's own reasons, not worthy of sympathy.

If there is any lesson that Tiantong and Guangguang learned from that incident, it is that they must never betray their grandfather, and they must never go against their grandfather's will.

"Master Tiantong, the car will be here soon."

Shiina Kazumi, who had already finished the phone call, had a respectful voice behind Tendo Kazumi.

Tendo and Hikaru nodded, suppressing the irritability in his heart, and at the same time straightened the tie on Armani's suit.

Speaking of the sense of justice, Tiantong and Guang couldn't help recalling the evidence that was inexplicably handed over to Lord Shengtianzi a few months ago.

When Tiantong Heguang was planning to climb up in the political circles, he had already begun to use his identity as a Tiantong family to trade with many political and business people and friends who maintained friendly and mutual assistance, consciously or unconsciously.

They provide themselves with money, and they themselves provide them with shelter.

Sometimes, the effectiveness of a document may not be equal to a word from the Tiantong clan.

"Please rest assured that I, Tiantong Heguang, the grandson of His Excellency Tiantong Assistant Officer, guarantee that my friend's business is absolutely legal."

——With this sentence, whether it is the Metropolitan Police Department or other departments, they will generally give the green light.

Of course, it's not just pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, sometimes some other means are also used.

In short, Tendo and Hikari are the most outstanding among these people who consider themselves grandchildren of their grandfather, because they are the only ones who climbed to the position of Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism without the help of Tendo's family (only using fame and no other resources). Position.

On the other hand, his other brothers, compared with himself, are too far behind.

The next head of the Tiantong family will most likely be unable to escape by himself.

It was supposed to be like this, but for some reason, evidence was suddenly handed over to Lord Shengtianzi.

Tiantong and Guangzi think that they are very careful in what they do, and they also confirm that those who trade with them are not the ones who will betray themselves. How did it become like this?

That time was really the darkest moment in Tendo and Hikari's life. Not only was he severely scolded by his grandfather, but he was almost kicked from the position of vice minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

But that also made Tiantong and Guang more concealed than before no matter what they did.

The fiery red sun gradually dimmed, and the sky gradually darkened. Tiantong and Guang looked around, but there was still no shadow of the familiar car on the road.

"What's the matter, hasn't the car arrived yet? How long are you going to make me wait?"

Tiantong Heguang gave his secretary a hard look.

Shiina Kazumi turned pale, as if she was about to cry at any moment.

"I'm very sorry, please allow me to make another call."

In fact, after yelling at Kazumi Shiina, Tendo and Hikari felt a bit regretful.

What happened to me today?

If it is the usual self, it will not show such an irritable look.

In the past, I always had the image of a gentle and elegant gentleman, but why today...

Tendo Kazuko pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Yes, the reason why I am so irritable may be because of that reason.

White spots appeared on the No. [-] giant stone tablet, and the news that it was about to collapse was only known to the top management...

And Tendo Kazuko, the vice-minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the grandson of Tendo's assistant officer, is naturally a member of the top management.

Damn, how could it be?Obviously, so many years have passed, and there have been no problems, how come now...

Fortunately, he led the construction of the No. [-] Stone Monument at that time. Only he and a few insiders knew about the adulteration, and his grandfather did not know about it, otherwise...

Not to mention continuing to be the deputy minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, he might be kicked out of Tendo's house like Mu Geng.

If you lose your black hat and get kicked out of Tiantong's house, you can imagine how miserable life will be after that.

Tiantong and Guang couldn't help shivering.

That being the case, it is necessary to avoid that kind of thing from happening.

For now, I can only go to those insiders and find a way to silence them. The best result is to let them leave the Tokyo area and never come back.

A Lincoln car drove over from the road in the distance and stopped in front of Tiantong and Guang.

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