"What's the matter with you? Why did you arrive so late? No matter what the reason is, I will definitely complain to your company. Just wait, someone will talk to you!"

Tendo Kazumi and Shiina Kazumi just got into the car, and Shiina Kazumi was like a machine gun, venting all the anger of Tendo Kazumi that he had suffered before on the driver of the Lincoln car.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

The driver was unexpectedly young. She was a girl in her teens, which made people feel strange. At her age, she should be studying, not going to work.

"Who are you, I remember it wasn't you before?"

Tendo and Hikari looked at the young driver suspiciously.

She was wearing sunglasses, a peaked cap, and a mask on her face.

As a driver, it is a bit too strange to wear such a dress.

"I'm his junior. Senior has something to do at home today, so I asked for leave. It's my first day at work. I don't understand many rules. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The girl kept apologizing.


Tiantong and Guang didn't take it to heart. In fact, he didn't care who would be his driver. Anyway, the driver was not his, but an employee of the Lincoln car rental company. In fact, people like him had already entered the upper class. That being said, it is really rare to ask this sentence too much.

And he was not in the mood to deal with these little people at the bottom of society.

"Go to Mihua Town in the fifth district."

After uttering this sentence coldly, Tiantong and Guang closed their eyes, rested their spirits, and prepared to persuade those insiders later.


Tendo and Hikari could feel the Lincoln sedan start.

If you want to convince those insiders, it may be impossible without some blood.

A hush money is not a problem.

In addition, air tickets and boat tickets for them to leave the Tokyo area must be prepared.

In fact, compared with money, the qualification to leave the Tokyo area is more difficult to obtain.

Now the news that the giant stone monument is about to collapse, except for the people who are still kept in the dark, those big shots have known the news for a long time.

Those who have private jets have already taken their own private jets to other areas overnight.

Those who do not have private jets try their best to get air tickets and boat tickets.

In fact, the Tokyo area has been building large-depth underground bunkers since the end of the gastrulation war nine years ago, and it was built out of the current situation.

But the deep underground bunker can only accommodate about [-]% of the citizens at present, and [-]% of the citizens will be abandoned and forced to stay on the ground.

In addition, the food, water and other necessary supplies reserved in the deep underground bunker can only be used for about two months. If there is no external supply for two months, it will still be a dead end.

So even if they fled into that deep underground bunker, the final result would still be death.

Those who are capable still choose to run away.

Although there is no way to take away the industries left in the Tokyo area, they still have some capital on them. As for other areas, they can use the money to make a comeback, or they can just eat and wait for death.

But Tendo and Hikari didn't understand why his grandfather didn't grab the air tickets and boat tickets to escape to other areas like the others. Obviously, with the strength of the Tendo family, it was easy to grab enough air tickets and boat tickets for everyone in the Tendo family to leave. .

But the grandfather didn't do that, he just tried to get everyone in the Tiantong family to get the default qualification to enter the deep underground bunker.

What exactly is Grandfather thinking? Don't you think that the mixed force of the Self-Defense Forces and the civilian police can defeat the Aldebaran and the gastroenterology army?

how can...

Tiantong and Guang suddenly felt the car stop.

"What's the matter with you? This is not Mihua Town, nor is it the fifth district? Why do you stop here...ah!"

Tendo Kazumi just opened his eyes when he saw his secretary, Kazumi Shiina, who was knocked out.

"She was too noisy, I told her to be quiet, it's much better now."

This Lincoln sedan is of the same style as the extended luxury limousine of Mr. Sheng Tianzi, and the passenger compartment at the back is like a small space.

Looking at the girl who suddenly approached, Tendo and Hikari couldn't help being startled.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The girl who was close at hand smiled.

"I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to have a good chat with the Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism."

"You... Since you know my identity, you still dare to do such rude things?"

Tiantong and Guang wanted to open the car door and escape, but for some reason, the car door seemed to be welded dead, and it didn't move.

Then he slammed on the car window desperately, trying to attract the attention of people outside.

But no matter how much he slapped, his palms turned red, but it still didn't help.

"Don't waste your time, Deputy Minister."

The girl sat beside Kazumi Shiina who had been knocked out, watching Tendo and Kazumi coldly pulling the car door and tapping the car window, but remained indifferent.

That look is like watching a monkey jumping up and down with cold eyes.

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