"Since you like to pretend to be confused, then I'll just expose it to you, Vice Minister, or Tiantong Heguang, do you think that you are the main person in charge of Stone Monument No. [-], and others don't know? Do you think Is it true that no one knows about the adulteration of the No. [-] megalithic monument?"

"You... how could you..."

Thin beads of sweat appeared on Tiantong Heguang's forehead, but then he seemed to think of something and forced himself to gather himself.

"Do you have evidence for what you said?"

"Hehe, evidence? I knew you would say that, how do you think I know?"

The girl took out a mobile phone, operated it a few times, and then turned the screen of the mobile phone around to show Tiantong and Guang.

Tiantong and Guang just glanced at it, and the cold sweat on their foreheads could no longer stop.

Because the one on the phone screen is nothing but the folder Shengtianzi gave Tongzi, and it is also the letter of commission that Tiantong Heguang was authorized to build the No. [-] megalithic monument.

Tiantong and Guang suddenly grabbed the phone and tried to break it in half.

Then, after finding that it was useless to do so, he threw the phone on the ground forcefully, and then stepped on it hard.

One foot, two feet...

Several cracks were stepped on the screen of the mobile phone, the internal parts flew out, and the originally lit screen also dimmed.


Tendo and Hikari were slightly out of breath.

"This mobile phone costs at least [-] yen, and you have to pay me."

"I'll pay... just pay you..."

What is [-] yen to a deputy minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism?Is that enough money for a dinner party?

"It seems that you are very happy, Vice Minister, do you think that if your criminal evidence is destroyed, you will be fine?"

The girl still smiled kindly.

"Don't you think that I only have those pictures in my phone?"

Tiantong and Guang had a happy face just now, but the excitement suddenly froze on their faces.

"You... what do you mean?"

"The picture on the phone I showed you just now, that thing is in my hand, it's not a picture, it's the real thing, if you want, I can also make a copy for you."

"You... you... where the hell did you get all of this? I should have gotten rid of them all."

"Deputy Minister, haven't you heard the saying 'there is no impenetrable wall in this world'?"

Tiantong Heguang's teeth were chattering, and his body was trembling. He didn't know whether it was fear, or anger and resentment because he was caught.

He took a few deep breaths, barely making his body tremble less violently.

"Okay, what exactly do you want to ask, I will definitely know everything."

"What I want to ask is actually very simple, Vice Minister."

The girl stared closely at Tendo and Hikari, who unconsciously had the illusion of being targeted by a beast.

"Why on earth do you want to adulterate on the No. [-] giant stone tablet? Don't you know the serious relationship in it?"


Tiantong and Guang were taken aback for a moment.

"Is that all you want to ask?"

Tendo and Hikari felt annoyed that they were being played.

What does it mean?

He specially spent a lot of time to collect evidence that he was clearly destroyed, and specially created an environment where he appeared in such an environment without any bodyguards around him...

Just because of such a ridiculous reason?

what is this?

Tendo and Hikari wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Because he was afraid that if he accidentally offended the other party, he would be killed by the other party.

If it's just such a superficial question...

"If I answer, can you return all those documents to me? Whether it is a copy or the original."

Tendo and Light quickly added.

"Of course, I broke your phone, I'm sorry, I'll pay you one, how about the latest version of the iPhone?"

"it is good."

The other party's answer was concise and to the point.

"So, it's time for you to answer my question."

"What do you want to ask... Oh, yes, that..."

Tendo and Hikari had a thoughtful expression on their faces, as if they were thinking about how to answer, which would be more reasonable and decent.

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