"I don't know how much you know about Japan's political circles? Although the Tokyo area is an independent country recognized by the United Nations, it is basically the same as before..."

"If a person wants to climb up, he needs money, and it's a lot of money. What's the use of just the name of the Tiantong family? I have several brothers, and I'm not the only son. My grandfather can't just care about it." I alone..."

"So, I need money, a lot of money."

Perhaps because the chatterbox was opened, Tiantong and Guang no longer had the initial scruples when talking.

"Those high-ranking officials all have different desires, some are not only satisfied with shooting human beings who can't move or bark in the shooting range, but also want to shoot (sensitive words) real humans, and some want to have a 3P with twin virgins, There are people who want to do a SNUFF MOVIE where they're in the show ... that sort of thing."

His eyes lit up, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

"In order to satisfy their desires, all of these require money, a large sum of money..."

The girl looked at Tendo and Hiko with disgust.

"To prevent corruption or binding bids for public works, public bidding is now adopted, but the process has become relatively complicated. The construction of the megalithic monument is a time-sensitive project, so it is handed over to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's direct unified contractor to direct the construction. So you take advantage of your power to adulterate the content of the giant stone tablet? So as to fill your own pockets?"

Tendo and Hikaru felt uncomfortable being stared at by this disgusted gaze.

Even if he thinks he did nothing wrong.

"Don't... don't look at me with that kind of eyes. Of course, I don't deny that mixing other metals will reduce the purity of the chrysanthemum, and the ability to create a magnetic field that makes gastroenteria hate it will also be reduced. But, but..."

Tiantong and Guang didn't know why he had to explain to the person in front of him in such a hurry.

It's not just that my handle is being held in the hands of the other party...

It may also be because he felt uncomfortable being stared at by such a girl with disgust.

"I've consulted with experts who specialize in gastroenterology and salamanders. In theory, that kind of purity shouldn't be a problem, and in the past nine years, the No. [-] Stone Stele has never had any problems. , isn't it?"

"It was true in the past, but now it is obvious that if you often walk by the river, there is no way your shoes will not get wet. Your luck will eventually cause everyone in the Tokyo area to die together."

"Then how is it my responsibility?!"

Tiantong and Guang suddenly let out a roar like a wounded beast, his face was flushed, and he didn't know whether it was because of anger or doubt.

Or both.

"Obviously experts have estimated that there is no problem, and I am not an expert. How do I know that it will be ineffective against gastritis with erosive fluid? Not to mention..."

The expressions on Tiantong and Guang's faces gradually distorted.

"The gastroenteritis also failed to break through the giant stone tablet, didn't they? It's just that the giant stone tablet was injected with erosive fluid..."

"Master Sheng Tianzi is already starting to build a new giant stone tablet. It is a huge stone tablet with no adulteration, and the purity is exactly the same as other huge stone tablets. As long as you put that huge stone tablet in the position of No. [-] huge stone tablet, there will be no problem. .”

Tiantong and Guang seem to be convincing themselves, but also seem to be convincing each other.

"Don't worry, the joint force composed of the self-defense force and the civilian police will definitely be able to last until the time when the giant stone monument is completed."

After listening to Tendo and Hikari's defense, the girl also remained unexpectedly calm.

"So that's the case, I probably can understand your thoughts."

"Then according to the previous agreement..."

Tendo and Guang looked at the girl with burning eyes.

"We agreed."


Kiriko took out a stack of stapled documents from her clothes and threw them at Tendo and Hikari.

Tendo and Hikari picked up the documents that had been thrown at him, and quickly flipped through them.

After confirming that it was indeed the file he had seen on his phone before, Tendo and Hikari breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he seemed to think of something again, and frowned.

"Didn't you say there were more? Only this?"

What a joke!

This was just his commission for the construction of Stele Thirty-two.

What about other information?

If it is just a letter of appointment, it can only prove that he is responsible for the No. [-] megalithic monument. Only those materials involving the adulteration of the megalithic monument are fatal.

Cold sweat broke out from Tendo and Hikari's back.

If those materials did not exist from the beginning, then what I just said...

This guy is cheating himself?

The girl shook her head.

"No more, just this on you, nothing else."

Tendo and Hikari wanted to get angry, but finally held back.

"...Okay, I can trust you, but I don't have that much cash with me now, you can give me a contact information, and I will send you the iPhone or the money later."

Tiantong and Guang had already made up their minds to find out the origin of this person immediately after they were out of danger.

Although the other party said that no other information was retained.

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