The white substance injected by Sima Heavy Industry into the No. [-] monument is not a real erosive fluid and will not cause damage to the monument.

But it seems to be able to grow independently, and it will slowly cover the No. [-] giant stone tablet, and finally it will completely wrap the No. [-] huge stone tablet.

The current response in the Tokyo area is to organize self-defense forces and civilian police forces to gather at the No. [-] megalithic monument to prevent gastritis from entering after the megalithic monument collapses. Actually not).

Then there is the opening of deep underground bunkers, allowing the citizens to draw lots to determine the eligibility to enter the underground bunkers.

The last thing is to build the new monolith.

Some people may ask, did the Holy Son of Heaven believe in the test results of Sima Heavy Industry so much, did he have no doubts at all?

In fact, there are.

Sheng Tianzi approached the directors of several large laboratories in the Tokyo area and entrusted them to go for the test, but as mentioned before, they and Sima Weizhi both maintain a common interest relationship, so their "test results" and Same as Sima Heavy Industry.

After a period of time, more and more white spots appeared, and even if the Holy Son of Heaven imposed news control, he couldn't hide it at last.

The white spot on the No. [-] giant stone monument has almost covered the huge stone monument for half a month, and it can be observed with the naked eye from a distance.

After realizing that the bleaching of the megalithic monument could not be covered up, the spokesperson of the Holy House also officially issued a press release stating that the No. [-] megalithic monument is about to collapse.

The deep underground bunker prepared by the Son of Heaven can only accommodate [-]% of the citizens of Tokyo.

The question is what to do with the seventy percent who are not selected.

Demonstrations and protests quickly organized.

Those who have seen farther have begun snapping up air tickets to other regions.

Air tickets to the Osaka area and Sendai area were sold out within minutes after the government press conference started. Now they can only be obtained through online photography or the black market, and just one air ticket has risen to such a high price that people’s property is exhausted.

Although the Son of Heaven is also encouraged to seek refuge in other areas, the number of planes is overwhelmingly insufficient.

The entire Tokyo area is shrouded in excessive tension.

In addition to demonstrations and protests, there were surprisingly many criticisms, mainly focused on the Holy Son.At the beginning, some people attacked her for being incompetent, and then even said that she was a prostitute, etc. Personal attacks on women's identity continued.

For these criticisms, Sheng Tianzi did not express his anger, but repeatedly called on the citizens to calm down.

A replacement monolith is in the works and an attempt will be made to assemble the monolith on site.

Sheng Tianzi explained that the completion of preparations for the replacement of the monument happened to be three days after the collapse of the No. [-] monument. To prove this, detailed information is attached.

In addition, during the three days between the collapse of the giant stone monument and the completion of the construction of the new replacement megalithic monument, the Tokyo area will be guarded by the Ground Self-Defense Force, which achieved great results in the Second Kanto Battle, and the Civil Police Corps. Message from the reserve forces.

The mixed force composed of Lu Zi and civilian police somewhat calmed down the excited and angry citizens.

Leaving aside the police and the like, Lu Zi is the patron saint of the Tokyo area.

Gastratus or something is definitely nothing, Lu Zi will definitely protect everyone.

But the calmness didn't last long. That night, a video was broadcast anonymously to the mobile phones of all citizens in the Tokyo area.

This is just a video about the same length as Douyin, not even five minutes long.

But the content inside makes people sweat.

Because this short video is a criminal statement.

In the video, the whole body is hidden in a cloak, and the man who can't even distinguish between men and women declares that he will summon Scorpio on the first day that the No. [-] Stone Monument collapses, and punish the gods of the Tokyo area.

Scorpio is a gastritis of stage five, and it is also the strongest existence among gastrulations.

A total of eleven stage five gastrella have been sighted, of which Taurus and Virgo were each wiped out a few years ago.

But stage five should not be underestimated because of this.

The appearance of each stage five gastratus is equivalent to a moving natural disaster. There are only two cases of successful eradication of stage five, but there are countless cities destroyed by stage five.

After the citizens received this criminal declaration-like video, the entire Tokyo area boiled up.

Originally, the collapse of the No. [-] megalithic monument did not mean the extinction of the Tokyo area.

Gastrea are not organized. After the collapse of the giant stone monument, at most only nearby gastritis will gather, but the Self-Defense Forces that can win the second Kanto battle should be able to deal with these sporadic gastritis.

But if Scorpio is really called out as in the criminal declaration, then the meaning is completely different.

Each stage five has the characteristics of a gastritis legion, that is, when stage five appears, nearby gastrula will follow and engulf them spontaneously, forming a gastritis legion.

What is the concept of Gastrea Legion?

That means at least a thousand Gastrea...

If it's just a sporadic, small amount of Gastrea, the SDF must be fine.

But if it's a Gastrea Legion with thousands of Gastrea, plus Stage [-] of destroying countless cities, then that's not necessarily the case.

Not long after the video of the crime statement was broadcast on the citizens' mobile phones, Shengju's phone rang, and countless citizens called to question whether the content in the video was true.

The staff of the Holy House are very busy.

Not just the phone.

At the gate of the holy residence, thousands of angry citizens have gathered, and the number is still increasing. They keep shouting slogans, claiming that the Holy Son of Heaven must be responsible for this incident.

As for how to be responsible, only they themselves know.


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