Tiantong Mansion.


Tendo Kikunojo watched the video of the criminal declaration transmitted from the mobile phone to the computer, and angrily kicked over the coffee table in front of him.

The precious tea utensils placed on the coffee table fell to the ground and became shattered.

The items that can be placed in the home of the actual power holder in the Tokyo area will naturally not be bought by Moubao or Duoduo.

But when something was broken, Tendo Kikunojo didn't feel bad.

Because he has more important things to worry about than this.

He knew that the statement of crime was not a threat, it was true.

The reason is that the person in the video took out the silver suitcase.

Others may not know it, but he himself knows it too well. That silver-white suitcase is the medium for summoning Scorpio.

Some time ago, he sent his subordinates to the unexplored area to retrieve the medium that could summon Scorpio, but his subordinates did not come back, so he knew something had happened.

But he didn't expect that even the medium of Scorpio would fall into the hands of others.

"Why is Master Tiantong so angry?"

A voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Originally, there was only Tendo Kikunojo alone in the room, but suddenly there was another person.

The man had a top hat on his head, a funny mask on his face, a tuxedo, crisp trousers, polished leather shoes, and snow-white gloves.

"You...is that you?" Tiantong Kikunojo suddenly picked up an ashtray at the side and threw it at the man, "You still dare to come back?"

The man in the tuxedo snapped his fingers, and the flying ashtray hit a certain distance away from him, and was blocked by the invisible protective cover, breaking into several pieces and falling to the ground.

"Master Tiantong, what are you doing?"

"You still ask me what I'm doing, but I want to ask what you are doing, Zhizi Yingyin, have you forgotten our agreement?"

Tendo Kikunojo picked up the remote control and replayed the video on the screen. The man named Hiruko Yingyin looked at the screen. When he saw that the person in the video took out a silver-white suitcase and announced that he would soon be on the giant stone monument After the day of the collapse summoned Scorpio, the eyes shot from the funny mask showed incredible colors.

Then, as if he had figured out something, he looked at Tendo Kikunojo.

"Master Tiantong, do you think the person in the video is me?"

"Isn't it?" Tendo Kikunojo snorted coldly, "The only people who know [Seven Stars' Legacy] are the subordinates I sent to unexplored areas, and you, there is no fourth person who knows about it. My subordinates did not come back, but [Seven Stars Legacy] is in the hands of the person in the video, who else could it be besides you?"

"It's not me." Zhi Ziyingyin shook his head and quickly denied it.

Tendo Kikunojo sneered, "Do you think I will believe you?"

"Master Tiantong, our goals are the same. If I really got [Seven Star's Legacy], why should I abandon the agreement and act alone?"

"Who knows what you're trying to do?"

"Then how can Master Tendo trust me?"

"If it's really not you, then go and take back [Seven Star's Legacy], I don't care what method you use, we must ensure that [Seven Star's Legacy] is in our hands."

"Excuse my refusal."

Tendo Kikunojo suspected that his ears had misheard.


Zhizi Yingyin smiled and opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace Tiantong Juzhicheng.

"Master Tendo, I'm afraid it's because the nobles forget things too much. The reason why I reached a temporary alliance with you, Master Tendo, is to hope that the Tokyo area will fall into chaos again, and that the plundered generations who have been corrupted by peaceful life will recall their mechanized soldiers and victims. The importance of the son of the curse..."

"But my goal has been achieved. Although I don't know who holds the [Seven Star Legacy], as long as he summons the Scorpio, the incompetent self-defense force will be destroyed. At that time, it will be our mechanized soldiers and the cursed son." stage."


When Tendo Kikunojo and Hiruko Kagein were arguing, the urban area of ​​Tokyo also underwent rapid changes.

After the war, the deep underground bunker of the building was opened to the public, and [-]% of the citizens of the Tokyo area who were selected have begun to enter the shelter in large numbers.

Of course, there will be situations where some people in the same family are selected and some are not, so there are sad scenes of hugging each other and vowing to meet again everywhere.

As for the responses of the remaining [-]% of the public, it can be said that they are completely polarized.

Some people believe that the mixed forces of the Self-Defense Forces and the police can defeat the gastritis, so they try to maintain social functions.Others think that mixed troops will lose the battle.

In order to flee overseas, the latter sold off his family property at a low price in order to buy a high-priced air ticket.As for those who have no money, they wander the streets desperately, or try to forge the proof of winning the lottery, or even rob others.

Because of the latter relationship, law and order deteriorated, and even mobs appeared.

Although the patrols of the self-government groups have stepped up their guard, the number of them is still much smaller than that of the rioters in terms of the current situation.

The entire Tokyo area is about to be torn apart by anxiety and fear.

Yet their concerns are well-founded.

The human state of mind is kept steady by ignorance.If you can predict that you will die in a few days, human beings will not be able to sleep peacefully.

Whether we realize it or not, most of us expect tomorrow to come as we want it to.

Now the veil of tenderness and ignorance has fallen off, and the truth is nakedly presented to all residents of the Tokyo area.Here's the truth - your lives will end abruptly in a few days, and you may be eaten alive.

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