Chapter 235 Riot


After the whitening of the giant stone monument, the Tokyo area fell into panic. Except for the first, second, and third districts and Ashina Castle, incidents of vandalism and looting occurred in other areas.

The first district is where the holy residence is located, and most of the people living in the second and third districts are either rich or expensive. Of course, they will not smash other people's things casually, and most of them have bodyguards and guards. If you want to take advantage of the chaos and enter these areas to "rob the rich and help the poor", you have to weigh it carefully.

As for Ashina City, it is purely because the residents here are the cursed sons and their sympathizers. They are not qualified to enter deep underground bunkers, and they don’t have the money to grab air tickets and boat tickets to leave the Tokyo area. I can only honestly try my best to keep myself calm and go to work as usual.

And Tongzi also assured them that the Tokyo area will definitely not usher in a mass extinction, and the joint army of the Self-Defense Forces and the Civil Police Force will definitely be able to defeat the Scorpio and the gastritis army.

However, with Tongzi's guarantee, and in order to maintain the law and order of Weiming City, Tongzi specially arranged for the police to form a small team to patrol day and night, which reassured people a lot.

Originally, Tongzi thought that Wei Mingcheng would always be so peaceful...

But what she didn't expect was that something broke out earlier than the collapse of the giant stone tablet.

She used to think that since human beings are the spirits of all things, even people who have no higher education and are impulsive should at least distinguish the pros and cons...

Some things can be done, some things can't be done...

She used to think that human beings should at least have a bottom line.

But she was wrong.

Tongzi once again overestimated the bottom line of the plundered generation in this world...


On a bridge outside Ashina Castle.

This is an important hub connecting Ashina Castle and downtown Tokyo. If you want to enter Ashina Castle from other urban areas in the Tokyo area, you must pass through this bridge.

There is only one bridge like this.

Of course, there is only one road leading to Weiming Castle, so the police are still very happy.

At least Hiroshi Kawaguchi is very happy.

Hiroshi Kawaguchi is a policeman who has passed his forty years. For him without any background, background, or relationship, this age basically means that this life will be like this, and there is no possibility of advancement.

However, Kawaguchi is a person with no ambitions. His biggest hobby is video games. In fact, he is very grateful to be transferred here, because there is basically nothing to do to guard the bridge. Those who want to enter Weiming City People must pass this bridge.

And as long as those people board the bridge, they will be discovered by themselves.

Every day when I go to work, I just stay in a daze, brag about my previous great achievements with the little policeman who was arranged to be here with me, and then go home after get off work and play video games until late at night and sleep with my head covered. passed.

The days of the gods are nothing but this.

Although Hiroshi Kawaguchi is already in his forties, he is not married and has no children. Although it is inevitable that people he knows will have some gossip, he doesn't care about it, because he feels that living alone is more free. .

For women, if you really want to play, you can help some poor female students.

Looking for a woman to take control of your life?

He doesn't think he's crazy yet.

If you are married and have children, how can you still have such a good life now, and where will you have extra money to buy video games? Just the money for milk powder and diapers are enough to worry yourself, not to mention the future education, education, etc. Looking for a job, getting married, having children, buying a house...

Just thinking about these things is enough.

"You arrived so early, Kawaguchi-senpai."

Outside the duty booth, there was a sudden sound of brakes. A young man who seemed to be in his twenties got off the locomotive, and Hiroshi Okikawaguchi smiled.

"Nagasaka, you bastard... Didn't I say that you must wear a motorcycle cap when riding a motorcycle?"

Kawaguchi Hiroshi did not laugh, but reprimanded the other party.

The young man in front of him was Shinichiro Nagasaka, his police partner assigned to be in charge of the bridge.

On the bridge leading to Ashina Castle, there are two policemen who are on duty [-] hours a day in three shifts, just to prevent ordinary citizens or anti-cursed sons from passing through the bridge and running into Ashina Castle.

Faced with the reprimand from his senior, Shinichiro Nagasaka smiled a little embarrassedly, and after saying sorry, he parked the locomotive and entered the duty booth to change into his uniform.

Nagasaka asked suddenly: "Hey, let me say senior, have senior's family members been qualified to enter the deep underground bunker?"

"Boy, are you showing affection to me? I don't know I'm single?" Kawaguchi stared, and patted Shinichiro Nagasaka on the back of the head angrily.

Nagasaka, who was patted on the head, was not angry, and continued to say with a smile: "I forgot, sorry, sorry."

Hiroshi Kawaguchi took out a pack of cigarettes from his uniform, took out one, and then he suddenly noticed that his junior was looking straight at the cigarette in his hand, and he passed the pack of cigarettes over: "Come on One?"

"Senior, don't we have a rule that smoking is not allowed during work?"

Kawaguchi suddenly remembered that he had reprimanded Nagasaka for violating the regulations before, and now it was his turn, he couldn't help but blush, and put the cigarette back in his pocket embarrassingly, "Of course, I don't want to smoke at all, it's just to test you. You The boy's determination is really good, and he will have a great weapon in the future, haha..."

This excuse made Hiroshi Kawaguchi himself feel embarrassed, because the people who were sent here to guard the bridge were all excluded from the Metropolitan Police Department, or young and ignorant, simple-minded and easy to deceive.

When you get here, it means the same as the distribution of border customs in ancient China.

Will there be a big weapon in the future?

Wash up and go to bed early, there is everything in the dream.


Kawaguchi suddenly noticed that on the opposite side of the bridge, that is, in the direction of downtown Tokyo, a large group of people suddenly appeared darkly.

There are many of them, including students, company employees, supermarket salespersons, vegetable vendors in the market, truck drivers, and workers on construction sites...

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