Even though the crowd in front had already set foot on the bridge, there was still a steady stream of people behind.

problem occurs……

This was the first reaction in Kawaguchi's mind.

He knew that due to the whitening of the giant stone monument and the fact that some unknown forces planned to summon Scorpio, the two incidents caused the public security in downtown Tokyo to deteriorate extremely, and even some policemen who were supposed to be responsible for maintaining public security were even involved in crimes.

In such an atmosphere, the cursed son was once again pushed to the cusp of the storm, and now those citizens who fell into panic and anger generally believed that there were too many cursed sons gathered in Weiming City, which would attract gastroenteria. Corrupted the monolith.

Now in the urban areas outside, let alone the cursed son, even if you just say a word of justice for the cursed son, you will be labeled as a "red-eyed sympathizer", and then you will be beaten severely.

Therefore, in the past few days, the policemen like Kawaguchi and the others who were in charge of guarding the bridge were arranged by Ashina Castle to temporarily stay in Ashina Castle and did not return to their residences in the city.

Once those hot-headed citizens know that they are working for Ashina City (from a certain point of view, it is true), it may endanger their personal safety.

but now……

What's up with these idiots?

"Nagasaka, put on your gun and follow me."

Hiroshi Kawaguchi took out a police pistol from his holster, opened it to confirm the bullets inside, and then opened the safety.

He and Shinichiro Nagasaka walked forward until they reached the front of the crowd.

"Stop, who are you? This is Weiming City in front of you, no more approaching is allowed."

Kawaguchi showed the gun that was hanging on his waist, but instead of pulling it out, he put his hand on it, as if he could draw the gun at any time.

Nagasaka Shinichiro was holding a police pistol. He didn't point the gun directly at the crowd, but towards the sky.

But Nagasaka seems to be experiencing this kind of thing for the first time (in fact, Kawaguchi himself is also the first time), and he looks very nervous.

Although his own side had guns, Hiroshi Kawaguchi did not dare to be careless. This was not only because the other side had many people, but because the other side also had guns.

After the war, the Tokyo area promulgated a law on the civilianization of weapons, which made firearms that were originally extremely controlled, but now they can easily enter thousands of households.

Now, these citizens are holding long guns and short cannons in their hands.

No matter what they wanted to do, Kawaguchi could be sure that they were definitely not here to sell weapons.

"Get out of the way, you naked sympathizers."

Someone in the crowd shouted frantically.

"Senior, they seem to be planning to enter Weiming Castle."

Nagasaka's voice trembled a little.

"Of course I know."

Hiroshi Kawaguchi replied angrily, and then he continued to shout to the crowd.

"Stand back, step back, don't go any further, you...you are what you are talking about, if you go any further, I will..."


Before Kawaguchi finished speaking, a gunshot interrupted his voice.

As if he didn't realize what happened just now, he subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched his chest. In his increasingly blurred vision, he saw that his fingers were bright red.

He felt that he was falling, as if he was about to fall into an endless abyss, he couldn't hear the younger generation shouting at him, at this moment he couldn't feel everything outside, and it didn't take long for the darkness to engulf his consciousness.

The rioting crowd surrounded Hiroshi Kawaguchi and Shinichiro Nagasaka and beat them for a while, then threw them off the bridge, and some people spat at them. They headed towards the other direction of the bridge in high spirits, as if they were going to do something extraordinary. It's like a big deal.


"What, riot?"

Tongzi stood up from the chair in surprise, "Are you sure?"

From the phone, it was the voice of a policeman in a patrol team she arranged in Weiming City: "Yes, President, those city... mobs injured the policemen on the bridge, and our people are under the bridge." We found them by the river and rushed them to the hospital, but those mobs...are now planning to cross the bridge and head towards Weiming City."

In fact, at the earliest time, when discussing this plan with Sima Weizhi, Tongzi had anticipated that there might be some riots.

But she never imagined that there would be a riot.

The giant stone monument has not yet collapsed, the Scorpio has not yet been summoned, and the mixed force composed of the Self-Defense Forces and the Civilian Police is still doing well, why did they get into chaos first?

And it's a riot!

"You block them first. Be sure to block them on the bridge. Kill all those who dare to cross the bridge. Don't have any taboos. I will send people to support you immediately."

After finishing the conversation with the policeman, she quickly contacted several other patrol teams and asked them to rush to the bridge where the incident happened to support the patrol team that was resisting there.

At the same time, she also summoned those Lolita who have undergone professional military training.

Although none of them have experienced actual combat, this time is undoubtedly a very suitable actual combat. The enemy is civilians with guns, and the threat level is lower than that of gastratus in stage one, which is suitable for training targets.

To Tongzi's surprise, when she gathered the Lolitas and was about to rush to the bridge, a person appeared and stopped in front of them suddenly.

It was Satomi Rentaro who hurried over.

By the way, at present, half of the civilian police in Ashina Castle form the police force, led by my church head, and camp behind the Self-Defense Forces, while the other half stay in Ashina Castle.

After all, she didn't want to run into such things as house-changing tactics.

The reason why Satomi Rentaro was not arranged to go to the front line is also very simple. Although his own strength is far superior to that of ordinary policemen, Kiriko always feels that several layers of ominous halos are shrouded in him. If he is allowed to go with the police force, She was worried that he would kill all his teammates.

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