That's why he was allowed to stay in Weiming City.

Not only him, but also Natsuzawa Akimaro (of course the latter stayed in Ashina Castle because Tongzi felt relieved about him).

And he rushed over in such a hurry, it seemed that he had something important to say.

"I heard about the incident on the bridge, President, are you going to the other side of the bridge?"

"Yes, but you don't need to come here when I see you, you and Mu Geng can watch the house together." Tongzi nodded, and then planned to bypass him.

But Satomi Rentaro stood in front of Kiriko again: "Wait a minute, President, you... you are not going to take them to fight, are you?"

Tongzi shook her head: "No, I took them there to invite those mobs to come to Weiming City to smash and loot, because I think our Weiming City has been governed too well by me, and it should be the same as other chaotic urban areas." Just go in."

Then she looked at Satomi who was dumbfounded by what she said, and said: "What are you thinking, Satomi, the enemy is coming, of course we are going to fight!"

Satomi Rentaro said: "President, violence will only breed more violence, and hatred will only breed more hatred. If you do this, President, it will only make the citizens of Tokyo hate the cursed son even more. "

Kiriko looked at Satomi Rentaro: "Oh, so Satomi, do you have any good ideas?"

Chapter 236


"Now we have to let everyone go to evacuate first, and at the same time notify the emperor immediately, and send the police to deal with it." Satomi Rentaro looked into everyone's eyes and continued, "I know it's very difficult, but now everyone can only bear it. If a plundered generation commits a crime, it will only be considered that person is at fault, but if the cursed son commits a crime, it will be considered the entire group of cursed sons..."

In the originally plundered generation, there were very few people who could understand the cursed child. People were always very rational when they mentioned other people's affairs, but when they involved themselves, they would become crazy.

Now is an extraordinary period, and the citizens of the Tokyo area will become so irritable. Although it is difficult to accept, it is not incomprehensible, but once the cursed son chooses to respond violently...

It was hard for Satomi Rentaro to imagine what would happen next.

"So you can only be patient, and you must not think about revenge. Now is the time for everyone to be patient. No matter how bad the cards are, you must try to win with superb skills. Be patient, time will dilute everything , One day, the citizens of Tokyo will recall that it was you who protected everyone and the Tokyo area.”

"Meeting you there means that even if others bully them, don't resist, right?"

"President, you clearly know that I don't mean that, but there is really nothing we can do now, we can only let them live well, one day..."

"Go to hell and live well!"

Tongzi suddenly became angry and couldn't help but swear.

Satomi Rentaro looked in shock at Kiriko who had never sweared before, including the lolis who were summoned by her, and had never seen Kiriko-sama so angry.

"Before I came, what were the cursed children in the Tokyo area like? You didn't have any idea? They were abandoned from birth, and they had to try to fill their stomachs before they opened their eyes..."

"Because I don't have any source of income, I can only grab garbage from wild cats and dogs to eat. Even garbage is not always there. Many cursed sons can only often suffer from hunger, and some cursed sons are so hungry that they can't stand it. I had no choice but to steal some food..."

"Even if you are lucky enough to be selected by the IISO to be the initiator, in the eyes of the promoters, the initiator is just a tool that can be used and consumed, and there are even some promoters who deliberately abuse the initiator. happy……"

"Satomi," Kiriko held back her anger, and said to Satomi Rentaro word by word, "Look into my eyes, and repeat your sentence of 'live well'! How dare you look at these children eyes, say 'live well' again!"


Satomi Rentaro was ashamed, and he opened his mouth to defend those plundered generations, but he couldn't say anything.

"Also, you just said that time can dilute hatred? This is the funniest sentence I've ever heard..."

"Let me give you an example in reality. Aren't you Japanese? You should know about the Boshin War in your country, right? With the new government army, launched a tragic siege battle..."

"The siege ended with the victory of the new government army. As one of the main forces of the new government army, the Changzhou domain judged the dead in the Jin domain as 'thieves' and did not allow them to be buried. The corpses were placed for a long time. To be exposed to the wind and sun, or to be pecked by birds and beasts and make it miserable..."

"In the entire Boshin War, the abuse of the dead's remains after the siege of Aizu was the most cruel. Some people were even imprisoned for several days for burying the dead. It was not until half a year later that the dead were allowed to be buried due to the epidemic. And the way of burying the remains is also very extreme..."

"Because of the cruel treatment after the siege of Aizu, people in Aizu have had grievances against the Changshu Domain for more than a hundred years. Even people in Fukushima Prefecture, which has entered modern society, are still bitter about the siege of that year Yu Huai..."

"People from Fukushima Prefecture (where the former Aizu Domain was located) basically do not communicate with people from Yamaguchi and Kagoshima Prefectures (where the former Changshu Domain was located). Taxi drivers refused them rides..."

"Even in 1986 (Showa 61), Hagi City, the former castle town of Choshu, believed that the war had ended for nearly 120 years, and proposed to form a friendship city with Aizuwakamatsu City in order to reconcile the people of the two places, but it was rejected by Aizuwakamatsu City People refuse, they think, the war has only been 120 years..."

"And for Aizu people, there is only one thing that war represents, and that is the Boshin War (this is different from the concept of most Japanese people. When most Japanese mention the concept of war, they will think of World War II)..."

"Satomi, please tell me now, can time dilute hatred? So, how much time will it take? Fifty years, one hundred years, or two hundred years?"

"Or is it that the citizens of the Tokyo area will be able to recall the day when they were protected by the cursed son until the cursed son is almost dead and the police lack a large number of soldiers?"

Satomi Rentaro was blushed by Kiriko's words and was speechless.

He really wanted to refute, wanted to yell out, what Tongzi said was wrong.

However, no matter how much he skipped classes when he was in school, he still knew the most basic historical knowledge.

Of course he knew what good deeds those guys from the Changzhou Fan had done during the Boshin War. Of course, those things committed back then cannot be erased no matter how they are washed away, but...

"Satomi, think about it carefully, don't worry, you are not a cursed child anyway, no matter what, those plundered generations will still regard you as their own kind, no matter what happens, the abuse, the past You are not the one who lives a miserable life, so you can think about it slowly here."

After saying this, Tongzi didn't stay any longer, but strode out.

The lolis are also closely following her. Although they don't understand what Master Tongzi said, they can feel that Master Tongzi wants to protect them from the bottom of his heart, so even if they still can't understand Master Tongzi the words said.

But as long as the adult said it, it was right.

They believed so sincerely.


Usui Yinzhen hid in the police duty booth on the bridge, and locked the door of the duty booth. He just sat on the floor and shivered.

The student uniform on his body was crumpled, and he had thrown away the pistol he was holding before. He grabbed his hair with his hands and scratched his hairstyle into a bird's nest, with a terrified expression on his face.

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