"God, please help me."

Outside the duty booth, it has become a purgatory on earth.

This purgatory should not exist in the world at all, or in other words, it should not exist in their daily life at all.

Many of the people who traveled with him died, they were blown into several pieces, their limbs were blown into the sky, and some people were still alive, crawling hard on the ground, wanting to stay away from Weiming City, it seems that as long as they return to On the other side of the bridge - where they started, everything will be fine again.

There were also people lying on the ground, crying desperately trying to stuff their protruding intestines back into their stomachs, but no matter what they did, it was useless, and some people were scared out of their wits, with lunatic expressions on their faces. smile.

Usui Yinzhen desperately hugged his head.

Why, why did things become like this?Why did things develop to this point?

Obviously they... They are here to eradicate those red eyes, and to eradicate those dregs in the Tokyo area. Why do those people fight so desperately for those red eyes?The same is true of the police on the bridge before, and the enemy they are facing now is also the same...

All this happened too fast, which made Usui Yinzhen feel unrealistic and unreal.

Usui Yinzhen is an ordinary high school student. Like most of the people here, he is not qualified to enter the deep underground bunker, and once he just thinks that the No. [-] stone monument will fall in a few days, The gastrula would swarm in, and none of them, who could not enter the deep underground bunkers, would survive.

And this morning, he and others suddenly received a text message. The sender claimed to be the branch director of the Tokyo Regional Branch of the Japanese Pure Blood Association. [-]-member anti-cursed son secret organization.

The content of the text message is actually very simple, it is to ask them to gather outside the [-]th District near Weiming City.

So Usui Yoshizawa and many people who received the text messages came, and the Japanese Pure Blood Society members were also here. To show their conspicuousness, they all wore armbands with the words Pure Blood Society on their arms.

When the number of people arrived, the Pure Blood Association found a relatively high position in the Tokyo branch and started talking to Usui Yinzhen and the others.

In fact, the content of what he said was very simple, just some very empty words, the flaws in which can be seen with a little thought, but many people are very easily emotional after listening to them.

To sum it up roughly, it is...

Whose fault is it that everyone can't get into the deep underground bunker to take refuge now?

It's Chimu's fault!

Now that the Tokyo area is about to usher in a mass extinction, whose fault is it?

It's Chimu's fault!

So what are we going to do?

Go to Weiming City and kill all the red eyes!Kill them all!

Do not go not Japanese!

Then the branch chief issued guns to these citizens who came. In fact, many people have guns at home, and they take them with them when they go out.

They directly killed the policeman blocking the way (Usui Yinzhen didn't know that the policeman was not dead, but was injured by them and pushed off the bridge), and then crossed the bridge, but when they set foot on the land of Weiming Castle, there was not much time After saying a few words, bullets flew from nowhere, knocking the person standing at the front to the ground.

The flying bullets are like the sickle of death, unstoppable in front of it, machine guns, assault rifles, and submachine guns are fired together, bullets are flying everywhere, and grenades, incendiary bombs, and rifle grenades set off one piece after another in the crowd. storm of fire and rain.

The shock wave generated by the explosion lifted the panicked crowd into the air, and then threw them under the bridge.

Usui Yinzhen and the others were immediately blown away, and the crowd immediately became chaotic. Many of them had experienced the gastrulation war ten years ago, but that time was a heavy blow from the Self-Defense Forces and the US military stationed in Japan. The firepower greeted the Gastrea, and this time...

They were still them, but the target of the heavy firepower became the naked sympathizers, and the firepower was thrown directly at them.

The cruelty of modern warfare is far beyond that of ancient warfare. Don’t say that in ancient warfare, if you cut it with a knife, you will turn into two pieces, or if I stab it with a gun, your intestines may be stabbed out...

It seems that the weapons born by modern industry are as harmonious as in the national server game.

A grenade can't directly blow up a large living person to nothing, but it will cause blood and blood. One anti-equipment sniper rifle bullet can punch a big hole in the human body, hit the head, and the head will be destroyed. It will burst directly like a squeezed watermelon.

Not to mention those anti-personnel mines that, once triggered, will bounce to your kidneys or the front line and detonate...

Although they have experienced the last war, Usui Yinzhen and the others are only civilians after all, not soldiers. Although they can slaughter the cursed son who has no power to fight back with their blood, but when they encounter resistance from the other party, Even when they fight back violently, they will shrink back and be afraid.

They don't have the so-called morale or will to fight at all. They are just armed civilians. Maybe there will be some bloody people trying to call everyone to counterattack, but soon there will be a shot coming from nowhere. 15.2mmAPFSDS bullet, send these heroic guys to another world.

The crowd became chaotic, and some people fell down in the crowd, but their companions who had vowed and spoken with certainty did not care at all, and then one foot, two feet, and more feet stepped on it.

People who are considered to be on the ground still respond when the first foot is stepped on, but when more and more feet are stepped on, there is no sound.

Usui Yinzhen has been curled up in the duty booth, holding his head in his hands, as if doing so can make him leave here.

"This is a nightmare..."

he murmured to himself.

"This is a nightmare. When I wake up, I will find myself lying on that bed in the school dormitory. I haven't done anything. I haven't been here, I haven't held a gun, and I haven't killed anyone..."

Usui Yinzhen kept repeating his own whispers, and after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly found that the surrounding voices suddenly quieted down.

There were such noisy sounds before, the sound of someone falling, the sound of feet stepping on the fallen person, the screams and wailing of the person who was trampled to death, the sound of crying, and the sound of pleading, and also……

Bullets and cannonballs tore apart the human body, tearing the human body apart like linen, tearing it into pieces, or the sound of rumbling explosions...

However, these voices suddenly fell silent at this moment.

Chapter 237 Lu Zi went berserk?


How is this going?

Usui Yinzhen opened his eyes in surprise.

He was originally sitting on the ground—to be precise, he was hiding under the only computer desk in the duty booth. The space inside was very small, and he had to work hard to get in.

From where he is now, he can't see what's going on outside at all.

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