So he pushed away the office chair in front of him, and climbed out with great difficulty with all his hands and feet—he bumped his head because of too much movement when he got up—and when he stood up, he looked through the door of the duty booth. When looking out of the glass...

Usui Yinzhen's face turned pale in an instant.


Everywhere you look, you see dead people.

A corpse in one place.

Usui Yinzhen has never seen so many corpses stacked on top of each other, even the original face of the bridge is covered. If you want to cross the bridge without stepping on the corpses, it is even more nonsense .

He looked around.

There was no one in sight except himself.

None of them.

Those who killed them did not appear, and those "companions" before him did not know where they went.

The idea of ​​escaping popped out of his mind, and Usui Yinzhen hurriedly wanted to open the door of the duty room.

But the door couldn't be opened.

The upper part of the door can be pushed out of the gap, but the lower part seems to be stuck by something, and it cannot be pushed open no matter how hard it is pushed.

He poked his head out of the window and saw a dead body blocking the door.

It was originally just a corpse, and it might be possible to push it away with brute force, but other corpses squeezed into this corpse, stacked on top of each other, so it couldn't be pushed away.

After trying a few more times, Usui Yinzhen, who still couldn't push it away, chose to climb out of the window.

Then just when he was halfway up and half of his body was already exposed, at this moment, he heard a gunshot.

The sound of gunfire seemed to come from far away.

Then he felt as if his neck had been bitten, and subconsciously let go of his hand, and he fell out directly into the pile of corpses.

Usui Yinzhen didn't know why he kept his head tilted and looked at the sky quietly. He wanted to move, but he seemed to lose control of his body. No matter how he gave orders, even a finger Can't move.

Finally, darkness swept over and engulfed his consciousness.

On the rooftop of a building hundreds of meters away, Tina confirmed from the sight that the target had stopped moving: "Clear."


When Tongzi rushed to the battle scene with the lolis, the battle was over.

The patrol teams composed of policemen who are good at fighting each have more than [-] people. Even the weakest policemen are still better than these mobs in terms of combat effectiveness.

The patrol team closest to the bridge quickly arrived near the bridge to build a temporary position after discovering the abnormal situation. They directly blocked the crowd with fire suppression. The mobs were just ordinary civilians who had not received military training. become indecisive.

Especially after seeing the "companion" fall, some people were immediately shaken.

And after receiving Tongzi's call, other patrols also rushed to the battle site. With more people on the police side, it is even more impossible for the mob to attack Weiming City.

Then they fall apart.

What happened later developed into a one-sided massacre.

However, because there were too many enemies, the police had no way to wipe out all the enemies. Probably about half of the mob escaped across the bridge. After thinking about it, Akimaro Nizawa, the captain, decided to stop the pursuit.

After all, on the other side of the bridge, it is no longer Weiming City, killing mobs in those places is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, those who fled back should not be organized again. As long as they recall today's scene, they will not have the courage to return here.


"What is Master Lu thinking?"

"What is the reason for the Holy House to make such an instruction?"

"Where is the Holy Son of Heaven? Doesn't the Holy Son of Heaven have any objections?"

"Those are all citizens of the Tokyo area, our compatriots, and the citizens we swore to protect!"

"Those red eyes are massacring the citizens, why are we not allowed to dispatch? We should kill all the red eyes and purify the Tokyo area!"

"That's right, the current situation in the Tokyo area must be the fault of those red eyes!"

Officers of the Ground Self-Defense Force at all levels, when they heard that there was a battle in Weiming Castle, and the two sides of the battle were the citizens of the Tokyo area and the cursed son, they were all excited and ran to Lu Zi's forward headquarters. Ask their superiors to allow them to send troops to attack the cursed son of Weiming City.

Lu Zi's total strength in the Tokyo area is [-] people. Although it is a brigade in name, its actual size is no different from a standard division.

Lu Zi, who once won a complete victory in the second Kanto battle, got rid of the conservative defensive thinking after the gastrulation war, and advocated "don't worry about the giant stone monument, just do your best to eliminate the gastritis" The momentum of the main combat faction has grown, and recently even Gradually disobeyed the orders of the Holy Son of Heaven.

Take the present as an example, it is clear that Shengju has issued clear instructions, requesting Lu Zi and the Metropolitan Police Department not to intervene in the ongoing riots in Weiming City...

That's right, this is what made these young military officers even more excited. Shengju even called his own people mobs, and called their righteous actions riots...

"Traitors, there must be traitors in the holy residence who are controlling the government."

Although they didn't dare to say it, the Army officers gathered in the forward headquarters reached a consensus.

"Give me peace!"

Sitting on the chair all the time, looking at these subordinates who behaved like the noisy commoners in the vegetable market, General Takeda Masamune, who had not spoken after delivering the order from the Holy House, spoke again majesticly.

"Gentlemen! Don't forget your responsibilities. You are soldiers, soldiers of the Tokyo area and Lord Shengtian. Since this is an order from the Holy House, as soldiers, we must obey unconditionally!"

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