Takeda Masamune is already sixty-three years old this year, and he has already passed the blood-boiling days. As a generation of plunder, he also lost his son and daughter-in-law in the gastritis war, so naturally he does not like the cursed son.

However, as a veteran soldier who has served the country for more than [-] years, he knows very well what the bounden duty of a soldier is, and he should not be involved in anything that should not be involved.

If the country needs war, then soldiers should think about how to win...

Other things should not be something that soldiers want to do.

Although Takeda is very old, he still maintains his majesty like a lion king in a clan: "I question the orders of the Holy House. Is this the way you express your loyalty?"

After Takeda Masamune had such a drink, all the officers present stopped talking.

After all, not only their personal temperament, but also the military rank on Takeda's shoulders are not something they can challenge.

"Young man, it's a good thing to be full of blood, but sometimes, you still have to pour some cold water to calm down. I know that your subordinates, like you, don't understand this matter very much. I'm here to persuade you, the war against Aldebaran is imminent, I don't want anyone else to do things that will insult our Lu Zirong, do you understand?"

Takeda Masamune stood up, and all the officers present also straightened up their chests in unison.

"I understand!"

"Then go down."

A Daxiang angrily followed the other Army officers and left the forward headquarters. He had almost no expression on his face on weekdays, but now he was even more gloomy, as if a storm was about to fall.

If he hadn't been forced to endure just now, he would have almost made a fuss in Takeda Masamune's advance headquarters to vent his dissatisfaction.

It won the second Kanto battle and maintained the peace and stability of the Tokyo area.

Originally, he had already guessed that the holy residence composed of civilian groups must not be as good as the military government composed of elite army officers, but now, he recognizes this point more clearly.

Those people in the holy residence clearly hid in the safe holy residence and watched their citizens be killed. How can those people be called loyal to the country?

It was Tendo Kikunojo——Daxiang once thought that this man might be the most suitable assistant officer to assist the emperor, but he did not expect to degenerate to this point, and he even bowed his head to those who sympathized with the cursed son.

The battle against gastritis has always been based on their land alone. In the second Kanto battle, they defeated the invading gastritis by land and neither by air nor by sea. This time it is the same. The result will not change.

All they need to fight is Lu Zi. When do you need to look at those red faces?Those red eyes are just like those who sympathize with the red eyes, they should be executed on the spot.

On the way back to the camp from the forward headquarters, Daxiang thought a lot. After returning to the camp, he finally figured out what he should do.

After Yiyi Daxiang returned to the camp, he immediately called all the four squadron leaders of his wing over. No one knew what Yiyi and his squadron leaders had said in his office.

However, after the four squadron leaders left the office, they found their respective squadrons, ordered the soldiers to check weapons and ammunition, and told them that there would be a special operation tonight.

Night fell quickly, and even faster than the night was the sound of gunfire from the direction of Ashina Castle.

The battle ended in less than half a day.

In the end, it was obvious which side won. The citizens without Lu Zi's help, even if they had weapons, but they had not been trained, they were not opponents with bare eyes at all.

A Daxiang was looking in the direction of Weiming City. Even in the daytime, he couldn't see the scene clearly from here. At most, it was where the explosion happened and the black smoke rose.

He is very disdainful to the president of Qunxing Police Company.

That is not human at all.

If it was a real human being, how could it be possible to raise a butcher's knife against the citizens of the Tokyo area?How could they protect those red eyes?

Isn't it common sense that the cursed son doesn't have any good things?

Why shelter a guy with gastrula-like blood in his body?

Why can't you be like most people and stand on the side of most people?

"Master Yizuo."

A voice sounded behind a Daxiang, he turned his head to look, it was his orderly.

"Sawada, Hashimoto, Sasaki, and Matsumoto squadron leaders are already waiting for you."

"Really? I see."

A Daxiang restrained his racing thoughts, rearranged his clothes, made sure that his appearance was neat, and then strode over.

Tonight's night is very bright, and the cold moonlight falls down, shining on the thousand soldiers lined up in the open space.

The soldiers of the Third Regiment are arranged in four neat square formations according to their respective squadrons. The Self-Defense Force has always been boasted as the guardian of the Tokyo area, so Lu Zi's training has always been very strict. Keep your chest out and stand up straight.

And the four squadron leaders also stood in front of their respective squadron formations. After seeing a big Xiang approaching, they all put their legs together and puffed up their chests.

"Report to Master Yizuo, the first squadron has assembled, please give an order."

"The second squadron has assembled, please give the order."

"The third squadron has assembled, please give the order."

"The heavy mortar squadron has assembled, please give the order."


A Daxiang returned heavy military salutes to his squadron leaders and soldiers. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel that he was so proud. With such a majestic soldier, how could it be impossible to create the third Kanto battle? miracle?

He seemed to have seen that after his action, General Takeda Masamune patted himself on the shoulder, laughed and said, "You kid is really bringing glory to us Lu Zi".

A Daxiang glanced at the officers and soldiers neatly arranged in several square formations with sharp eyes, and put on a serious expression on his face.

"Gentlemen, what I want you to know is that I admire and appreciate your loyalty to the Tokyo area and your outstanding performance during your service in the Self-Defense Force. You are outstanding soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces, you are the sharpest blades in the Tokyo area, and you will receive special medals from the Holy Son of Heaven for your next special operations."

The soldiers in the phalanx made a little commotion, and the idol-like Lord Shengtian would actually award them medals?Just thinking about it is such a wonderful picture.

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