However, the commotion of the soldiers quickly returned to their previous composure after Cao Chang and Sergeant Cao's shouts stopped.

Chapter 238 Lu Zi Red Deer Runs Away Again!Hey, why did I say again?


"I know that many of you have great doubts about the special operations that will follow. Perhaps some of you may think that at this important moment when the third Kanto battle is about to take place, why do you need to carry out other operations?" Special operations, now I will answer your doubts."

"This is because there are treacherous ministers making trouble in the holy residence by the side of Lord Shengtianzi. I believe everyone knows what happened during the day. In broad daylight, the citizens of the Tokyo area were massacred by those red eyes in Weiming City, and The Holy House even issued an order that we are not allowed to enter Weiming City and rescue the massacred citizens."

A Daxiang said in a sad tone, he deliberately omitted "Obviously Weiming City has long been designated as a country within a country by the Holy Son of Heaven, why do citizens still enter Weiming City, and those citizens did not enter with bare hands, but in Under the beating of some caring people, the fact that they went in with long guns and short cannons" deliberately smeared the fact that "the mob planned to rush into Weiming City and kill the cursed son, but was wiped out because of their lack of strength" as "the people were brutally murdered." Red Eye Massacre".

The soldiers lining up below were naturally excited when they heard about it, and even the squadron leader, who had already known the action plan, couldn't restrain his emotions for a while.

"Master Yizuo, I really can't believe that there are such scumbags in our Tokyo area, and they are still cadres working in the Holy House. I can't believe how they bewitched Lord Shengtianzi."

The squadron leader of the second squadron, Sansa Hashimoto Shiro frowned and said in disgust.

"Hashimoto Sansa is right. They are a disgrace to the Tokyo area. The people in the Tokyo area work so hard, but they just feed such moths."

Masao Sawada, the captain of the No. [-] Squadron who has a good personal relationship with Hashimoto Shiro, also said in an indignant tone.

"Why can such a fool enter the Holy House to work? Our country has been revived under the governance of such a fool."

Squadron leader Song Yuanyi of the heavy mortar squadron also vented his inner anger.

"Yes, what I said is true, and what I can tell you is that Lord General Takeda has approved our actions, so you don't need to have any worries," Daxiang said in order to boost morale. He lied about his arbitrariness as having the acquiescence of Takeda Masamune, "But once you act, you can only move forward bravely and show us the spirit of our Reiwa man!"

The officers and soldiers replied in unison: "Please rest assured, Lord Yizuo, we will never do anything that insults the soldiers."

"Very well, all the staff get in the car, pass on my order, and set off for the first district."

Under Yi Daxiang's order, the soldiers of the third regiment climbed into the vehicles that had been prepared long ago, drove out of the station, and drove towards the first district.

The entire Lu Zi's brigade is scattered around the huge stone monument in District [-]. After all, the magnetic field created by a huge stone monument stretches for several kilometers. The array is arranged according to the range of the magnetic field.

The garrisons of each regiment are scattered, and Yi Daxiang is not a fool. He knows that it is impossible to hide the news of the swearing-in meeting at night and the dispatch of troops to the friendly troops stationed around.

Not to mention that in order to show that Masamune Takeda attaches great importance to the third Kanto battle, he also deliberately set up an advance headquarters so close to the No. [-] giant stone monument, just to show that he wants to defeat the gastrulation army , the determination to save the Tokyo area.

You can't hide it, so Yiyi Daxiang simply informed General Takeda that because the soldiers were very indignant about the incident at Weiming Castle during the day, in order not to affect the united front of the Self-Defense Forces and the civilian police, it was also to strengthen the troops in the area. Night combat capability, decided to carry out night marches.

One Daxiang’s reason is very good, and Takeda Masamune, who can become a general, also knows that it cannot be suppressed by force alone, not to mention that the army has not been the master of peace since the Meiji Restoration. It's okay to run a little longer to use up (sensitive word) physical strength and energy to avoid trouble.

Takeda Masamune originally thought that Ichiichi Daxiang was a bit irritable at ordinary times, and he was afraid that he would take the lead and cause trouble. He didn't expect this person to be so reliable at critical moments. If he had an excellent performance in the next decisive battle against the gastrulation army If that is the case, there will be another suitable candidate for General Lu's position.


Like Lu Zi, the camp of the police force fell into silence early after night fell.

After all, the battle with the Gastrea Legion is about to start. At this time, it is better to rest more and recharge your batteries instead of cramping temporarily.

But in the center of the camp, in the tent of the army commander, there was light.

My hall chief, who was appointed as the commander of the civilian police force, was looking worriedly at the table in front of him.

On the table is a map of the Tokyo area. Near the No. [-] monument, there are many green chess pieces representing the Self-Defense Forces, and outside the No. [-] megalith, there are red chess pieces representing gastritis.

The blue chess pieces representing the civilian police force are placed behind the Self-Defense Forces. If you are familiar with military maps, you can easily zoom in on the distance on the map to get the distance between the civilian police force and the Self-Defense Forces in reality. There is a distance of one or two kilometers.

And this is where my head teacher is worrying.

Sheng Tianzi hopes that the Self-Defense Forces and the civilian police can form a joint force to jointly defend against gastritis, but the Self-Defense Force requires the civilian police to stand by at the rear before issuing other orders.

It seems that there is no problem in doing so. After all, the Self-Defense Forces and the police have never cooperated before, and rashly arranging the positions of the two sides together may make mistakes.

But the problem is that the civilian police force responsible for supporting the Self-Defense Forces is too far away from the Self-Defense Forces, a distance of one or two kilometers, if something happens, it is very likely that they will not be able to rescue in time.

My headmaster, who was worried about this, reported the situation to Tongzi, but he did not expect that the answer from the adult he swore allegiance to was:

"Once there is a change, the civilian police force will ignore the self-defense forces fighting on the front line, and quickly retreat to the return flame monument ten kilometers away to establish a defense line. The working force of Sima Heavy Industry arranged there will meet you."

The Flames of Return Monument is to commemorate the people who died in the gastritis war and to celebrate the victory of the second Kanto battle. Even so, it is an old city that has not been properly governed for ten years. Compared with the current station of the civilian police force, it is more suitable for defense.

And Tongzi also said that Sima Heavy Industry had arranged for people to set up fortifications there early on, so the advantage of the civilian police force would naturally be greatly improved.

But if this is really the case, it will be tantamount to putting thousands of friendly troops on the front line to death.

My Tang family is a famous samurai family that has been handed down since the Edo period in Japan. Although the samurai class was abolished after the Meiji Restoration, my Tang family still maintains the belief, honor and only self-esteem of the samurai.

From a personal point of view, my hall leader just can't accept this kind of practice of abandoning allies, but from the point of view of the samurai's duty, obeying the lord whom one is loyal to is obligatory!

Even if the lord asks himself to challenge Scorpio (that is, the Japanese version of heads-up), he must not refuse, but should regard it as an honor.

This is where my teacher is worrying.

"My lord, haven't you rested yet?"

A clear voice sounded, and a loli in samurai armor walked into the tent.

My dean is nodding at her.

She is the initiator of my church leader, Mibu Asaka.

"My lord, there is a situation," a little loli ran into the tent, she was one of the initiators of the night vigil arranged by my head, "a self-defense force broke away from the camp where they were stationed. Heading toward downtown Tokyo."

"What?" My head teacher was waving his hand to signal the other party to come over immediately, "Point it out on the map."

The starter who served as a sentinel came over and pointed to each of them on the map: "This is the location I observed just now. This direction is their direction of travel. The visual scale is about a squadron."

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