Hashimoto Shiro didn't even look at the two dying guards, as if he thought it was a waste of time to look at them any more, and after cursing, he and the soldiers kicked open the gate of the mansion.

However, before they could rush in, gunshots rang out from inside the mansion, and several self-defense soldiers who planned to rush in first were beaten into a sieve immediately.


Hashimoto Shiro hurriedly fled to the side, and the momentum he was going to attack inside was also blocked. Among the big men who can live in the first district, no one has armed guards, and the Tiantong family has more guards.

The guards who were originally in various places inside the mansion were mobilized immediately after receiving the notification from the outside to prevent Hashimoto Shiro and the third team from attacking.

He was blocked from the door by mere private guards, and also lost several loyal and brave subordinates, which made Hashimoto Shiro almost crush his back molars.

"Attack, kill all the lackeys of the national thieves, without mercy!"

Soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces leaned against the fence and fought back with the guards of Tendo's house.

Although the guards of Tiantong's house are only armed security guards in name, they have received professional training comparable to that of self-defense soldiers, and in terms of weapons, they are not limited to pistols, submachine guns and rifles are also available. Advantages of terrain...

So they had a close fight with the Self-Defense Forces... To be precise, they had a slight upper hand.

This is not acceptable, if time drags on for too long, something may happen.

Hashimoto Shiro knew very well that soldiers were expensive and fast. Due to limited troops, they did not have any extra troops to suppress the Metropolitan Police Department. Once the special police team was dispatched, their plan of honoring the saints and punishing rape would basically fail.

If that's the case, it's the only way to do it...

Thinking of this, Hashimoto Shiro immediately turned on the radio: "Hey, mortar squad, come here quickly."

Although the heavy mortar squadron serves as the rear mission, each squadron is also equipped with a mortar squad and an anti-tank squad. Since these two squads are heavy firepower, Shiro Hashimoto asked them to Stay near the vehicle.

But now the situation has changed, and the mortar team has to come forward to support.

Mortars are originally curved firepower. As long as the target is determined, they can hit the enemy behind the bunker without showing their heads. The Tendo's guards in the back can continue to fight back.

Although the Self-Defense Force was unprepared at the beginning and killed a few people, the others were not hit, but this delay is obviously more beneficial to the enemy.

However, the guards on the Tiantong side turned into a disadvantage after the mortar team appeared on the stage. A few mortar bombardments went down, and the dead and injured guards of the Tiantong family hiding behind the bunker were suppressed in one fell swoop. Ben Shiro immediately ordered the soldiers to charge. After the soldiers rushed into the mansion, they shot and killed the Tendo family guards who were still planning to resist.

Hashimoto Shiro finally breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at this time. There was no gunfire from the first team and the second team. It seems that the enemy did not choose to flee, but planned to stick to the mansion and resist. The situation is what he likes to see, as long as the opponent doesn't run away, the final result is nothing more than catching a turtle in the urn.

Although the Tiantong family's mansion covers a large area, it is not high, which saves the difficulty of searching. If a high-rise building like an ordinary urban area needs to be searched on every floor, it will be a nightmare.

The first and second squadrons that had completed the encirclement also broke into the mansion from other directions, and the soldiers of the second squadron scattered to search for their target, the national thief Tendo Kikunojo.

In the end, Hashimoto Shiro and a dozen soldiers found several guards who were planning to escape with Tendo Kikunojo in the main room of the mansion. The two sides immediately engaged in a scuffle. Many were killed and many were injured.

Tendo Kikunojo fired at Hashimoto Shiro, but was knocked down by a self-defense force soldier with the butt of the pistol, and then he was hit in the chest by Hashimoto Shiro with several consecutive bullets.

Tendo Kikunojo glared at Hashimoto Shiro, who was close at hand, and scolded him as an "idiot". The assistant officer who controlled the Tokyo area swallowed his last breath.

Hashimoto Shiro was afraid that Tendo Kikunojo would pretend to be dead, so he fired a few more shots until the pistol was out of bullets. Then he replaced it with a new magazine with satisfaction, and shouted "The national thief Tendo Kikunojo is dead" and gathered the team , boarded the military vehicle, and went to the holy house to meet a big Xiang.


at the same time.

Outside the Sima's mansion, a Hummer parked outside the mansion.

People who can live in the first district are particular about their residences. Some people like Japanese style, while others like Western style.

The Sima family's mansion is the most orthodox Japanese-style ancient building.

Through the courtyard wall, you can see the main building inside, which is clearly the Tianshou Pavilion.

Tongzi got off the hummer, but there were already two polite guards bowing to her at the door: "Miss Tong, my lady has been waiting for you for a long time."

Tongzi nodded, and walked inside with Tendo Kigeng who was accompanying him.

"Well, Ms. Tong," the guard pointed awkwardly at the samurai sword worn by Tendoki on his waist—Tongzi remembered that the name of this sword seemed to be called Murder Sword Yukikage, "Please also ask your escort to hand over the weapon to you." Keep it for me, please rest assured, we will take care of your weapon carefully, and return it as it is afterwards."

"No, Ms. Tong, we are going to meet the female snake demon of Sima's family later. Without this thing, we can't do it."

Before Tongzi could speak, Tiantongmu dodged to the side like a treasure protector.

The corners of Tongzi’s mouth twitched a little, let’s not say that we are talking like this in front of the Sima’s mansion in front of their guards, even the daughter of the Sima’s family is also a gentle and soft-tempered beauty. Female snake demon, this is too rude.

not to mention……

Tongzi couldn't help recalling the image of the snake demon in her mind, that is, the image of Medusa, and then the image of Medusa overlapped with that unwoven who was wearing a kimono and holding a folding fan no matter at school or in private After getting together...

The unwoven Xiong and Medusa's Xiong don't match at all. How can it look like a female snake?

Chapter 240 Lazy cancer attack, don't remember the title


My lady was slandered as a "female snake demon", and it was unbearable for anyone to change it. The guard also restrained his anger and reminded: "Miss, I don't know what misunderstanding you have with Miss Sima, but sometimes, It's better to be more careful when you speak."


Tiantongmu blushed even more, but he knew he was wrong, so he didn't continue to argue.

Seeing the awkward situation, Tongzi said: "Mugeng, forget it, give him your sword."

"Why do you say that even Miss Tong?" Tentongmu looked at Tongzi with betrayed eyes.

In fact, Sima Weizhi asked Tongzi to come to get together at night because she was the only one invited, and Tongzi originally planned to go alone, but after hearing that he was going to Sima Weizhi's place, Tiantongmu said something She was about to follow, but Tongzi, who couldn't hold back her, had to agree to let her come with her.

Originally, it was fine to come together, Tongzi also wanted to be lazy for a while, but she didn't expect that the eldest lady of Tiantong's family from the previous day could not drive, she insisted on coming along, she still sat in the back seat, and she, the president, had to replace her drive……

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