If this is replaced by some urban Xiaobaiwen, then this driving will probably have other meanings.

Tongzi can actually understand these guards. After all, what they do must be worthy of the wages they receive. If Tongzi and the others are allowed to enter, they will be responsible if something happens again.

She can understand their situation very well, and if she is in their perspective, she will do the same.

Not to mention the relationship between Sima Weizhi and Tongzi.

Tongzi didn't even bother to say one more word: "Give it to him."

"This... well..."

Even more unconvinced, Tiantongmu handed Xueying out.

"Thank you."

The guard held out his hand to take it.

Then a minute passed, and the two of them were in a tug of war, both clutching the samurai sword.

"Miss, can you let go?"

The guard looked helpless.

"No, it's because you didn't use your strength, okay, this is a famous knife from the Tiantong family, so don't break it."

Tiantongmu held on to the scabbard even more tightly, his fingers turned white because he was too hard to let go.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of it, but if you don't let go, we can't keep it, right?"

"Why don't you keep it, just leave it here with me, and I promise you won't mess around."

Looking at the tug of war between the two sides, Tongzi really lost to Mugeng.

"Mugeng, if you don't let go, you will be a vegetarian for the next month."


Tiantongmu let go more subconsciously, because the guard lost his resistance and couldn't help but staggered back a few steps, but he still didn't fall down.

Tongzi couldn't help but whitened Tiantong Mugeng, gave him a sorry look, and then entered the Sima's mansion under the guidance of a guard.

As soon as she walked into a Japanese room in the castle tower, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards her face, and then a figure rushed up heavily, pressing Tongzi into her arms.

Feeling the tactile sensation as if her face was being pressed against the wall, Kiriko already guessed who it was.

"Tong Jiang, why did you come here at this time, it really made me wait for a long time."

Sima Weizhi said in a waxy voice on purpose.

The guard bowed deeply with interest, then walked out and closed the sliding door.

Tiantongmu trembled even more angrily: "Female... female snake demon, let me go, Miss Tong..."

"Oh, it's Mugeng," Sima Weizhi raised his eyelids and looked at Tiantong Mugeng at the side, "I'm really sorry, your chest is too big and I couldn't see your face clearly, I'm so surprised Who is this cow next to Tongzijiang?"

"You... Who do you say is a cow?"

Although her face was pressed into Sima Weizhi's arms, judging from her voice, Miss Mu Geng's whole body was probably trembling with anger.

"Ah, I didn't mention you, why are you so excited?" Sima Weizhi let out a laugh that fit the temperament of a young lady, but to Mu Geng's ears, it was probably no different from the shrill voice of the female snake demon.


Tongzi finally pulled out her head from Wuzhi's arms. Although Weizhi's chest was similar to her own, she still couldn't breathe after being buried in her arms.

She glanced at Tiantong Mugeng who was furious, and then at Sima Weizhi who smirked like a fox, thinking in her heart that the young lady of Tiantong's family was really beaten to death.

There is a saying in Sun Tzu's Art of War called "the master should not be angry and provoke the army, and the general should not be angry and fight", this sentence is also applicable here, the more you are in a verbal confrontation with others, the less you can easily Put the emotions in your heart on your face, let alone be provoked by others easily.

This is not called true temperament, this is called clothes.

Those who speak dirty words, or greet other people's family members and parents at every turn, can only show off their tongues quickly, and will not cause substantial harm to others. They will be blacklisted, and no matter how ugly they are, they will not be able to see them. I can't lose a piece of meat.

Not to mention that those who dare to swear are just wearing the protective cover of the Internet, take off this protective cover and see how many people dare to spit shit out of their mouths?

But having said that, Tongzi still didn't understand why the relationship between Tendoki and Sima Weizhi was so bad, and Mingming Mu would show that kind of savage girlfriend behavior to other people besides bullying Satomi Rentaro. It's not that rude, is it?

Perhaps seeing Tongzi's doubts, Sima Weizhi smiled lightly and said, "Our Sima family and Tiantong's family have many conflicts, but this is not the main reason why Mu Geng and I dislike each other. If we really want to say, maybe It’s DNA that’s mutually exclusive.”

Tongzi couldn't help but rolled her eyes, it was all a mess, and it could even be related to DNA.

"Weizhi, you're wrong. To be precise, it should be the natural hostility between small breasts and giant (sensitive word) breasts." Tentongmu seemed to have finally grasped a favorable weapon against Sima Weizhi, with a smile on his face With a little more blood, she looked at Wei Zhi's flat chest with disdainful eyes, and then said as if she was about to spit out her breath, "Poor breasts."

Sima Weizhi didn't feel inferior or ashamed like ordinary women after being told that their breasts are small: "You are wrong, kimonos are more suitable for women with small breasts, and women don't have bigger breasts, the better, Xiong Big women have no brains, and they are easy to be seduced by scumbags who say a few nice words, and when they have had enough fun, they are thrown away like garbage on the side of the road."

Tongzi seemed to hear the sound of wood breaking like glass.

"Weizhi, do you know how doctors in the Middle Ages in Europe helped people treat diseases? I heard that their treatment methods are simple and crude, that is, they put blood wherever it hurts, and if it still hurts, they cut off the limbs directly, so now There is a saying that the European Middle Ages was not a dark age at all, but a very enlightened age (Note ①).

"Interesting, can I see this as a provocation from the Tiantong clan to the Sima clan?"

"No, no, no, this is just my personal suggestion to you, Wei Zhi, the part above your shoulders is unnecessary, let me make it disappear..."

Tiantongmu drew his sword more slowly, and Sima Weizhi also pulled Tongzi behind him, and at the same time opened the fan with a snap, until then Tongzi realized that the fan Sima Weizhi was holding was not paper fan, but an iron fan.

"Then let's make a decision... eh!"

When the atmosphere became more and more tense, Mu Geng suddenly changed his expression and called out.

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