"Where's my knife? How come the murderous knife, Xueying, disappeared?"

After being stunned for a long time, she finally came to her senses. When she entered the Sima's mansion, she had already handed over the famous knife from Tiantong's family.

"Oh hehehehehehehe," Sima Weizhi closed the folding fan, pressed it lightly on his chin, and let out a queen-like laugh. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tongzi seemed to see a strip behind Weizhi's buttocks. The invisible tail was shaking violently, "Kisara, it looks like you are the one who will be bloodletted later."

Tongzi felt that she couldn't watch it any longer, otherwise the eldest lady of the Tiantong family who had received a kidney transplant might rupture a blood vessel in her brain, so she had no choice but to intervene in the battle between the two.

"Mugeng, calm down, Weizhi is just joking with you."

Tendoki glared at Tongzi even more.

"Calm down, how do you tell me to calm down at this time?"

"For example, how about using the Lamaze birth breathing method? It is said that it can effectively allow the mother to focus on her own breathing control during childbirth, thereby diverting the pain, relaxing the muscles moderately, and being confident in the labor pain and delivery process. Keep calm."

Tongzi made gestures as if she wanted to appease the pregnant woman, "Come on, follow me, breathe in, breathe out—hey, Mu Geng, you have to be more emotionally involved."

"Miss Tongzi, why are you making fun of me? I...Hmph, I'll wait for you outside."

Tiantongmu blushed and pushed open the sliding door, and left in a hurry without even closing the sliding door.

So Miori walked over and closed the sliding door.

"Every time I see Mu Geng getting angry from embarrassment, I don't know why, but I feel very happy in my heart."

Sima Weizhi looked like a tax evader at this time, "However, it's good that the annoying guy is gone, Tongzijiang, I can't bear it if I haven't come to see him for such a long time..."

"Weizhi, you..."

Tongzi looked at Sima Weizhi in surprise.

"After these few days of sparring with my subordinates, my card skills have advanced to a new level by leaps and bounds. I will never lose to you now."

As he spoke, Sima Weizhi took out a pair of Gwent cards from his kimono.

"Wait a minute, Weizhi, don't you think things are a little bit out of expectation?"

"What prediction?" Sima Weizhi thought for a moment, "Tong Jiang, are you referring to what happened in Weiming City during the day?"

Tongzi nodded: "Yes, that's the thing."

"I thought it was something, but actually it's still in my plan."

"What?" Tongzi didn't expect Sima Weizhi to say that.

"Tong Jiang, it seems that you don't have a deep enough understanding of the plundered generations."

Sima Weizhi took out a folding fan and opened it.

"These plundered generations have been terrified by gastrulation. As long as they hear the slightest topic about gastrulation, they will either be incompetent and furious or tremble. Even the most shrewd politicians can't get rid of this Loop... Usually it's not bad, at most, it will only do things to the cursed son in the place where the surveillance cameras can't see in downtown Tokyo, or run to the outer area..."

"But when the peaceful life is disturbed and unexpected situations arise—such as the current situation, the hatred for gastrulation will overwhelm reason, and those plundered generations will become Shura and act like ordinary Horrible move that you can't even think about."

Tongzi was silent.

She did not deny what Sima Weizhi said.

Indeed, if those plundered generations were a little smarter and treated the cursed children a little better, Tongzi would not have gathered all the cursed children so easily.

Just when Tongzi was about to say something more, the sliding door was suddenly opened, and it was Tendo Kigen who appeared at the door.

"It's Mu Geng, why are you back? I thought you would rather hide outside than stay here."

Sima Weizhi sneered mercilessly.

But this time, Tendo Kigeng surprisingly did not refute, but said anxiously: "It's not good, the Self-Defense Forces...the Self-Defense Forces are calling..."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, which stunned both Tongzi and Sima Weizhi.

"You... what do you mean by that... Self-Defense Forces? Shouldn't they be stationed at the No. [-] Stone Monument?"

The calm expression on Weizhi's face dissipated, and she asked eagerly.

Tongzi didn't say a word, walked to the window of this Japanese room, and opened the window.

As the window was opened, the noisy sound from outside came in at once.

Shouts, roars, and...

The most conspicuous and harshest gunshots...

This is the second floor of the Tianshou Pavilion. From here, you can have a panoramic view of the main entrance. What you can see is that the guards of the Sima family are fighting fiercely with the Self-Defense Forces in green uniforms across the wall. , then more SDF soldiers and vehicles.

These guys... are they crazy?

Tongzi's first thought was whether someone else deliberately put on the uniform of the Self-Defense Forces and pretended to be the Self-Defense Forces?

But she quickly dismissed the idea.

Because even if the military uniforms of the Self-Defense Forces can be obtained, the standard weapons, equipment, and vehicles of the Self-Defense Forces are all provided by Sima Heavy Industry, and they are provided to the Self-Defense Forces alone, and it is impossible for others to obtain them.

Moreover, the performances of the soldiers fighting the Sima family below, whether they were hiding behind cover and shooting, or covering each other, were all performed by a professional army.

People who can get the uniforms, weapons, equipment, vehicles of the Self-Defense Forces, and have militarized training...

She couldn't think of an answer other than the Self-Defense Forces.


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