

Remark ①: This is a stalk of Kings 2. Castration therapy can even cure cancer, so it is called the enlightened era by the majority of Kings players. On the other hand, Europa Universalis 4 will die because of seeing meteors after hundreds of years. Stablize.

Chapter 241 Chaos


Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, even the big-eyed self-defense force rebelled.

The siege of the most important weapons company in the Tokyo area in the middle of the night is undoubtedly a naked rebellion...

Although she thought about it a lot, these were actually just a thought, and not much time had passed in reality. She carefully observed the situation and found that although the guards of the Sima family were at a disadvantage in numbers, they could still barely block the self-defense forces by relying on the terrain.

In addition, Sima Heavy Industry, as a world-class weapons company, will definitely give priority to supplying the most advanced weapons to its own guards.

For example, the exoskeleton armor newly developed by Sima Heavy Industry can improve the value of various abilities of people. Although it is not as good as the power armor of the previous world, the exoskeleton armor developed by Sima Heavy Industry can be considered to be at the forefront of technology in this world. technology too.

However, despite this, as a private industrial company, the number of guards is not large, and the usual patrols are sufficient, but not enough to compete with a whole squadron of the Self-Defense Forces. Sima Heavy Industry did have a civilian police department before, but Sima Weizhi transferred all his police officers to Tongzi, and removed his own police department.

Therefore, if Tongzi and the others don't make a move, it will only be a matter of time before the Sima family's defense line is breached.

Thinking that Tongzi would not delay here any longer, she turned her head and said to Tiantong Mugeng: "Mugeng, I will leave it to you to protect Weizhi, remember, it's fine if you like to bicker with Weizhi, but now you must not let her If she loses a single hair, you will eat green peppers for the rest of your life (remark ①) for the rest of your life, don't even think about smelling meat."

Ignoring Kisara who wanted to say something else, Kiriko jumped directly from the window.

Because it was in the dark, and she just jumped from the second floor instead of the twentieth floor, there was no loud noise when she landed, but the guard of Sima's house next to her noticed her and immediately shouted at her Said: "Miss, it's dangerous, get down!"

And at this moment, the door of Sima's mansion was suddenly knocked open. It was an infantry fighting vehicle. It was probably because he felt impatient because he couldn't even break through the main entrance after such a long time, so even the infantry fighting vehicle The car is all used.

As soon as this infantry fighting vehicle came out, the guards of the Sima family immediately despaired.

After all, rifles and pistols are fine, whose guards carry an anti-tank gun on their shoulders?

Of course, Sima Heavy Industry does not have anti-tank weapons, but the problem is that this is the Sima family's mansion, and those weapons and equipment are all in the factory, and the distant water cannot meet the near thirst.

When the muzzle on the infantry fighting vehicle moved slowly, everyone fell into despair.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Everyone seems to have seen that the muzzle of the infantry fighting vehicle ejected a large amount of gunpowder smoke, and then the gunpowder smoke would burn violently. In this group of flames, a shell shot out through the flames and shot slowly. Xiang Tianshou Pavilion.

The shell even left a clearly visible, ripple-like ripple in the air.

Everyone could only watch helplessly, but their bodies couldn't move at all.

The shell continued to move forward, and if there were no accidents, it would hit the castle tower.

What will happen if the shell hits the castle tower? Can a single shell knock down the castle tower?What will happen to Miss Miori in the castle tower?Will she be all right?

they do not know.

Because just when the cannonball was about to hit the castle tower, a sword suddenly swung over from the slanted stab, and gently "pasted" the cannonball with the blade of the sword, and then the cannonball flew straight into the sky .

After a while, there was an explosion somewhere in the distance.


Everyone, whether it was the guards of the Sima family or the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces sitting in the infantry chariot, were stunned, staring blankly at Tongzi who was swinging his sword in a parrying posture.

At this moment, the entire battlefield fell silent.

Then, without knowing who started it first, the guards at Sima's house started cheering.

On the other hand, the Self-Defense Forces looked at each other in blank dismay.

"That person... seems to be the national traitor Tongzi?"

"Why is she here?"

"No, to be more precise, it should be what happened just now?"

"She seems to have used a sword to send the cannonball flying?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, even if she is a hero in the Tokyo area, how could she do such a thing with a human body?"

For a while, the Self-Defense Forces fell into chaos.

"Don't panic, it was just a coincidence just now, the same luck will not happen again," the squadron leader of the third squadron, First Lieutenant Sasaki Makoto, shouted to stop the soldiers, "Don't use shells, use 35mm machine guns to shoot she!"

The 35mm machine gun is the secondary gun of this infantry fighting vehicle, and the 120mm smoothbore gun used just now is the main gun. Although the rate of fire of this 35mm machine gun is only 200 rounds per minute, its firepower is very fierce. A few shells attached to the body can easily break a person into several pieces.

tom tom tom—

The 35mm machine gun made a dull gunshot, and the bullets were like a golden whip thrown towards Tongzi.

Facing the violent wind and rain that could easily tear apart the human body, Tongzi only made a very simple movement.

She retracted the sword that had just been unsheathed into the scabbard, and made a gesture of preparing to draw the sword.

"Stupid, have you even forgotten to dodge? It's just an underage brat," Sasaki said with a sneer, "Or do you think that as long as you stand up, miracles will happen? How stupid..."

However, Masato Sasaki hadn't finished speaking, as if he had suddenly suffered from aphasia, the words stopped abruptly after that, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"This...how could...this is impossible!"

Not only him, everyone's expressions changed, as if they saw something that was absolutely impossible to happen.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

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