Tongzi brandished the sword impenetrably, blocking all the shells from the 35mm cannon.

When the cannonball finally ran out, after the cannonball ran out, Kiriko raised her sword with both hands, posing in a high-ranking posture.

Then she swung forward suddenly, and the invisible air blade fiercely shot towards the infantry fighting vehicle.


There was only a loud noise like thunder, and the infantry fighting vehicle was cut open from the middle, turned into two halves, and then exploded.

After the loud bang, the scene was suddenly silent.

The soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces looked at each other, and they could see from their respective faces the faces of their companions who were so surprised that they couldn't be more surprised.

First Lieutenant Sasaki was trembling even more.

Are policemen monsters?

Obviously not the initiator, but has more terrifying power than the initiator!

"Master One... First Captain, we... what should we do?"

A chief Cao lowered his voice and asked, even he himself didn't know why he lowered his voice, but his intuition told him that if he didn't do so, he might suffer misfortune.

"Don't be cowardly," First Lieutenant Sasaki Shinobu took a few deep breaths, trying to regain his composure, "Hurry up, let's go to the holy residence to meet Yizuo."

"Ah? Okay... I understand." Cao Chang was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and went to greet his soldiers.

The morale of the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces plummeted after seeing the swordsmanship that could not exist in the world at all. If the enemy only has more advanced weapons and equipment, or there are more people, it is still within the normal range. way to fight back.

However, what the enemy possesses is a trick beyond common sense, so how can we fight?

After hearing the evacuation order, the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces breathed a sigh of relief and quickly began to prepare for evacuation.

The guards of the Sima family didn't pursue them either, and they weren't stupid either. If they continued to fight, it was obvious that they were at a disadvantage. Now that the opponent was about to withdraw, they couldn't wait for the opponent to withdraw as soon as possible. The farther the better, the better.

And Tongzi has no intention of chasing them. The current situation is not clear what the situation is. What is the purpose of these self-defense forces suddenly besieging Sima's mansion? Are they being used by others?None of this is known.

She is past the age of acting rashly, since the other party has retreated, there is no need to chase, anyway, she has already recorded the other party's appearance - to be precise, let the grandson of the sage write it down, she is face-blind , I can't remember who, anyway, after tonight, go to have a good chat with the Holy Son of Heaven, without her doing anything, someone will naturally deal with these presumptuous guys.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Tongzi took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was Sheng Tianzi's number.

It just so happened that she also wanted to ask Sheng Tianzi what was going on, so after she connected the phone, before she could speak to the other person, she said first: "Sheng Tianzi, Lu Zi came to besiege the Sima family's mansion just now, Do you know about this? Could it be that they want to rebel?"

However, to Tongzi's surprise, it was not Shengtianzi's voice that answered her, but a strange female voice with a crying voice: "Tong... Master Tong, I am Kase Qingmei, the secretary next to Shengtianzi, Shengtianzi. Your Majesty the Son of Heaven... Your Majesty the Son of Heaven was just taken away by the rebels..."



Time back to half an hour ago.

Just when Tongzi and Tiantongmu were invited to go to the mansion of Sima's family, Yizuo Daxiang personally led the first squadron to the vicinity of the holy residence.

They didn't approach rashly, but waited in a place out of sight of the monitors outside the holy residence, as if they were waiting for something.

Masao Sawada, the squadron leader of the No. [-] Squadron, asked a little impatiently, "Master Kazuo, we... what are we waiting for?"

As he spoke, he looked towards the Holy House under the night.

Even in the darkness, the interior of the holy residence is still brightly lit. On the one hand, it is to warn of Xiaoxiao, and on the other hand, it also reflects the difference of the holy residence.

"Don't worry, Sawada-kun, fighting depends not only on bravery, but also on brains," a Daxiang said, gently tapping his temple with a finger in a white glove, "We are rebels, not rebels. You can't rush into the Holy Residence directly, we are here to protect the Holy Son of Heaven, not to assassinate the Holy Son of Heaven."

"As expected of Mr. Yizuo, as expected, Zhizhu is in his hands."

"Well, of course, don't worry, Sawada-kun, after today, the entire Tokyo area will remember our daimyo."

Yiyi Daxiang's words are correct. After today, the Tokyo area did remember the names of these people, but the reason for remembering them was completely opposite to what he thought.

After waiting for about ten minutes, there were violent gunshots from the direction of Tiantong's house.

Obviously Hashimoto Shiro Sanzuo and the Second Squadron have already started their operations.

A Daxiang took out his pistol and stood up, "The time has come, Sawada-kun, let the troops follow."


So the soldiers of the No. [-] Squadron followed their regimental and squadron leaders, headed high and swaggered towards the Holy House.

The gunshots from the direction of Tiantong's mansion alarmed the guards of the holy residence, and such a large group of self-defense soldiers came over, which naturally attracted their attention.

"Who, stop! This is the Holy House, don't get any closer!"

"Wait," Yiyi Daxiang made a gesture to stop the troops from advancing, and he took a few steps forward so that the guards of the Holy House could see him clearly, "I am from the Third Wing of the Ground Self-Defense Force. The captain of the regiment, Daisho Ichijo, knew that there would be an attack tonight, so General Takeda Masamune sent me to the holy residence to strengthen the defense of the holy residence."

"Self-Defense Forces?"

The guards of the Holy House looked at each other, although they were surprised at how the Self-Defense Forces appeared near the Holy House when they were supposed to be stationed near the No. Besides Xiang, the subordinates behind him were also wearing the uniforms of the Self-Defense Forces, so it couldn't be fake.

Therefore, the guards of the Holy House also believed Da Xiang's words.

Normally, even the Self-Defense Forces cannot enter the Holy House without an order, but this period is unusual...

The guards knew that ever since the whitening of the giant stone monument was announced and the Tokyo area was about to face mass extinction, the Tokyo area had already fallen into a state of panic. Incidents of vandalism in the city.

It is because of ignorance that people are happy. If people know that their time is short, they even know when they will die. Except for some people who will enjoy themselves before that, and then meet death, there will be quite a few Some people completely release the negative energy that is usually suppressed in their hearts.

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