After all, human beings are a contradictory combination of good and evil, no one is a complete villain, and no one is a complete saint.

Shengtianzi's status in the Tokyo area is very high, higher than that of the previous emperors, but in this world, if some people like you, others will hate you. "Appeasement" blah blah blah...




Note ①: Many Japanese do not like to eat green peppers.

Chapter 242 Respecting the Saints and Begging for Traitors (×) Committing Rebellion (√)


Normally, these people can only throw malicious anonymous letters into the suggestion box, but now...

Anyway, the Tokyo area is about to usher in a mass extinction. As long as the giant stone tablet collapses, everyone will die. Since they are all dead, it is better to go crazy before dying, and it is not worth living this life.

In the past two days, the guards have killed more than two digits of thugs with such thoughts.

And the gunshots that just rang out have not stopped until now, but are still intensifying. This makes them not panic, because the number of guards in Sheng Juli is not many, and the Holy Son of Heaven has even assigned some guards to assist the police. To maintain law and order, the defense of the holy residence became much more empty.

Once the thugs attack the holy residence, it is very likely that unpredictable results will happen...

At this time, the addition of a self-defense force is undoubtedly equivalent to adding wings to a tiger.

So the guards of the holy residence opened the gate and let a Daxiang and his subordinates enter the holy residence.

Yiyi Daxiang immediately left two teams, led by Masao Sawada, who was responsible for guarding the outer perimeter of the holy residence, while he himself led a team to "bring troops here without the order of the emperor, hoping to Under the pretext of being able to plead guilty to the emperor, under the guidance of secretary Kase Kiyomi, he entered the main building of the holy residence.

The team that followed a Daxiang into the main building of the Holy House, every time they walked a certain distance, a group of soldiers left. There are only soldiers from the squadron headquarters around.

Kase Kiyomi knocked on the bedroom door: "Master Shengtianzi, have you rested yet?"

After a while, the door opened, and the Holy Son of Heaven in a white dress stood behind the door.

Her face looked tired, but she didn't look like she was woken up after falling asleep.

"My lord, you..."

As the secretary of the Holy House, it is also the responsibility of the secretary to take care of the emperor's daily life. Kase Kiyomi can tell at a glance that the young head of state is not woken up, but has never rested.

"I can't sleep when I think that [-]% of the citizens will not be able to take refuge," Sheng Tianzi forced a smile. Only then did she notice that there were several people in military uniform standing beside her secretary. The soldier, her suffocatingly beautiful face, suddenly showed surprise, "These are..."

"Who is this……"

Before Kase Kiyomi had time to explain, she was pushed aside by a big Xiang, almost fell, and then he bowed deeply to the emperor, and the soldiers behind him also bowed together.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, I am the captain of the third regiment, Daxiang Yizuo, and my subordinates and I have come to Shengju Zunsheng to seek adultery."

"Honorable begging for adultery?"

Not only Shengtianzi, Kase Kiyomi who was pushed away was even more surprised because...

"Yi Yi Zuo, didn't you say that just now? Didn't you say that you brought troops here to strengthen the defense of the Holy House, and it was General Takeda who asked you to come here."

Kase Kiyomi covered her mouth and looked at Daxiang and the soldiers standing beside him in surprise.

She is not a stupid woman, otherwise she would not be able to enter the Holy House as a secretary. When a big Xiang said something different from the previous one, Kase Qingmei suddenly realized that she might have committed a crime. Big mistake.

"No, our purpose is to allow the Holy Son of Heaven to hear us and the voice of all citizens."

Yiyi Daxiang spoke word by word, although his voice was not loud, it was full of momentum.

Kase Kiyomi still doesn't understand why "listening to the voice of all the people" is clearly a mutiny.

The sound of footsteps came from the other end of the corridor, and Kase Kiyomi looked there expectantly, but to her disappointment, it was the Self-Defense Force soldiers who also wore military uniforms, not the guards of the Holy House, who came over.

After these soldiers ran over quickly, they first bowed to the emperor, and then saluted Yiyi Daxiang: "Master Izusa, Lord Sansa Sawada sent me to pass the word that the inside and outside of the Holy House are all under the control of the rebels."

"Yi Yi Zuo, you... what are you going to do?"

The Son of Heaven held back his anger and asked.

"Master Shengtianzi, as I said before, we hope that you can hear the voice of all citizens. Although our unauthorized actions have interfered with your commanding power, please forgive me. Your sincerity, my lord, and actions that are beneficial to the Tokyo area."

"Then one and one assistant, what exactly is your so-called voice of the entire nation?"

"We hope that you can eradicate the national enemies Tendo Kikunojo, Sima Mizhi, Akame of Ashina Castle, and those who sympathize with Akame."

Yiyi Daxiang's words were like a bolt from the blue, and both Shengtianzi and Kase Kiyomi turned pale.

Kase Kiyomi retorted: "Mr. Tiantong's assistant official is the pillar and mainstay of the country. The daughter of the Sima family is also an important person in charge of providing our country's weapons and equipment. As for the master of Wei Mingcheng, it is even more impossible to conspire against him. How can the above three people Could it be an enemy of the country?"

Yiyi Daxiang glanced at her contemptuously: "How dare women of the generation dare to talk about great politics? The old thief Tiantong is an extremely human minister, but he has not fulfilled his heavy responsibility as an assistant official; the Sima family colluded with those who sympathized with the red eyes, which is solid evidence." ;As for those who sympathize with the red-eyed people, it is even more difficult to write!"

"You..." Kase Kiyomi looked at Yiyi Daxiang with an unbelievable expression.

Although she was not from the eldest lady's family, she was also highly educated. For a while, although she wished to swallow this stupid self-defense officer alive, she couldn't utter a single vulgar word.

"Yi Yi Zuo, I already understand what you mean," Sheng Tianzi who listened to all these words at the side actually understood. , Many things are better understood than others, "But the most important thing for us now should be the third Kanto battle. How about making a judgment after the crisis of mass extinction in the Tokyo area is resolved?"

The Holy Son of Heaven has wisdom beyond his age.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, in fact..." Yi Yi Daxiang paused slightly, "The national enemies Tiantong Ju Zhicheng and Sima Weizhi should have been executed, as long as you agree to decree to expel the red-eyed and red-eyed sympathizers in Weiming City, our great cause will be achieved. can be declared complete.”

"What? Chrysanthemum Chancellor and Ms. Weizhi have and one assistant, what are you talking about?"

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