Could it be that he encountered some irresistible resistance?

Immediately, this idea was rejected by him.

How could it be? Although the Sima family and the Tendo family are giants in the Tokyo area, there are not so many guards in their mansions that even a squadron of the Self-Defense Forces can't deal with them.

This is the same as those rich people in reality, maybe they can afford bodyguards, and they can also hire people to guard around their mansions [-] hours a day, but the guards he hired cannot resist the army no matter what of.

A Daxiang laughed.

He got it.

This subordinate of mine must want to report to himself first, fearing that his contribution will be preempted by others.

this kid...

A Daxiang smiled and shook his head.

Although it's very good, it's just too ostentatious, and likes to fight for credit no matter what...

This kind of personality is difficult to gain favor with colleagues, even the boss often takes the trouble.

However, this time it doesn't matter.

After all, this kid has done a great thing for the Tokyo area. Although Hashimoto Shiro came first, the credit of this kid Sasaki Masato will not be forgotten.

Yiyi Daxiang picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the other side: "Is this Lieutenant Sasaki? I am Yiyi Daxiang. How is your progress going? It's going well, right? Has the woman from the Sima family solved it? "

However, what came out of the walkie-talkie was not the high-pitched voice that Daxiang had expected, on the contrary, Sasaki Masato's voice was very depressed.

"Master Yizuo, we... we failed..."

"I see, you guys did a good job, you... wait," a Daxiang brain didn't accept the information it heard before, "You said you failed? What do you mean? That woman didn't die, now alive?"

"Yes, Izusa-sama, I'm sorry..."

"How is it possible? Are you kidding me!"

A Daxiang couldn't help roaring, attracting all the eyes around him to look at him, but he didn't have the extra energy to care about the eyes of others, because now he has a more important and urgent thing to do.

"First Lieutenant Sasaki, answer me, how could you fail? You have a whole squadron of troops and an infantry fighting vehicle. Although Sima Heavy Industry is a world-class weapons company, her family's mansion cannot Equipped with anti-tank weapons..."

A Daxiang panted heavily and lowered his voice.

"Even if you can win by simply driving the infantry fighting vehicles, tell me how to lose?"

"Master Yizuo, the information is wrong, the national enemy Tongzi is also in the Sima family's mansion, and...that...that is not human at all."

Masato Sasaki seemed to be greatly stimulated.

"What's going on, Lieutenant? What did you encounter? What did you see?"

Immediately, Masato Sasaki told about what happened in the Sima's mansion, especially the fact that Tongzi flew the shells of the main gun of the infantry fighting vehicle, and gathered all the shells of the secondary guns together, condensing them into iron balls and shooting them back. There was a big fly.

After Yi Daxiang heard it, his first reaction was to not believe it.

Use the sword to fly the shells of the main gun, block all the shells of the secondary guns, and use the sword energy to smash the infantry fighting vehicles.

This sounds like a Dengeki Bunko light novel.

But, superpowers or something, how is this possible?How could there be such absurd things in reality?

Isn't that the thing that those nerds who can't even find a wife and are just eating and waiting to die are fantasizing all day long?

How can it exist in reality?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Yiyi Daxiang tried his best to convince himself, but...

He is very clear about the real Sasaki. Although this kid is arrogant and arrogant, he will do the tasks assigned to him. Even if he fails, he will never make excuses and use a superpower to cover up his mistakes?

No, it's not like that kid Sasaki could do it.

So... this can only be true...

Daxiang suddenly remembered that no matter it was true or not, Tongzi would appear in Sima's mansion, which he never expected.

Sure enough, this woman from Sima's family is also an enemy of the country, otherwise how could there be people who sympathize with the red eyes in her mansion?

At this late hour, they must be discussing a bigger conspiracy.

Yiyi Daxiang raised his head and looked at the deep night. There was still moonlight before, but now, the moonlight has been shrouded in mist.

The Tokyo area is shrouded in darkness just like this night.

He clenched his fists.

Now, only they can save the Tokyo area.

If they fall too, the Tokyo area will be over.

Thinking of this, Daxiang waved at Hashimoto, motioning for him to come over.

"Master Izusa, what's wrong?"

Although Sansa Hashimoto couldn't hear what Lieutenant Sasaki said on the walkie-talkie, judging from Daxiang's roaring voice and his reaction, it seemed that their great cause of saving the country had encountered some obstacles and setbacks.

"Hashimoto Sansa, I have a very important task for you now. This task is very difficult. It is not only about me, but also related to the life and death of the Tokyo area. I will not make things difficult for others. If you don't want to, I will not make things difficult for you .”

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