
Shiro Hashimoto's heart skipped a beat, he had an extremely bad premonition, but he still said: "Master Izusa, please just do what you say, the Second Squadron and I will always support Lord Izusa, and we will never complain .”

"Very good, Sansa Hashimoto is indeed a model for soldiers in the Tokyo area," Yiyi Daxiang patted Hashimoto Shiro on the shoulder approvingly, he took a step closer, and lowered his voice, making sure that only he and Hashimoto Shiro could hear the voice , "I need you to take the second squadron and escort Sheng Tianzi to Luzi's base camp stationed at Stone Monument No. [-] at the fastest speed."

"What?" Hashimoto Shiro's face was full of surprise, "Izusa-sama, why do we give the credit to others for nothing?"

"There's no way, Sanzuo, do you know what Captain Sasaki told me? The person who sympathizes with the red eyes is in the mansion of Sima's house, and she defeated the third squadron with only one person. If she knows that Shengju has been taken by us When it is controlled, it will definitely bring red eyes to besiege the holy residence."

"That trash Sasaki!" Hashimoto Shiro said angrily, "Master Izusa, since Akame is coming, then we will fight them with real swords and guns. Are we still afraid of them?"

"Hashimoto Sanzuo, why are you so confused? We are not afraid of those red eyes, but if the holy residence turns into a battlefield, how can we guarantee the safety of the holy emperor?" Daxiang reprimanded, "And we are fighting for a noble cause , we don’t regret dying, but if we fail to accomplish our career and abandon this body, that would be a great sin.”

Shiro Hashimoto suddenly realized, and said: "Master Izusa's words are like enlightenment, I almost missed the great cause."

"It's not too late, San Zuo, after you take the second squadron to escort Sheng Tianzi to Lu Zi's base camp, the people with lofty ideals in Lu Zi, including me, will surely respond in groups. , and have to agree with our plan." A Daxiang continued to encourage.

Hashimoto Shiro asked suspiciously: "Izusa-sama, didn't you say before that Lord General Takeda has approved our action this time?"

"Oh, yes, of course, Lord General Lu has of course approved it." Due to the unexpected changes in the situation and the nervousness, Yiyi Daxiang has forgotten how he promised before, "I mean, when the time comes Lord General Lu will support us even more."

Hashimoto Shiro still had some doubts in his heart, but out of his trust in Yi Daxiang and the fact that he had already stepped on a pirate ship, he still chose to obey and follow Yi Yi Daxiang's orders.

So Hashimoto Shiro led the second squadron to escort Sheng Tianzi out of the holy residence, while the first squadron of Yiyi Daxiang and Sawada Masao continued to stay in the holy residence.


Sima's mansion.

Tongzi put down the phone.

She has already learned from Kase Qingmei what happened in the Holy House. At the same time that the rebels of the Self-Defense Forces attacked the Sima's mansion, two rebels also attacked the Holy House and the Tendo's mansion respectively.

It may not be appropriate to attack the holy residence, because the holy residence is opened without blood.

And according to the leader of the rebel army, Tendo Kikunojo seems to have been killed.

Tongzi doesn't care if the old guy Tendo Kikunojo is dead or not. She didn't kill Tendo Kikunojo simply because keeping him is still useful to the Tokyo area and can help Shengtianzi stabilize the Tokyo area, and now that Tongzi is there, Tendo Kikunojo can't do anything about it The cursed son is perverted.

It's just that she didn't expect that Tiantong Kikuzhicheng was still dead.

It doesn't matter if he dies, it's just that the Holy Son of Heaven was taken away by the rebels, which is not good.

Although she was taken away by the rebels voluntarily in order to prevent the rebels from coming, but in this way, her own life safety could not be guaranteed.

Tongzi couldn't believe the character of the guys who dared to make trouble.

She must be rescued as soon as possible.

Just when she was about to make a call, the phone rang again.

She glanced at the caller ID, and it was my hall master's call.

It turned out that after my hall master discovered the change of the third regiment, he immediately checked with General Takeda Masamune of the Self-Defense Forces. However, because Yiichi Daxiang had already deceived Takeda Masamune with the excuse of marching at night, Takeda Masamune said a When the Third Regiment was marching at night, my hall master also believed it for a while, so he didn't investigate further.

It wasn't until gunshots broke out in the first district, and my hall head was awakened from his sleep, that he realized that something was wrong. This time he didn't call Takeda Masamune, but directly called Tongzi.

Although my headmaster's warning came too late, Tongzi did not blame him, because this time the behavior of the rebels of the Self-Defense Forces was beyond everyone's expectations. Would they turn their guns around and attack the first district?

Even Army General Takeda, who is the commander of the Self-Defense Forces, can't order his troops to stop him, so why bother to criticize me, who is not a system at all?

My hall master’s tone on the phone is full of self-blame. Although the master he is loyal to has no complaints against him, as a warrior, he can’t share his worries for the master. On the contrary, he has caused the master’s troubles. This is a shame for the warrior. He hopes to resign. Duties of the Commander of the Civil Police Force.

Of course Tongzi would not agree, because at present, he is the only one who can command these policemen, and it is a big taboo to change generals in the middle of battle, which will shake people's morale. Although she does not understand military affairs, the basic truth is still knew.

After some "bargaining", Tongzi agreed with me to resign from the post of army commander after the third Kanto battle.

My hall head is asking for instructions respectfully: "Master Tongzi, do I need to inform General Takeda of the current situation now?"

"Hmm... wait," Tongzi thought carefully, "No, don't tell him yet."

Tongzi still couldn't believe that this rebellion was only caused by some middle-level officers. She couldn't believe that there would be no high-level shadow of Lu Zi behind. The level of their own troops.

If it is really not just some self-defense forces, but the entire Luzi riots, then my hall will inform Takeda Masamune of the news and let the other party know that we have known about it. This is a very dangerous thing.

and so……

"Commander of my church, now you immediately lead all the civilian police forces to retreat to the Monument of Returning Flame, and strictly prohibit all irrelevant personnel from approaching, especially Lu Zi, even if one of Lu Zi's tires rolls over, you have to put it away into a sieve."

"But what about the Self-Defense Forces?"

"The Self-Defense Forces are not ours, so we don't care what they do."

After finishing the call with my hall leader, Tongzi held the phone and hesitated for a while, but finally did not call General Takeda, but called another commander of the Self-Defense Force.

"I'm Harunobu Uesugi."

"Hi, Admiral Uesugi, I'm Tongzi, I'm sorry to bother you so late."

Admiral Uesugi Harunobu is the commander of the Tokyo Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The reason why Kiriko called Uesugi Harunobu Kaisho was simple.

The conflict between Lu Zi and Hai Zi has a long history, and it has been left over from the Meiji government more than a hundred years ago. The conflict was most intensified in the old Japan, and it was relatively eased after the end of World War II.

However, after the gastrulation war ended, this contradiction resurfaced again.

Lu Zi believes that most of the borders of the Tokyo area are land, because the heavy responsibility of national defense naturally falls on him, so why should the group of octopuses in the sea compete with him for funds?

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