And Haizi believes that although the current situation in the Tokyo area is very different from before, after all, since the old Japanese period, the navy has always been the top priority of Japan, and after the war, Haizi did indeed He is much more valued than Lu Zi.

After all, Japan is an island country. If you want to keep the enemy out of the country, you must rely on the sea. If you want to rely on the land, it means that the enemy has already landed.

Lu Zi, who only relies on watching anime on a chariot computer, still wants to defend the country?

Shit, Lu Zi!

Chapter 244 Look at Your Weakness, Are You Lu Zi Red Deer?


Sure enough, Uesugi Harunobumi showed a very indignant anger after listening to Kiriko's words.

Admiral Uesugi Harunobu and all the officers and soldiers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force admire Tongzi very much.

This is not like Lu Zi.

Although Kaizi couldn't understand why Tongzi was committed to improving Chizhi's status, but as the president of the largest police company in the Tokyo area, all officers and soldiers of Kaizi still recognized Tongzi.

Especially this cute girl who was still in her teens attracted the cheers and screams from Haizi's Linghe men even more.

"Miss Tongzi, I have fully understood what you said, but please forgive me, because this matter is serious, I need to make another call to Shengju to check the situation, but I assure you , as long as the situation is as you said, Haizi will never sit back and watch Lu Zi's red deer misuse the country."

"I understand, but I just ask Master Haijiang to hurry up. After all, you also know that this is an extraordinary period. If you delay it for too long, you may change it."

After Kiriko finished speaking, she ended the call with Haruno Uesugi.

She didn't worry about the other party's verification at all, because she didn't lie in the first place.

As long as Uesugi Harunobu confirms that the holy residence has been controlled by Lu Zi's rebels, he will definitely send troops.

The siege of the holy residence is left to Hai Zi.

There is no need to mobilize Haizi to fight Luzi. These Haizi soldiers have been instilled with Haizi's values ​​in their minds since they joined the army. Even the lowest orderly soldiers despise Luzi's horses from the bottom of their hearts. deer.

Everyone is responsible for beating Lu Zi violently.

Tongzi finally made another phone call.

The moment the phone was connected, Tina's voice sounded from the phone: "Sister?"


"Really? Lord Shengtianzi has already rested, so it is inconvenient to answer the phone? Okay, I understand, I really bother you, please send my greetings to Lord Shengtianzi for me. What? Haizi's budget for next year? This is Shengtianzi Thank you so much for your words.”

The adjutant hung up the phone and said to Uesugi Harunobu who was sitting beside him.

"Master Haijiang, the matter has been clarified. There is no such thing as Lu Zi controlling Shengjuyi. The person who answered the phone just now was Secretary Kiyomi Kase. She said that everything is normal. And she also said that the emperor has decided to give the Our Haizi budget, add to this number."

The adjutant excitedly reported a series of numbers.

"So much?" Uesugi Harunobu was also taken aback after hearing this.

Although Haizi was very happy to be able to get such a large budget, he always felt that something was wrong, and he seemed to have overlooked something.

Where is it?

Uesugi Harunobu will feel as if he is in a dense fog that cannot be removed, which has an unrealistic feeling.

The president of Qunxing Police Company clearly told himself that Lu Zi controlled Shengju, but why did Shengju respond that everything is normal?

It shouldn't be possible for that adult to deceive himself about this kind of thing, right?

Or did you say you overlooked something?

"Master Sea Admiral, could it be that lord is joking with us?" Seeing that Uesugi Harunobu didn't have the slightest look of joy on his face, the adjutant persuaded, "Perhaps because he thinks that the third Kanto battle is about to come, so let's make a joke. Let's not be so nervous."

The adjutant didn't even believe himself when he said it, because it would be too much to joke about this kind of thing.

Uesugi Harunobu closed his eyes and rubbed his hands vigorously on his face. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and it was the most sleepy time for people, let alone an elderly person like him, who couldn't compare with young people. Well, the young man may be able to hold on to a refreshing drink like coffee, but he really can't hold on anymore.

The god of sleep strikes, even the smartest people have to succumb to its lust, Harunobu Uesugi yawned.

Forget it, no matter so much, if the Holy House is really under control, it is impossible not to give the password...

and many more!

In Uesugi Harunobu's mind, a flash of light flashed like lightning.

"Adjutant, immediately repeat to me what you said just now, word for word, word for word."

The adjutant was taken aback: "Master Haijiang, what are you doing..."

"Don't worry about it so much, hurry up and remember!"

"Oh, well...well, yes..."

So the adjutant began to struggle to recall and describe the content of his previous conversation with Kase Kiyomi of Seiju.

"Is that all there is to it?"


"Think again, is there nothing else?"

"No more, Lord Sea General, really no more."

Uesugi Harunobu thought carefully, what the secretary who claimed to be Kase Kiyomi said to his adjutant was normal, that is, Setenko had already rested, and Setenko asked her to tell Kaizi about next year's budget...

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