
Uesugi Harunobu seemed to remember something at this time: "You have a mobile phone with you, come on, take it out."

The adjutant took out his phone with a puzzled face.

"Input what you said just now, our Haizi's funding for next year, and use the Japanese Jiugongge input method."


"Don't ask so many questions, hurry up!"

"Oh, oh, yes!"

The adjutant frantically recalled and entered characters, and when all the input was completed, the pale adjutant pointed the phone screen at Haruno Uesugi.

There is only a short line on it——

Lu Zi rebelled!

"Bastards! These red deer with insufficient brains and overflowing guts!"

Uesugi Harunobu could only feel a nameless anger rising from the bottom of his heart.

What's going on in the minds of these red deer? How dare they attack the Holy House at this juncture?

Although Tongzi already believed it to a certain extent when he told Uesugi Harumo Nobukai, but after the complete verification now, he still couldn't help being furious.

"Master Sea General, what should we do at this time?"

Unlike the sea general who was already in a state of rage, the adjutant could still remain calm.

"What else can I do? Of course, send troops immediately to attack the holy residence... No, it's to control the holy residence... It doesn't seem right. It's all caused by the army red deer. I was confused by them."

Uesugi Harunobu took a few deep breaths, forcing his furious brain to calm down temporarily, "Immediately call all the officers and soldiers of the Marine Self-Defense Forces and sound the first-level battle alarm."

After thinking about it, Harunobu Uesugi stood up: "I will go with me myself."

The adjutant said dissuadingly: "Master Haijiang, why don't you sit in the guard mansion and wait for our good news."

"No," Uesugi Harunobu flatly refused, "This is a matter of the safety of the emperor and the survival of the self-defense force. Although Lu Zi is out of control, Lu Zihai is also the self-defense force. Since that red deer in Takeda can't discipline himself subordinates, then I will discipline him instead of him.”


"Quick, quick, quick!"

"Look at your weak appearance. You don't look like our glorious Haizi. Are you Luzi Red Deer?"

Soldiers in sea military uniforms lined up in square formations on land based on their respective warships.

Of course, Haizi also has weapons, but they are all light weapons, and there is no Marine Corps, but this is enough.

Because there are already more than a thousand Haizi soldiers assembled, which are much more numerous than the rioting Lu Zi (this is Uesugi Harunobu, after confirming that Lu Zi rioted, he made a call to Takeda Masamune Lu General, it is confirmed that there is only one regiment of Lu Zi in the riot), although the soldiers of Hai Zi are not as good as Lu Zi in terms of land warfare weapons and equipment, but Harunobu Uesugi believes that as long as they surround the rebels who control the Holy House, those rebels will be defeated. Obediently surrender obediently.

As for Lu Zi, when Masamune Takeda learned that Yiyi Daxiang dared to deceive himself, he was furious at first, and then his legs were weak in fright. Since the establishment of the Tokyo area as an independent country recognized by the United Nations (as mentioned in the original book, Japan The five regional countries in the United Nations are considered to be five independent countries by the United Nations), and this is the first time that the Holy House has been controlled...

And it is still controlled by its own national defense forces.

This is simply a great shame.

If it wasn't for the imminent third Kanto battle, Takeda Masamune even wanted to mobilize all the land from the past to suppress the rebellion of the third wing.

But whether he admits it or not, he must leave enough troops to garrison near the No. [-] stone monument, so he can only personally lead the first regiment plus a chariot squadron to the holy residence—this is Among the remaining Lu Zi, there are more than half of the troops.

When both Lu Zi and Hai Zi were making urgent mobilization, a convoy was driving in the outer area.

This convoy was the second squadron sent by Yiyi Daxiang to escort Sheng Tianzi to Lu Zi's base camp.

Hashimoto Shiro, the squadron leader of the Second Squadron, was sitting with Sheng Tianzi in the armored vehicle sandwiched by the second squadron's convoy.

Shengtianzi sat alone on one side, while Hashimoto Shiro and several soldiers crowded on one side.

Hashimoto Shiro reassured: "Master Shengtianzi, please be patient. When you arrive at Lu Zi's base camp and see General Takeda, everything will be fine."

"Hashimoto Sansa, right? You and your subordinates... haven't realized what you are doing?" Sheng Tianzi looked at the soldier sitting with Hashimoto Shiro, and as long as she made eye contact The people who arrived all lowered their heads, as if they all felt that they were not worthy to look at the Holy Son of Heaven.

Hashimoto Shiro frowned slightly: "Master Shengtianzi, what do you mean by this sentence?"

"Hashimoto Sansa, did Ichijo Ichijo order you to do your actions? Or was it allowed by General Takeda? I find it hard to believe that such a wise person as General Takeda would issue such an order."

"Master Yizuo said that our actions are permitted by Lord General Lu."

Hashimoto Shiro said slightly unhappily, even if the person sitting in front of him is a head of state who combines beauty and wisdom, but his behavior is questioned by the other party, it is still difficult for Hashimoto Shiro to maintain a normal mind, "Besides, we are for If we act to make the Tokyo area better, there is no way that General Lu will not support our actions."

"So Hashimoto Sansa, do you think the current Tokyo area is not good?"

"Of course, those red eyes that flow the same blood as the gastroentera and emit red light can live such a good life majestically, why?"

"Hashimoto Sansa, those children have gastrulation factors in their bodies. It's not their fault, not to mention they are also fighting for our Tokyo area, aren't they?"

However, the words of the Holy Son of Heaven attracted Hashimoto Shiro's ridicule.

"Lord Shengtianzi, Lord Yizuo is right, you were indeed bewitched by treacherous ministers."


"If it weren't for those red eyes, the Tokyo area would be better. If it weren't for them, there would be no white spots on the [-]nd Stone Monument, and no one would try to summon Scorpio, and there would be no mass extinction crisis in the Tokyo area , It's them... the gastrectum brought in by those red eyes."

"Hashimoto Sansa, you are too extreme, calm down."

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