"Calm down? You want me to calm down? My parents are both officers of the Self-Defense Forces. My mother died in the gastrulation war. My father has been drinking to soothe his sorrows since then. Later, he died in a military exercise... It’s not just me, the compatriots in the Tokyo area have relatives or family members who were killed by Gastrea, and now you want us to live in peace with them?”

"I regret your misfortune..."

"If you really think so, then I hope you can prove it with practical actions."


"Master Sheng Tianzi, you don't need to worry. Right now, you are surrounded by righteous men who are loyal and concerned about the country, and as long as we arrive at Lu Zi's base camp, I believe there will be more insightful people to join our righteous cause." in business."

"I hope you won't regret it, Sansa Hashimoto."

Then the interior of the armored vehicle fell into silence. Neither Shengtianzi nor Hashimoto Shiro Sansa spoke again until a sudden gunshot broke the silence.


"The target has already passed the second observation point, and there are still two minutes left before the best sniping point."

The voice of Loli who was in charge of the observation came from the communicator.

"Understood, I have reached the sniper point."

Tina who was lying on the ground replied.

The military uniform she was wearing was stuck to the dusty and rubble-covered rooftop, and even her blond hair and delicate face were covered in dust, but Tina never left her sight.

In her hand is a heavy-duty sniper rifle named Steyr IWS 2000. This weapon was first developed and produced by Steyr Company. It uses 15.2mm APFSDS bullets with a muzzle velocity of 1450 m/s (4750 f

"There is still one minute left before the target reaches the best sniping point."

The voice of scouting Loli came from the communicator again.

Tina started the final adjustments, and she aimed the gun at the road below the building where she was, with a distance of one kilometer.

Chapter 245 Rescue the Holy Son of Heaven


In this world, all human beings who can accurately hit targets one kilometer away are the top snipers.

But for Tina, it was as simple as eating and drinking.

Thirty seconds left...

Tina counted down in her heart.

In her field of vision, a convoy finally appeared.

The very fast military vehicle became very slow in Tina's sight. She could even clearly see the pores on the face of the driver of the leading military vehicle.

Tina pulled the trigger.

There was an elastic touch from the trigger spring, and the trigger was pulled to the end at once.The striker installed inside the bolt and linked with it strikes the explosive (sensitive word) powder at the bottom of the shell case to fire the bullet.

There was a small explosion inside the gun, and the front of the muzzle flashed a muzzle flame, while the bullet inside the barrel spun and tore through the air and slowly moved towards the target.

The reason why it is said to be moving forward slowly, but that is just Tina's illusion. In fact, in the blink of an eye, the driver of the leading military vehicle has been accurately hit on the head.

The large amount of blood spurted from the other party's forehead was all over the front window of the car at once, as if a bag of blood had been punctured suddenly, the driver's body fell on the steering wheel with inertia, and then the military vehicle screamed With a sound, he left the road and slammed into the building next to him.

But after firing the first bullet, Tina didn't even look at the result, she was already aiming at the next target.



Sheng Tianzi and Hashimoto Shiro inside the armored vehicle were taken aback for a moment.

Sansa Hashimoto Shiro had just stood up and was about to ask questions when he heard a second gunshot.

Then the car body shook suddenly, followed by violent bumps, and finally stopped after sliding for a certain distance.

Hashimoto Shiro turned on the radio: "Moori, hello, Mori, what's going on? What happened?"

There was no response, and after a while, a panicked voice came from the radio: "Master Sanzuo, we are under attack, someone is attacking us."

"What? What does this mean, who is beating us?"

Hashimoto Shiro was startled.

"I don't know, I can't see the enemy, only bullets are coming from all directions."

In addition to the voice of Hashimoto's subordinate Mori, there were shouts and gunshots on the radio.

Sheng Tianzi, Hashimoto Shiro, and the few soldiers staying in the armored vehicle could not see anything. They could only hear the continuous gunshots outside, as well as the shouts and screams of people.

Shiro Hashimoto's face was a bit ugly.

This is natural, they are theoretically speaking, the strongest armed force in the Tokyo area, but now they are blocked here and beaten by people, and they don't know who beat them.

But he wasn't stupid, he knew that he might have been ambushed, and he would only continue to be beaten if he stayed here.

So he knocked on the glass of the cab: "Hey, what are you doing here, take us out of here quickly."

Hashimoto Shiro knocked on the glass of the driver's cab, but there was no response. Only then did he notice that the two soldiers in the driver's cab were lying on the chairs, and from his The position is just right to see that one of the soldiers was shot in the neck and the other was shot in the head.

Without exception, both of them died.


Shiro Hashimoto slammed his fist on the glass of the cab.

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